g f l a s h 4 0 0 1
Don Juan
Alright, today I was at a big track meet with about 8 teams there (guys and girls) so I figure it would be a good place to do some sarging of girls from other towns. I don't do any before my event so that I won't lose focus, but right after I'm done and I don't feel nausious any more I go look for targets. I approach a 7 sitting by herself, talked, and grab the digits (No NLP). I go hang out with my friends for a little while and kick a few freestyles. Then I wanted to sarge more, but then I realized that the 7 could see just about everyone else from where she was sitting so she'd see me sarging other girls. Now, as I type this, I realize I should have gone after them anway. Oh well, I get em next time.
Some advice for you track DJs
-Don't go for girls who are about to race (mind is on the race) or who have just raced (their exhausted)
-Girls who are alone are especially easy to grab digits from, girls in groups are more of a challenge
-It's not like a mall, everyone can pretty much see everyone else, so you might have to limit yourself to 3 or 4 approaches. Any more than that and your previous targets will see and realize that you're approaching every HB. But you can do more than one and say that it was a friend of yours or something.
Anyone else who has experience with track macking, feel free to post.
Some advice for you track DJs
-Don't go for girls who are about to race (mind is on the race) or who have just raced (their exhausted)
-Girls who are alone are especially easy to grab digits from, girls in groups are more of a challenge
-It's not like a mall, everyone can pretty much see everyone else, so you might have to limit yourself to 3 or 4 approaches. Any more than that and your previous targets will see and realize that you're approaching every HB. But you can do more than one and say that it was a friend of yours or something.
Anyone else who has experience with track macking, feel free to post.