Sarging a fraternity


New Member
May 26, 2005
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I'm going to rush next week and need advice on getting a bid. I tried last year and failed to get a bid from the frats I wanted.

What do people talk about? I feel like these guys put up with the exact same conversations over and over again during rush (where are you from? what's your major?) and I need to stand out.

The two frats I'm focusing on have perhaps the highest reputations on campus, and mix with the hottest sororities. Their specializations are holding great parties, as opposed to video games, drugs, or sports. I think I'm a cool guy, but there is a lot of competition for these frats and it does intimidate me. I know I can get into many of the other frats, but I'm not interested in pledging them.

The rush process includes open houses during the day, where you have like four hours to visit the houses you like and chat with the brothers each day. If they like you, they'll invite you to the parties at night, which become increasingly more exclusive as the week goes on.

So, any advice on sarging these guys? And maybe some tips for the night events? For what a Don Juan is all about, namely seduction, I'm sure those same principles apply when making good impressions on guys too.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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Just be friends with some of those guys. Don't join frats. They're a waste of time and money. You won't learn anything at all about yourself.

Frats are all about group dynamics. You do and say only in the good interest of the group even if what you are about to do and say goes against your personal beliefs.

Being Don Juan is about being true to yourself. You are on here asking us how to be cool and what to say so you can stand out and be recognized by these frat guys.

Ask yourself: Would a true Don Juan do what you are doing right now?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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I have to agree with The Bat here. I personally have been in a frat, and its based on the benefit of the group. Sure you can be you, but if u get a "pressured" feeling from them, its not right for you. Don't try to "become" someone just to join a frat and be who they want you to be. Be who u truly are and join one whom the guys accept u for u. If u want access to parties, just sit and eat with girls at the cafeteria, befriend them and throw down at ur own place. As long as there is alcohol, they'll come. :) Plus, you don't need to join a frat to get mad *****(Which is why i tend to not like revealing that im in one until they bring up or ask or find out for their self). Just become very confident, have a good look about u, approach and be happy. :)

P.S.: Don't feel intimidated at all to game sorority girls(if ur not in a frat). Don't believe what other people tell u about how u have to be a fraternity guy. They're still girls and to be honest, only a rare few would bang ONLY fraternity guys, and u wouldn't want them anyways, there are other girls who are even Hotter who could care less if ur in one or not.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
Just a warning: Make sure you know what you're doing before you decide to join. Keep in mind that you've gotta pay dues, will most likely have to go through a pain-in-the-ass pledge period, and may or may not let the frat distract you enough to **** up your grades. Also, don't join a specific fraternity because of their reputation or the sororities they mix with. Get to know the brothers before you decide anything. If you don't really click with them, move the **** on until you find somewhere you actually belong.

As far as getting a bid goes, you've just gotta play it cool. Don't be uptight or intimidated, don't try to be somebody you're not, and don't be a **** to anyone. Make a good first impression and keep yourself under control. Show some uniqueness, but don't make yourself look like an ******* or a desperate loser in doing so. With certain frats, it also helps if you've got status or money, but that's a given.

Most importantly, don't overthink it. If you're a cool guy, you should be fine. If they don't want you, then it's their loss.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
I'm in a frat currently, and what the previous people have said about group dynamics is head on. It's a good learning experience if you look at it the right way.

I can tell you when we rush, we look for people who make are athletes, who are cool, who will bring women to parties, people with money, and who will get grades. Nobody really cares about the last part except for giving them a higher ranking campus wide either so it wont matter too much if you arent the brightest, so long as you are average.

Express those qualities without seeming like you are trying to create a false impression of yourself and you should be good.

My best advice is even if you make it don't let it become your life like most frat guys do. There will be political backstabbings and badmouthing worse then any presidential election when it comes time for positions around the house. People you thought were you were closer than anything to will disown you if you ever leave. Most follow seniority systems so even when your in you will still have to deal with **** from "higher ups", although nothing to the extent of most pledgeships.

As other people said, it's not necessary to get women or have fun. Depending on the college or frat though, it can make it so much easier though.


New Member
May 26, 2005
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Thank you guys for your advice, but there is something I didn't mention because I didn't think it was relevant. I'm actually already a brother of a local fraternity at my old school, before I transferred to this school. I absolutely loved the greek system there, and want to pledge a new fraternity here. So I know what I'm getting into, I just want advice for getting into the best fraternity I can.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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I personally think frats are dumb. I had some friends who are brothers in a frat, and all they ever did was try and pressure me to join up with them to go to parties and sh1t like that. One day I lost my patience and told them "I have enough fake friends as it is in my line of work, why would I pay for some more?"

I still go to the parties I feel like going, chicks still dig me and I remain independent, which is what I've gunned for my entire life.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wow man, if what Adakkon is saying is standard recruitment practice, then damn that's pretty shallow.

I wouldn't go into it with the mindframe of trying to impress people, I'd just go there and hang out like a normal person. If they're cool people then it shouldn't be an issue.

My freshman year of college I hung out at a fraternity house a few times because my friends were joining, and I actually got an offer from them without even saying I wanted to join. I turned it down because I didn't want to live in the house (fraternity policy), but they are cool people and I still talk to some of them.

If I had known crap like that went on, I probably wouldn't have even considered it, though.