There are 3 types of people in this world when it comes to success and chasing goals. The first person is the one who makes no effort in getting where he wants, he lets life push him around and is afraid to make moves, if your reading this then i think it's safe to assume that your not this kind of person because you are at least making an attempt to change your life or else you wouldnt be here. The second person is the one that wants to change, knows what he has to do, and makes an effort to change himself but fails to do so because he slacks off and lacks the motivation. I'm assuming that alot of people here are one of these guys because i was one of them once and it has taken alot of effort to change my habits to become a better man. The third person is the one that constantly stays motivated and never gets side tracked, this is what DJ's should be like to reach their maximum level of self improvement.
It's easy to get motivated, you can just go and read one of BBB's posts, take your pick there all good. But if you want to reach that motivational bliss i speak of then you have to actually feel and experience the things that BBB preaches. The only way you can do this is by putting in the hard work and setting some strict discipline for yourselves. Once you get some authentic motivation then im happy to tell you that it has a snowball effect and once you get a few months experience of motivation under your belt then it just gets easier. Im going to give you some exercises that will help you stay motivated for those first few months.
Online journal
Start one up, its free and it helped me alot all you have to do is write in it about some experiences you had that day and what you should of done instead. Remember to go back and remember how you felt as well, remember what you were thinking and what made you think the way you were and write it all down. It helps, trust me. On a side note if your going to the gym then keep an online weightlifting journal. The advantage of having a journal is that other people can read it and help you analyse your actions. For your convinience i have created some forums where you can create your online journals and where we can help eachother out and keep eachother motivated.
This is the thing that helped me the most, i believe it is easier if we do it together rather then alone...
Resist things just for the sake of resistance
Start resisting urges that you have, these urges are coming from the unconcious and once you master the unconcious then you will have alot more motivation. Some examples are, dont eat an unhealthy food that you really want to eat, dont masturbate(good one), stop yourself from doing an activity that you know is bad but you really enjoy(example: playing computer games), etc. When you feel an urge to do something then take a minute to think where these urges are coming from and if they are benificial to your cause.
Make a weekly schedule
Don't actually 'design' one because you will get bored, but have things that add to your improvement every day, for example what i do is go to the gym on monday wednesday and friday after school. I go boxing on tuesday and thursday afternoon. I play soccer on Saturdays and Sundays.
Constantly remind yourself why you are doing what your doing at any given time, when your thinking about going to the gym, think about the big muscles. When your thinking about approaching a HB think about all the girls. When your thinking about going to a party think about all the fun oppurtunities. I think you get the idea.
Keep it to youreslf.
Don't tell people what you do, keep it to yourself. This may sound strange at first but by telling them that your going to the gym your being insecure at an unconcious level. Your making sure that they know your making an effort to improve yourself, if you keep it to yourself then all the motivation will build up inside and you will lose alot of insecurity and realise its not important what people think. This helped me alot.
Well thats all for the first part, hope you enjoyed!
It's easy to get motivated, you can just go and read one of BBB's posts, take your pick there all good. But if you want to reach that motivational bliss i speak of then you have to actually feel and experience the things that BBB preaches. The only way you can do this is by putting in the hard work and setting some strict discipline for yourselves. Once you get some authentic motivation then im happy to tell you that it has a snowball effect and once you get a few months experience of motivation under your belt then it just gets easier. Im going to give you some exercises that will help you stay motivated for those first few months.
Online journal
Start one up, its free and it helped me alot all you have to do is write in it about some experiences you had that day and what you should of done instead. Remember to go back and remember how you felt as well, remember what you were thinking and what made you think the way you were and write it all down. It helps, trust me. On a side note if your going to the gym then keep an online weightlifting journal. The advantage of having a journal is that other people can read it and help you analyse your actions. For your convinience i have created some forums where you can create your online journals and where we can help eachother out and keep eachother motivated.
This is the thing that helped me the most, i believe it is easier if we do it together rather then alone...
Resist things just for the sake of resistance
Start resisting urges that you have, these urges are coming from the unconcious and once you master the unconcious then you will have alot more motivation. Some examples are, dont eat an unhealthy food that you really want to eat, dont masturbate(good one), stop yourself from doing an activity that you know is bad but you really enjoy(example: playing computer games), etc. When you feel an urge to do something then take a minute to think where these urges are coming from and if they are benificial to your cause.
Make a weekly schedule
Don't actually 'design' one because you will get bored, but have things that add to your improvement every day, for example what i do is go to the gym on monday wednesday and friday after school. I go boxing on tuesday and thursday afternoon. I play soccer on Saturdays and Sundays.
Constantly remind yourself why you are doing what your doing at any given time, when your thinking about going to the gym, think about the big muscles. When your thinking about approaching a HB think about all the girls. When your thinking about going to a party think about all the fun oppurtunities. I think you get the idea.
Keep it to youreslf.
Don't tell people what you do, keep it to yourself. This may sound strange at first but by telling them that your going to the gym your being insecure at an unconcious level. Your making sure that they know your making an effort to improve yourself, if you keep it to yourself then all the motivation will build up inside and you will lose alot of insecurity and realise its not important what people think. This helped me alot.
Well thats all for the first part, hope you enjoyed!
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