Apparently you either didn't read or misunderstood what "Glassguy" said.
You say you can't let a brother fall into the abyss.
Sir......he can't fall into the abyss. The abyss is ABOVE him. For him,the abyss would be a step UP.
The problem with helping an attention seeker like Ryan is this: they will drag you down to their wasteful thinking if you let them.
I am all about helping people on here
that truly want help. I get DM's from guys that are hung up on a situation and need advice. 90% of the time I can tell they are looking for something that they can implement to be a better person in the dating world, have a better outlook, abundance mindset and stronger frame. I love helping those people. I refuse to help the emotional tampons of SoSuave and the attention wh0re men who create the same redundant posts about doing the same needy/clingy/desperate things over and over.
Only the woman in the situation changes and the guy is always the common denominator. The guy never seems to figure that out.
To be good in the dating world you have to be smart. Witt and intelligence goes a long way (and a human psych background doesnt hurt either) and a select few of these posters on here just dont get it......thus they continue burning bridges with potential women and dont even know it.
So they are the abyss. If you hang around too long, it could be contagious because we ALL have a person inside of us that can be a little needy and clingy if we allow that type of thinking in our lives. I will choose to attempt to help someone once or twice and if they just want to remain the same person that stays spiteful in the dating world because they dont want to change their ways in order to improve themselves, let them stay where they are at.
In this world there are 3 types of people:
1.) The ones that make things happen
2.) The ones that watch things happen
3.) The ones that ask "what happened"
If you arent in the first group, its time for change.