sup fellow mature men,
I'd like to brief feedback on if this is worth any further effort.
The other day I was talking with a woman. She was pretty haughty so naturally I threw some playful remarks her way to try to lighten her up a bit.
She calmed down a bit and started playing back. Then I threw another one at her and she got all serious and was apparently pissed off. I didn't really react immediately, but I knew I'd gone too far (at least for her). I joked with her like I'd joke with a friend or a sister. I backed off a bit and left her alone for a few days. I've tried texting her casually a few times, no answers. I haven't really asked her anything, just typical casual texts.
As a man, it's never OK to grovel, but I do think it's respectable when a man apologizes for being a douche albeit inadvertantly. But I don't think I should apologize for being who I am.
The DJ bible talks about not pursuing because it makes you seems weaker and has the opposite effect, but in this case I feel I need to at least reach out once and acknowledge that if I went too far, then it wasn't on purpose. I don't want to come off as some sort or jerk (the bad kind) or creep or a mixture of.
Would like some input.
I'd like to brief feedback on if this is worth any further effort.
The other day I was talking with a woman. She was pretty haughty so naturally I threw some playful remarks her way to try to lighten her up a bit.
She calmed down a bit and started playing back. Then I threw another one at her and she got all serious and was apparently pissed off. I didn't really react immediately, but I knew I'd gone too far (at least for her). I joked with her like I'd joke with a friend or a sister. I backed off a bit and left her alone for a few days. I've tried texting her casually a few times, no answers. I haven't really asked her anything, just typical casual texts.
As a man, it's never OK to grovel, but I do think it's respectable when a man apologizes for being a douche albeit inadvertantly. But I don't think I should apologize for being who I am.
The DJ bible talks about not pursuing because it makes you seems weaker and has the opposite effect, but in this case I feel I need to at least reach out once and acknowledge that if I went too far, then it wasn't on purpose. I don't want to come off as some sort or jerk (the bad kind) or creep or a mixture of.
Would like some input.