

Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2005
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Ive had sleep paralisys a bunch of times...Ive seen weird beings in my room while being paralised. Most times I didnt wake up paralised, I just became paralised from the fear that these things made me feel. I think this had more to do with the fact that I messed around with a oija board than sleep disorders more than anything.:crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by CableLight
I think the Health forum is the proper place for this...

Anywho - Do any of you guys ever get Night Terrors/Sleeping Paralysis? Its only happend to me a couple of times, last night being the most recent.

For those that arent totally sure what this is, it's basically when you wake up before your brain stops the dreaming process. It results in a feeling of immobility and often panic resulting from being awake while dreaming (like hallucinations).

Sometimes called the "Hag Phenomena" due to the feeling of someone else being there with you, it can be pretty freaky sh!t. Most people experience this at least once in their life, and I'm just wondering if any of you have had the misfortune of spending a night with demons.

<EDIT> I forgot to mention: This is also the same thing a lot of science-people are starting to attribute stories about alien abductions and whatnot when people report that they were unable to move while taken hostage.

I also wanted to ask those that have experienced it - what do you do to stop it?
yeh happens to me ALOT!, well happend alot. Dont sleep on your left side or on your stomach, try just sleepn gon ur right / back. it doesnt happen when you sleep like that.
Someone told me that its a succubus ( female sex demon ) , whenever it happens to me i have an erection and i swear to god ive tryed fvcking it but no success :crackup:

The last time it happend i was half awake , i coudnt move , i was a little scared because i cud barley open my eyes ( but i saw a lady in a black shroud ), and i tried really hard to shout and scream but my lips wudnt move and i tryed snapping out of it but cudnt. All thsi time i had a big boner and thought "what the heck, lets fvck it" lol :D

sexy and scary it was :nervous:


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Re: Re: Scary!

Originally posted by muttley
yeh happens to me ALOT!, well happend alot. Dont sleep on your left side or on your stomach, try just sleepn gon ur right / back. it doesnt happen when you sleep like that.
Someone told me that its a succubus ( female sex demon ) , whenever it happens to me i have an erection and i swear to god ive tryed fvcking it but no success :crackup:
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: