I'll agree with no fancy dinners. Manosphere/pickup content has long promoted no dinner dates in restaurants for 1st dates and dates prior to sex.
Plenty of men are still doing dinner dates in restaurants in the early stages. This is likely happening due to ignorance or laziness.
I first heard about no dinner dates in restaurants prior to sex in the early 2010s. That wisdom had been around many years prior to my discovery of it. I think it was discussed in the 2000s online.
You make a good point about total strangers. If the 1st-2nd dates are arranged from a tech-method or approaching a stranger, then a 1st-2nd date dinner in a restaurant is a bad idea. It might be acceptable if the date is arranged from a strong social circle introduction.
Most men on a forum like SoSuave are arranged their first dates from a tech-based method (swipe apps or social media DMs) or from approaching strangers in the real world. The last sentence is also applicable to blue pilled, beta males too. Fewer people arrange dates from their social circles anymore.
Because most men lack volume. When a "normal" bluepilled man finally gets an hb7 with potential, he'll go ALL IN to leave a lasting impression on her.
See it all around me. The irony is that its the WOMAN will LOSE respect for such a man. Because lets be real: if a man is as are desirable as he claims to be, he'd be dating way too often to be able to afford fancy dinners for strangers...
On top of that you must be aware that a LOT of women line men up and have an abundance of opportunities to date.
It simply comes down to :
the more abundance one have, the more demanding one can be. On the contrary,the LESS options one has, the MORE one will try and bend and budge to make it work. Ultimately these two meet somewhere in the middle. The 304 gets her demands met by the AFC, (even if its via seeking arrangement types of deals!)
Hence why some women demand dinner, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Meanwhile I've seen plenty of videos where women say you must:
- pay for her babysitter
- just straight up give her money

-pay for her "preparation ".
It's similar to a Pookie with an abundance of women who tells his dates to "pick up some Mickey D and bring that azz over".
You just described EXACTLY what I have been dealing with. Going to the bar to get a drink on first date isnt good enough for these women. They want a dinner which is ridiculous. We dont even know if we are gonna get along with them in person. I am not hurting for money but to waste 100 dollars on a dinner each time you take out a new date is crazy. These women should want to get less on a first date and not more especially when we are going through insane inflation prices right now. If you dont agree to dinner then they all say that you only wanna smash them. Its weird times we are living in.
Not a great sign.
Imo a woman who demands dinner while she doesn't even know you LACKS respect for you. Its a shyte test from the get go basically.
I won't go into details as to why, because that's a long azz post. As I said before: if a man has "plenty " of dates he'll figure out sooner or later that 50 bucks per date times twice a week = it's gonna add up. Let alone 100 dollar dinners, twice a week with strangers with zero guarantee you'll get what you want.