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Gentlemen, a job in sales is perfect for the kind of man who comes to SS. A successful salesman embodies every quality one seeks in the pursuit of self-improvement!
Sales is the only profession where in order to become better at your job, you must become a better man. The things you learn when you come into sales whip you into shape. You must:
1. Learn everything you can about your product, industry, competition, and most importantly, your customers. Sales makes you THINK and analyze.
2. Overcome fear and rejection anxiety. This is huge, and is the real reason so many people make a stab at sales only to quit and badmouth it for the rest of their life. When you are starting out in sales, you are treated like crap all day long. You are ignored, disdained, rejected, and avoided. But like an Oak sapling, you begin to grow immensely despite your environment. You shake the fear, it doesn't bother you anymore, and you realize that if you had never gotten into sales, you would still be afraid of rejection. You see yourself differently, not as a salesman, but as a guy continually taking his balls in his hands and conquering fear, everyday.
3. You get to interact and build rapport with other people, all day long. You shoot the bull, you ask questions and you go for the sale. It is exhilarating. You also get to show your style as much as you want. I don't believe in the existence of an overdressed salesman. When I sold advertising, I would wear a suit everyday, and I got noticed. It feels great to wear a suit to work everyday, all men should know what it's like at least once in their lives.
Women go crazy for a sharp dressed man, remember?
4. You learn to take control of your mind, and only think positive thoughts. You realize that perception is a choice, and you choose to see the best in others and in situations. You become a magnetic force of positivity and self-determinism; when I get on a rant with my friends, they see my passion and it inspires them. It was my choice to enter sales that made all of this happen.
5. You create goals and strive for them. You are always pushing and seeking to grow.
As I stated before, to improve at sales is to improve at life itself. I got my start as an outside salesman at a lumberyard six years ago, and I loved it. It was more of a social sales gig, I was meeting with people but not trying to close them on the spot. It was about building partnerships, making sure we kept up our end of the deal, and doing tons of estimates as quickly and expertly as I could. I called on offices a little, but I was mainly out bullsh!tting on construction sites.
When the yard owners quit paying their suppliers and rode off with the money, I sold for an electrical manufacturer for awhile. Here I had to be more disciplined and spent a LOT of time on the phone. I became more organized and professional at this gig. My problem there was, we were making a highly niche product that just doesn't move in the volume I needed to make any money. Plus the management was a clusterfvck, I think the main lesson I took away from that job was to QUALIFY A SALES JOB LIKE A WOMAN.
As much as I believe in the power of persistence in sales, it is far more advantageous to sell a product that is in high demand and, more importantly, one that you are excited about. People buy because of emotional reasons, not logical ones, and nothing sells like FAITH. You win some, you lose some, but you only lose the ones who were never going to buy anyway if you BELIEVE in what you are selling.
My biggest realization in sales (and there have been many) is that the stereotypes which surround sales are COMPLETELY false. True, an inferior salesman will attempt to manipulate people with all sorts of tricks (from modern NLP all the way back to old school Ben Franklin 4 Corner Close stuff), but the true secret to infinite success in sales is this: You can have anything you want in the world, if you help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar said it, and it is my Golden Rule of Sales.
Verily, it is the secret of LIFE ITSELF:
You solve your own problems by solving the problems of others.
You become wealthy by helping others become wealthy.
You are awarded prosperity equal to your contribution to prosperity.
It is with this mentality that I begin my career as an insurance agent/financial services associate next week. It is my first sales job with a HUGE earning potential (a $2,000,000 book pays $400,000 a year; that's my goal) and far more prestigeous than anything I've done yet. I'm also getting my commercial finance business off the ground at this time, and the sky is truly the limit there. The best part is, I know that I have EARNED my shot at what I'm getting into. I cut my teeth the way everyone else does in sales, and I have willed my way up to an esteemed position. I will soon have an office in my hometown; how cool is that?
Imagine the girl who shot you down because you weren't ambitious enough driving down the street and seeing your name/face on an office sign. I rest my case.
So have I sold you yet?