Originally posted by The_Shezzler
Tell me your joking mate?? Please tell me your joking
What reason do i have against your method of living?
I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW OR WHERE YOU LIVE - you could live in a cave for all i care, all i know is the initial post that you put onto this forum was in my opinion non-sensical drivvle, something from the realms of another poster who used to come here - namely the Black_Italian, it appeared to me that from the beginning of your post you were seeking somekind of pity, but as the post went further - you suddenly realised that it was YOU who got raped and not her!!! Oh damn, what a releif - oh and she was all over you the next day - she was just horny..pffft
If you want real advise, post real questions - not made up bs, couldnt you see the sarcasm dripping from Shiz Nizzles reply? That guys either a raving loony or hes you - ive never seen you two appear online at the same time? - Maybe its just my bad timing, or maybe your fairy story was in fact real - if so - then i apolgise for wasting your time.
Sarge On...
I'm shuddering with joy right now. I am so farking happy. I wish I could explain it to myself right now.
I don't joke around, not unless I make it obvious, sorry, this wasn't a joke... It was a ploy. Just a nice way to confirm my belief system.
I already said I created a worst case scenario, Shiz Nizzle, whether he knew or not had the most profound unique thought, I couldn't argue with the logic against my own case, as hard as it is for me to lay my hands down... I did for his advice.
There's only one other poster who would never appear online at the same time as me, well I don't know how long the cookies last on this site, but I could walk over to another computer at work and login... *Digression though, Jay, don't forget* My alter AFC ego is behind me, I am a prior member to this board, my words were unrefined, my thoughts were jumbled, my mindset was bland, and my life was shambles... with the new year I have set myself up for great folly, or for greater glory. Do you want to know who I WAS? It really doesn't matter, I layed that account to rest, I may actually request for the account to be banned, but probably not, I still want to go back and speak with my old PM buddies.
My belief system, the way I live my life, is exactly how it is here... I adhere to strict guidelines of no longer adhering to strict guidelines. I play with emotions, to get a spectrum of responses, I wear my many hats, I play with all my fingers... or at least that is one of my goals. So really it doesn't matter if I lived in a cave, or under a bridge... I am not a troll, If I was, I wouldn't be prancing about exercising my new found abilities. I would be using my abilities to cause disruption and pain. Heck, why don't we argue this in private? It would be best not to flame in public.
I bet sarcasm drips from shiz's Nizzles all of the time, something that makes him unique... keep trying to stifle, where would we be heading if that was the case? I do not accept the notion of evolution stopping because manners and technology have rendered it obsolete.
Apology for wasting my time accepted, if you believe you wasted my time, your just another helping hand. I don't know if I have thanked you yet... Would you like if I made you a topic claiming your glory within the mature man forum? A group of males who through indirect game claim to be superior to a high school student simply because time has passed, will their respect redeem my thanks for you?
PS... Raving loonies have been the ire of civilization... I have questioned myself many times why I have not perfected the art of deception and false identities.
PPS... I forgot, I nominated you wth grand regard, in a short memorium, with my previous account. Don't worry it wasn't coverted in garbage, it was open, honest, and above all a truth many should accept. There was no deception when I posted it, and I am surprised I was the only person to give you such regard.