Hey Guys, I'm going to use this thread to record 12 weeks (36 workouts) of my experience on the anabolic diet and using a version of the Starting Strength Program. My first workout with this program will be tomorrow, and I'll go on a Sunday Tuesday Thursday schedule, and post my lifts here.
I'm hoping that using this journal will help me to stay motivated and also get me some feedback on my overall progress.
I am 23, and 6'2.5" -- I have worked out off an on throughout my life, and been hitting the gym regularly for the last few months, but without a program I've just been flailing around and doing mainly chest stuff to get some start. I'm a computer programmer and spend a lot of time sedentary, and have always been a bit on the "heavy" side, although I've brought that down a lot in the last few months--I'm currently 213, down from about 230 or so.
Goals: I am ready to change my life. I'm tired of being out-of-shape, and I want to get big and ripped. I want to look good without a shirt on instead of looking like what I am, a flabby computer programmer. I've made some progress as far as losing the flab, but now I want muscles. I want to replace the visible fat roll on my stomach with the appearance of abs, I want to have hard, defined pecs and big muscular shoulders and arms. I want a strong, hard back.
Numerical Goals: I am 213 pounds. 21.5% bodyfat, according to the Taylor Bodyfat scale I just purchased. I think ultimately I want to end up around 230 weight and about 11-13% bodyfat. I'm not sure what would be a reasonable expectation for this 12 week period, but I'd at least like to see my bf % under 20 and around 220 pounds. Any thoughts on this?
Supplements / Nutrition
I'm using the anabolic diet with a 40/60 prot/fat split on weekdays, and a 15/25/60 prot/fat/carb split on weekends (friday afternoon through saturday actually will be my carb up period). Goal is 18 calories per pound right now, rounded to 4000 calories a day. I'm taking Fish Body Oil capsules (about 10 a day), using colon cleanse capsules to get my fiber intake up and help keep that area working well. I just bought some Gold Standard 100% Whey (24g protein / 30.4g serving) that I'll be drinking about a half hour before workout, and another shake aong with 5g of Creatine Monohydrate immediately after the workout.
This stuff sound okay? Anything I need to add/drop? I don't want too many supplements, but I'll do what is needed. Also, the protein shakes are horrible (just the powder and water on the one I just drank). Anything I should add to make it a bit better? No / low carbs, I'm already up to about 8-10 carbs with my supplements and I only get 30 a day on weekdays.
Two routines, and going to do the A B A one week B A B next thing.
ATG Squats, 3 x 5
Bench Press, 3 x 5
Deadlift, 1 x 5
ATG Squats, 3 x 5
Overhead Press, 3 x 5
Bent-over-barbell rows, 3 x 5
I'll probably throw in some pull-ups/chinups on my thursday routine just to use them as another method to track progress.. right now I can barely do 2 of them, so I don't expect to incorporate them as an actual exercise just yet. I will also do ab work of some sort on each of my workout days.
Also, I recently joined a real boxing gym, and will be going to that about 3 times a week. I'm mainly just working a heavy bag or speed bag for about an hour to an hour and a half with breaks spread throughout. Its fun, and I workup a good sweat. I like hitting stuff.
I'll keep this section updated as I progress for a quick summary
Age: 24
Workouts Completed: 1 of 36
Starting Weight:
Current Weight:
Starting BF %:
Current BF %:
I'll edit this post and put up some front/side/back pictures and then add those once a month to track progress in that way as well.
I'm hoping that using this journal will help me to stay motivated and also get me some feedback on my overall progress.
I am 23, and 6'2.5" -- I have worked out off an on throughout my life, and been hitting the gym regularly for the last few months, but without a program I've just been flailing around and doing mainly chest stuff to get some start. I'm a computer programmer and spend a lot of time sedentary, and have always been a bit on the "heavy" side, although I've brought that down a lot in the last few months--I'm currently 213, down from about 230 or so.
Goals: I am ready to change my life. I'm tired of being out-of-shape, and I want to get big and ripped. I want to look good without a shirt on instead of looking like what I am, a flabby computer programmer. I've made some progress as far as losing the flab, but now I want muscles. I want to replace the visible fat roll on my stomach with the appearance of abs, I want to have hard, defined pecs and big muscular shoulders and arms. I want a strong, hard back.
Numerical Goals: I am 213 pounds. 21.5% bodyfat, according to the Taylor Bodyfat scale I just purchased. I think ultimately I want to end up around 230 weight and about 11-13% bodyfat. I'm not sure what would be a reasonable expectation for this 12 week period, but I'd at least like to see my bf % under 20 and around 220 pounds. Any thoughts on this?
Supplements / Nutrition
I'm using the anabolic diet with a 40/60 prot/fat split on weekdays, and a 15/25/60 prot/fat/carb split on weekends (friday afternoon through saturday actually will be my carb up period). Goal is 18 calories per pound right now, rounded to 4000 calories a day. I'm taking Fish Body Oil capsules (about 10 a day), using colon cleanse capsules to get my fiber intake up and help keep that area working well. I just bought some Gold Standard 100% Whey (24g protein / 30.4g serving) that I'll be drinking about a half hour before workout, and another shake aong with 5g of Creatine Monohydrate immediately after the workout.
This stuff sound okay? Anything I need to add/drop? I don't want too many supplements, but I'll do what is needed. Also, the protein shakes are horrible (just the powder and water on the one I just drank). Anything I should add to make it a bit better? No / low carbs, I'm already up to about 8-10 carbs with my supplements and I only get 30 a day on weekdays.
Two routines, and going to do the A B A one week B A B next thing.
ATG Squats, 3 x 5
Bench Press, 3 x 5
Deadlift, 1 x 5
ATG Squats, 3 x 5
Overhead Press, 3 x 5
Bent-over-barbell rows, 3 x 5
I'll probably throw in some pull-ups/chinups on my thursday routine just to use them as another method to track progress.. right now I can barely do 2 of them, so I don't expect to incorporate them as an actual exercise just yet. I will also do ab work of some sort on each of my workout days.
Also, I recently joined a real boxing gym, and will be going to that about 3 times a week. I'm mainly just working a heavy bag or speed bag for about an hour to an hour and a half with breaks spread throughout. Its fun, and I workup a good sweat. I like hitting stuff.
I'll keep this section updated as I progress for a quick summary
Age: 24
Workouts Completed: 1 of 36
Starting Weight:
Current Weight:
Starting BF %:
Current BF %:
I'll edit this post and put up some front/side/back pictures and then add those once a month to track progress in that way as well.
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