scared ****less

Scottie Pimpin'

New Member
Jan 22, 2004
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my heart is beating so fast right now...i got a little drunk last night and ended up losing my virginity unprotected to a girl i had just met at the club...she asked me before we started if i had any diseases and i asked her, but now im so worried that i might have gotten something...i made a bad mistake not to have a condom and will never do it again, im going to the clinic tomorrow and hoping to god im ****ing scared


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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Why? There is nothing to worry about. aslong as she didn't have HIV you're fine.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
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Calm down, bro. She could be just as scared as you. There is no need to run off to the doc this minute. If you have something, most likely it will show in s few days since Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease and the symptoms show in men fairly quick.

The doctor just don't perform random STD tests that covers the many sh!t that is out there. Not with a HMO. That don't take that crap and your body may not respond to viruses for a while.

If you want to spend hundreds of dollars trying to get a heads up on something you might not have, go ahead if you have it like that.

If you get drunk often, I bet you this won't be your last time. This is why I keep my drinking to a minimum when I go out.

There isn't a reason to freak out since you can't do any thing about it. If you ahve something, worrying about it won't cure it. Also, if you do have something, statistically, it is much much more likely to be curable than not.

Finally, let this be lesson to you. If you don't have a condom, you simply have to pass on the sex. You were so desparate to lose that V and now look at you. Keep condoms on standby at all times. Keep them in the glove compartment of the car, in the nighstand next to your bed, and in your inside coat pocket if you have to.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
Why? There is nothing to worry about. aslong as she didn't have HIV you're fine.

Well, unless you are okay with genital herpes. Again, the odd are that if you failed the first set of odds and got something, it is most likely curable.

Scottie Pimpin'

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Jan 22, 2004
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I need to go to the free clinic tomorrow for peace of mind...yes, there is very little chance of me having anything, but that little chance is killing me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Trapspringer
Well, unless you are okay with genital herpes. Again, the odd are that if you failed the first set of odds and got something, it is most likely curable.
Ye well genital herpes I'm not okay with but still.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Scottie Pimpin'
I need to go to the free clinic tomorrow for peace of mind...yes, there is very little chance of me having anything, but that little chance is killing me.

Now, wait! I didn't say it was a "very little" chance that you have any thing. I don't want to send the wrong message out here. That message being that if you have unprotected sex, there is a "very little" chance that you be infected with a disease. This is a bad assumption

Unprotected sex is very risky with people you are not in a one on one relationship with and know well. You significantly increase the chance of being infected with something, including HIV.

Let me clarify. If you were unlucky enough to have failed the odds of having sex with a person who does NOT infected with a STD (the woman is infected), the odds are that the disease she will transmit to you will be curable. We are only talking statistics.
As far as the US goes, if you get infected with an STD, it will be more likely to be Chlymidia which is curable with medication.

My point is to remain calm because your worrying won't cure it. It will only drive you crazy. Also, free clinics only treat symptoms. Not possibilities. You can't just bust in their and say "test me for a STD because I am afraid that I might have something."

I am sorry if you came here looking for much more than that but I am sure you have seen many commericials or at least heard the message of "wear a condom when having sex" a zillion times throughout your life. They say that sh!t for a reason, man.

Again, odds that are in your favor:

1. Woman did not have a sexually transmitted disease.

2. If woman has a disease, it is most likely curable with medication.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
Ye well genital herpes I'm not okay with but still.
If only all of your future dates could hear you now. Email them a copy of this post.:D


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Just hope you guys didn't contract that one disease that absolutely ruins your life. I think it's called PREGNANCY or something.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2003
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I made the same stupuid stupuid mistake a couple of months ago. I Ended up sleeping with her again and she kept trying to get me to tell her how many women i had slept with before and i told her i was a virgin(which i was). Turns out the only reason she was asking me was because she was so scared of catching something off me. As it happens we chatted and she was definatly clean. Yeh, you just gotta wear a condom,.....however utterly crap it makes it feel. But honestly odds are things will be ok. Obviously the more you sleep unprotected the higher the chance of catching something buti the odds are not so harsh that if you do it once the chances will be HIGH.

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
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Boston, MA
I know this is off the subject of the OP,

but your alias is sooo funny! Scotty Pimpin'

Apr 3, 2003
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You don't sound like the Scottie Pimpin that I know of:

Scotty Pimpin
PimpHop CEO

Joined: 17 Apr 2003
Posts: 385
Location: Mars, Planet X, Saturn,
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:00 am Post subject:


The Realness Wrote
P.S. I don't wanna sound out-of -pocket or anything to Scotty or Playa

Mayne the way you can tell that this site is on some PIMP Sh*t,as you say, when you can speak ur mind freely with out worrying about someone who may disagree with you tryin to keep u in check.
Mayne, like i told every-one else, Pimp Hop is when PIMPS-Hop on the oppuritunity to spit it how they get it, dont ever feel like you caint say what chu gotta say in regards to this iszm, its YALL site, i actually work for YALL to get what the F*ck yall wanna see posted, and it aint about profit, ots because i respect the game and know ill recieve it back 7 fold in other ways.

About tha forums, like i said, S2thaP and the rest of the PHDzine staff have multiple ventures goin on , not just these forums,weve graduated from the skool of gettin a female , where PHD's meainin were now in the skool where we Manage and Direct ,Motivate, And Support Talent .

I don't think the Real Scottie Pimpin would post sumthin like what you posted.

I find it amazing that two people would choose the same screen names.

I hope your problem of fear works out ok for you. If you got aids there is nothing you can do about it...but let's keep our fingers crossed. I've been told by a doctor that it's actually hard to get aids from a woman unless she is on her period or your doing anal sex where there is blood present.

Most aids in men come from gay assed sex, and drug needles.

So let's hope for the best for ya kid.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
You may get a dreaded phone call that goes, "I'm pregnant and you are the daddy!!" If you do - make sure you get a DNA test done!!!!

Disease may harbor for a few days and may not show up on tests yet - wait a week to know for sure.