RSI Bootcamp Review


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
RSI Bootcamp

My thoughts are everywhere, I just wrote things down as they come so it’s not the best organized, but it tells you a lot about it. I can’t figure out how to put a lot of what I learned into words, it’s like I learn through osmosis.

Day 1

I came into this bootcamp very open minded and did everything I could to learn as much as possible with these guys. I was very lucky with the RSI bootcamp, I got to work with both Woodhaven and Dimitri. Because they only had one bootcamp student this weekend, they decided to work together so it works out better for me. They are great teachers and helped me fix a lot of problems.

Vincent looks and sounds like he’s a complete playboy. He is dressed very nicely, clean shaven, nice haircut with gel in it. His voice sounds as if he’s getting a ******* and the girls love it. Dimitri on the other hand will destroy someones limiting beliefs. He has long hair, and didn’t shave in a while. He hasn’t bought new clothes in a while, but they were nice when they were new. His jeans were old, and worn out, but to him they were so comfortable. One of his teeth is chipped from frisby and most people would think that would make someone worse, but it makes him better, and it’s an interesting story to tell.

We first met up and we talked. We went over what I wanted, and they assured me that I will get there, if I want to. They immediately fixed my body language, and kept fixing it whenever I would mess up throughout the day. They made me feel like I owned the place. I’m the “King of New York.” They are really great at compliments, especially Dimitri. These compliments are really genuine and sincere and can really boost someones confidence. One of the first things that happened upon meeting them was I said something negative about myself, Dimitri immediately corrected that and told me he didn’t want to hear it. I liked that, and need to correct this negative mindset. After day 1 my body language was much better. It’s not perfect, but it’s certainly a huge improvement.

They than helped me with some fashion. Woodhaven helped me pick out a pair of pants and a few shirts. I think it helped me look much better, a girl who works there gave her opinion and said “sexy”. Woodhaven # closed her (She’s black so it was pretty shocking, normally he likes a variety of Asians). Even though it helped me look much better, they reminded me that the clothes don’t make me, without the clothes I’m still the same person. They reminded me I have everything I need to succeed; it’s not the clothes or the money, or anything other material possession. It may help but it doesn’t make me. After that, we walked around the mall a few times, and I tried to mimic their body language.

We sat down again and talked some more. They helped me with conversation skills, and basic game. It’s easier to lead a conversation than I imagined. You can just ask a basic question and keep going deeper into it. Ask a question that’s even considered afc, as long as it’s done right. Don’t just stack questions like an interview either. You want to listen to her answers and keep going deeper into it. We talked about the questions that are screening and story telling. What’s involved in both. How a question that involves screening is different than a regular question. Example: asking “are you athletic?” would be a screening question because it makes the girl want to answer a certain way. With story telling there should be a point to the story. You also want to start on a high note and end on the highest note. Get to the story quick, get rid of the useless parts. You should also be using new stories as your life changes. Everyones lives are interesting, you shouldn’t be relying on the same story 10 years from now. Talk about whats interesting to you, don’t talk about things just because you think she would be interested. Screen her to see if she likes what you like. We talked about phone game a little as well. Introduce yourself and open with a story, get her to remember you by your personality. Although I said it is easy, it’s still one of my sticking points.

After that, they pointed to a girl for me to open. To get me relaxed, Dimitri had me grab my balls and shake them. It really works, and everyone should do it. Don’t look around like you’re doing something wrong, just do it. She was sitting down, I pointed to the seat across from her, and opened with “Hey, is this seat taken?” We talked a bit, and I # closed her. My verbal game wasn’t great, but my body language was.

We than proceeded to dinner and we talked more. Dimitri messed with the cashier a bit, if she wasn’t working he would have closed her for sure. They helped me with some limiting beliefs that I have. They asked me why I had them, and logically they made no sense. I knew that, but just couldn’t figure out why I had the belief. They made me realize what it was, and helped me get over it. We went over some of my goals, and what I want. They told me it can happen. I can become good enough for it to happen. Before we leave, Dimitri than messes with someone whose working there. He told her come here, she did, and grabbed her hat. She laughed, and seemed to enjoy it. I would have originally thought that was taking it too far, but someone like him can actually do it.

We than went out and they told me to open this two set. The girl said she had a boyfriend; he comes right over and gives me a pound. It was cool, he respected what I did. What I did wrong was where I placed myself. I just had bad logistics. I stood on the street, while they were on the curb. They looked down on me. It was okay though, I’m still a cool dude. Still doing it is wrong when you are 5’4”. So next time I open them, I stay on the sidewalk as well.

When my next set didn’t open, I tried to go back with an opinion opener. I think that was so that I could save my ego. Rejection isn’t any big deal. It’s not even rejection; they are losing out by not talking to me. I’m just trying to make them feel better.

We open more sets who are walking towards us, and one problem I have is I’m too invasive. I scare them when I approach, I’m inside their territory. I’m working on it, and must stop them from when their walking earlier. Don’t stop them when you’re about 1 foot away. It’s creepy, Dimitri showed me and even when he did it to me, it was weird, and I knew him. Open with whatever you feel like, and say what you like about them. As you do it more, your brain gets more spontaneous, and ready for random situations.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Day 2

Day 2 was very long, tiring, fun and VERY educational. I learned a lot.

The original schedule had day two set up to start at like 10am, but Woodhaven and Dimitri let me change it to 5PM since we went to overtime on Friday. Starting later didn’t reduce my time, it was just to make things more convenient for me. In fact we ended up going even longer in the night till we were all beat. I started the day by going to the RSI mini seminar right before it was done. Everyone was impressed by my body language, still not perfect, but it has improved. Some people thought I was like a third instructor. My overall game was noticeably better. It’s a cycle, you fix your body language, girls respond better, you start doing better when they respond better. The cycle keeps continuing.

I asked the guys at the mini seminar if they wanted to see Woodhaven and Dimitri in action. I asked since I saw these guys in field and know what they are capable of. Everyone wanted to, so they decided to show a little bit of what they are capable of. There weren’t many people, and the girls that were there were mostly UG’s. They still did a good job considering the circumstances and the types of girls they sarged. Woodhaven sarged girls who were late for a wedding, and they were very friendly to him, but still in a rush. Dimitri stayed in a with a girl who was actually waiting for her angry mom who doesn’t speak any English. He could have stayed in the set even after she was there, but it’s a lot of trouble and she’s not that great looking.

After they did their demo it turned into the regular bootcamp for me. Within 30 minutes Woodhaven picked up a Latina girl and she paid for a cab fare back to her hotel room. You could tell it was on instantly. She was in NY looking to have a good time. Other people tried to get with her, but they aren’t the same way. They would yell from far away or yell while riding a bike, trying to preserve their ego.

So after that the day was mostly spent with Dimitri. It didn’t effect my learning at all. Dimitri gave me feedback after every approach that I made, and question me and ask what I did right and wrong. He did that so I am able to start identifying my game and knowing what I did right and wrong. I was sometimes scaring these girls with my opener, and he showed me exactly why. I know I still scare them sometimes, but it will get taken care of with experience. I can see why, but some of the things I do are so engrained it’s hard to change some of them. It’s cool though, at least this way I can engrain the good things as well. I am trying to make smoother movements. With each one, I was trying to use what they were telling me and make improvements to my game from it. I was opening better, but was a bit confused about what to do after that. I was actually quite a bit surprised when some of them opened so that is why. From now on every set must open. These girls are very lucky to be able to just talk to me. I make their lives better.

During the day at H&M, I sarged this one girl who ended up giving me a fake number. She did say she had a boyfriend earlier. There was a certain point where she lost her interest. A good one was I #closed this girl while she was with her friends, right before he bf showed up. I also # closed one who was by herself while waiting for her bf. Than I # closed this really tall pretty chick that was fun. She literally towers over me. At the bar I talked to this one girl who was leaning into me, according to Dimitri I could have kissed her. I didn’t realize that at night you go as far as you can as fast as you can, for some reason I figured you have to talk and get to know her better, but a lot of girls are there for the same thing you are.

At night it Dimitri and I went out to a few bars, that was fun. We went from places to place, talking to people, we were looking for one in particular, but couldn’t find it. We still had fun, I opened a lot of street sets and got better. By the end of the night, they were opening, but I never actually responded. Some of the things that I said, I was surprised that they opened. I did a couple number closes, but I could have probably done more than just that.

Another fun one was when I approached a mixed set, and I told the two girls they look very nice. One guy told me I look very nice also, I just said thanks. I left the set and they threw me back in. They told me to cross my arms and just look at one of them, and say “You’ll do”. I did that she cursed at me and threatened me with her umbrella, but I didn’t realize she was just joking so they sent me back in again. I told her I was just joking and if I knew she had such a dangerous weapon I wouldn’t have gotten her angry. It was cool. Than I left and blew her a kiss. The guy got angry, I thought it was funny.

I opened two girls that were okay looking. We talked for a bit and than I left. I opened them later, while one girl was on her cellphone and told them we found a cool place where the drinks are nice, and cheap. They were in a huge set and told me they can’t leave. Her friend the UG just got angry and kept telling me I was rude. I ignored her. Their other friend looked very nice though and was wearing a cowboy hat. Dimitri told her to take the hat. I told her the hat looked very nice and slowly took it and put it on. She was like it’s not hers. She took it back while laughing, while the UG was so angry, it was hilarious.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Day 3

Day three was wrapping up. It was shorter than the other days, but it was just as good. You could see how much my game has improved. I still have the problem of being on or off. Like the response I get will either be really good or not so hot, but as I get better that will keep improving. They went into things like LTR management, sex, the full structure of a PU. We went over screening questions, pacing and leading, qualifying. With each approach I do they keep asking me what went right what went wrong. The reason they do that is so that they can help me identify my own problems in field. They can easily identify the problems I had, but when I’m out by myself, it will be a bit different. There will be problems and it may take me a few tries before I recognize it, but that’s okay because I will. If I can’t I can just tell them the problem and they will help me identify it. They also told me to be more powerful, I own the city. I must also be more congruent with whatever I am feeling.

A few sets that I remember:
Another one was when I did a direct to a two set in the mall. I was only interested in one of the friends. The conversation went something like this. “I thought you guys looked cool. My names (will not be told online). I opened her, and it was on. Her friend, the UG told me, hold up a second and just ignored me, but the girl I was interested in told me it’s because she’s not from this country she has no manners. We talked for a bit, I did a whole bunch of high fives which I now eliminated because they serve no purpose but looks lame. I always thought they did, but than somehow I thought they were cool, because it was on ASF for so long.

This was at the food court in the mall. There was a group of friends who were standing on line so Woodhaven had me open social. I had some anxiety, after so much direct I was like “hmm, what do I say”. He told me anything so I just opened with “What’s good to eat?” Just saying that alone started a good conversation. I later reopened the girl I liked with “You seem really cool, you have a good sense of style, designing your clothes. Why don’t you show me around?” I # closed her and that was that. I saw them later, and the girl gave me a big smile. I smiled back, and a couple of friends who didn’t see me before were just looking at her and me like WTF is going on.

My very favorite was this one girl who was dressed in crazy clothes. I opened up with “I like your style.” I was in. She told me she was waiting for someone. She was touching herself like crazy. I should have told her to sit, but didn’t. I told her that I had to go but we should get together for some coffee. She said definitely. As she was writing down her number, someone comes over. She is like, “This is my boyfriend, (forgot his name).” I’m like Hey, whats up. She finishes writing her number and I leave. That was great. Still it surprised the hell out of me, # closing in front of her boyfriend.

I open this very good looking girl in the street, she has very nice curves. Dimitri told me to tell her, “You have really nice curves.” I stopped her beautifully, she even took off her headphones. Than what happens? I kind of felt like I was going to get blown out saying it and I might have said it like a fool. I sounded like I was just clowning her in front of my friends, she didn’t realize I was serious, and she responded by “**** you”. It still made me happy that I did that, I realized that I must expect everything to go great and she will at the minimum be flattered.

I was literally trusting these guys with my life, and I could not be happier. I came to the bootcamp with a completely open mind. It was great and I learned so much. If I did not do this I may or may not have gotten to the level of where I want to be, but if I ever did get there, it will save me years of my time. I don’t think there is many things as valuable as this. Doing this my social skills have permanently increased a good amount, but the best thing for me to do would be to keep practicing in field. If I don’t practice, I won’t improve. If this is something that you’re interested in fixing in your life, than please go ahead and do it. They will help you to get wherever you want to be, but it can’t be done without commitment of your own. If you aren’t committed, they can’t use magic to do it. These guys don’t teach any gimmicks or routines, they teach you to be who you really are. They drop the stories, and openers, you develop your brain by becoming more spontaneous. You say what you like about the girls, and it will work. I think everyone has some interesting things happen in their life, but most people can’t figure out how to express it.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Sounds good.

Quick question though, did one of your instructors pick up and then pull a girl to while on the clock? leaving you with only on instructor?

I think a lot of your mistakes can eventually be eliminated through continued social exposure. You'll eventually become relaxed and more confident and can pretty much say anything and still pull it off.

Field experience, my friend, remember those two words: FIELD EXPERIENCE!


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by AsianPlayboy
Sounds good.

Quick question though, did one of your instructors pick up and then pull a girl to while on the clock? leaving you with only on instructor?
He wasn't actually on the clock. There were two instructors, so only one of them had to be there, he was just there because he wanted to offer extra help.

Vin DiCarlo

New Member
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Rapid Social Impact

Originally posted by AsianPlayboy
Sounds good.

Quick question though, did one of your instructors pick up and then pull a girl to while on the clock? leaving you with only on instructor?

Our Rapid Social Impact bootcamp program is by definition one instructor to one student. It just so happened that my partner Dimitri and I were both in the city that weekend, so he got a little bit extra... This allowed us to do full demonstrations of pickups.


The latin girl I fu*cked on saturday was walking through the foodcourt of the mall, talking on her cellphone. I stopped her, used one of our compliment openers, and made out with her in the middle of the foodcourt within a few minutes. We then left the mall and got a taxi back to her hotel. Total time to sex was less than two hours.

Sure it was a great demonstration, but Xysen's remarkable transformation happened because he came in with an open mind and was willing to work hard and pay attention.

Xysen - We had a blast working with you, man. It is extremely gratifying to see such a dramatic transformation in three days. Keep going out and using what we taught you, and you will be a true master of the game. We'll be in touch.


Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Great report but keep it coming! Give us details my boy, details.

How many girls did you approach all weekend and what kind of succes did you have?

Give us some details about Woodhaven and Dimitri's teachings. Like tips on conversation, building attraction, ect. ect.

How has your game improved?

Keep it coming, its nice to see some actual real world activity on this board.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ever onward
Great report but keep it coming! Give us details my boy, details.

How many girls did you approach all weekend and what kind of succes did you have?

Give us some details about Woodhaven and Dimitri's teachings. Like tips on conversation, building attraction, ect. ect.

How has your game improved?

Keep it coming, its nice to see some actual real world activity on this board.

I approached a ton of girls all weekend. I can't count the amount of girls. I think I wrote about the success. A week ago it was almost none.

I went out to buy some paper today. It was just an excuse to sarge, but I know it is. I met up with a guy from the Lair and we sarged a bit. My results were not great. The girls said thanks and all, but it seemed they all had boyfriends or were married, or from like Florida. So out of like 15 approaches, I didn't even number close. I think my wing #closed, but than he had to go. Even though it was just me, I was like okay, I gotta do it.

As soon as my wing left, I see a girl. I approach, she spoke very little English. I end up instadating and making out. This is a public board so I don't give too much information.

Was I able to do this a week ago? No
Will I keep getting better? Yes

Edit: I can't explain so much of what they taught me, a lot of it was subconscious I swear it was through Osmosis. Their program isn't a magic bullet though, it requires you to have an open mind. If they told me something, I believed it completely without question. I knew what they told me was the best for me. You are also required to go out and learn on your own.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Will I keep getting better? Yes
You're god damn right you will. Congrats man. I really enjoyed reading about your successes and open-mindedness. You obviously have the attitude that will put you on top. Best of luck.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

I approached a ton of girls all weekend. I can't count the amount of girls. I think I wrote about the success. A week ago it was almost none.

I went out to buy some paper today. It was just an excuse to sarge, but I know it is. I met up with a guy from the Lair and we sarged a bit. My results were not great. The girls said thanks and all, but it seemed they all had boyfriends or were married, or from like Florida. So out of like 15 approaches, I didn't even number close. I think my wing #closed, but than he had to go. Even though it was just me, I was like okay, I gotta do it.

As soon as my wing left, I see a girl. I approach, she spoke very little English. I end up instadating and making out. This is a public board so I don't give too much information.

Was I able to do this a week ago? No
Will I keep getting better? Yes

Edit: I can't explain so much of what they taught me, a lot of it was subconscious I swear it was through Osmosis. Their program isn't a magic bullet though, it requires you to have an open mind. If they told me something, I believed it completely without question. I knew what they told me was the best for me. You are also required to go out and learn on your own.
The success I was asking about is for example, the kind you mentioned that doesn't speak english.

I was also interested in like a success ratio. Say did you get numbers from every 3 girls you approached?

Glad that everything is going so well for you.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Re: nice

Originally posted by Ever onward
The success I was asking about is for example, the kind you mentioned that doesn't speak english.

I was also interested in like a success ratio. Say did you get numbers from every 3 girls you approached?

Glad that everything is going so well for you.
Surprisingly I do better with girls that don't speak English. My verbal game isn't as good as I would like it to be. My body language is years better, and my tonality has improved quite a bit. I haven't really figured out a success ratio. I can tell you that it keeps improving.

Delta Male

Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Hey dude, finally got around to adding my comments to this. I remember the progress you made over the weekend with me, which was incredible. The progress you made in the bootcamp sounds like it was 10x more incredible, so I'm looking forward to seeing you again post-bootcamp.

My thoughts are everywhere, I just wrote things down as they come so it’s not the best organized, but it tells you a lot about it. I can’t figure out how to put a lot of what I learned into words, it’s like I learn through osmosis.
That's really true. You learn as much from the way they talk to you as from what they're saying. That's why real life instruction is better than information like posts on sosuave.

We first met up and we talked. We went over what I wanted, and they assured me that I will get there, if I want to. They immediately fixed my body language, and kept fixing it whenever I would mess up throughout the day. They made me feel like I owned the place. I’m the “King of New York.” They are really great at compliments, especially Dimitri. These compliments are really genuine and sincere and can really boost someones confidence. One of the first things that happened upon meeting them was I said something negative about myself, Dimitri immediately corrected that and told me he didn’t want to hear it. I liked that, and need to correct this negative mindset. After day 1 my body language was much better. It’s not perfect, but it’s certainly a huge improvement.
This is one of the biggest things which I learned from Dimitri. Before, I would constantly be a C&F jackass and I would never compliment another person. This subcommunicated insecurity. Now, I try to raise the value of others up to my level at every opportunity, which shows that I am secure and confident.

We sat down again and talked some more. They helped me with conversation skills, and basic game. It’s easier to lead a conversation than I imagined. You can just ask a basic question and keep going deeper into it. Ask a question that’s even considered afc, as long as it’s done right. Don’t just stack questions like an interview either. You want to listen to her answers and keep going deeper into it. We talked about the questions that are screening and story telling. What’s involved in both. How a question that involves screening is different than a regular question. Example: asking “are you athletic?” would be a screening question because it makes the girl want to answer a certain way. With story telling there should be a point to the story. You also want to start on a high note and end on the highest note. Get to the story quick, get rid of the useless parts. You should also be using new stories as your life changes. Everyones lives are interesting, you shouldn’t be relying on the same story 10 years from now. Talk about whats interesting to you, don’t talk about things just because you think she would be interested. Screen her to see if she likes what you like. We talked about phone game a little as well. Introduce yourself and open with a story, get her to remember you by your personality. Although I said it is easy, it’s still one of my sticking points.
This paragraph is a must-read for anyone who needs work on their conversational skills, although it's hard to understand without having seen it in action in real life. Two common mistakes I see with guys I go out with are that they ask too many quesions and come off as an interviewer, or they are the opposite and use lots of canned material to entertain the girl.

After that, they pointed to a girl for me to open. To get me relaxed, Dimitri had me grab my balls and shake them. It really works, and everyone should do it. Don’t look around like you’re doing something wrong, just do it. She was sitting down, I pointed to the seat across from her, and opened with “Hey, is this seat taken?” We talked a bit, and I # closed her. My verbal game wasn’t great, but my body language was.
Proper ball-grabbing technique is *extremely* important for success with women. Obviously, this girl was impressed with how ALPHA you looked grabbing your balls ;)

We than proceeded to dinner and we talked more. Dimitri messed with the cashier a bit, if she wasn’t working he would have closed her for sure. They helped me with some limiting beliefs that I have. They asked me why I had them, and logically they made no sense. I knew that, but just couldn’t figure out why I had the belief. They made me realize what it was, and helped me get over it. We went over some of my goals, and what I want. They told me it can happen. I can become good enough for it to happen. Before we leave, Dimitri than messes with someone whose working there. He told her come here, she did, and grabbed her hat. She laughed, and seemed to enjoy it. I would have originally thought that was taking it too far, but someone like him can actually do it.
This is what impressed me most about Dimitri when I first met him -- how much crazy **** he gets away with. Not just gets away with, but people love it! It's because he does it with such a strong playful frame, that the other people get sucked it to it before he even starts talking.

We than went out and they told me to open this two set. The girl said she had a boyfriend; he comes right over and gives me a pound. It was cool, he respected what I did. What I did wrong was where I placed myself. I just had bad logistics. I stood on the street, while they were on the curb. They looked down on me. It was okay though, I’m still a cool dude. Still doing it is wrong when you are 5’4”. So next time I open them, I stay on the sidewalk as well.
These are the little logistical things that happen in the real world that you won't see posts about on sosuave or ASF. The benefit of real-world coaching is that you can improve your game fast by haiving all these small logistical mistakes corrected.

The original schedule had day two set up to start at like 10am, but Woodhaven and Dimitri let me change it to 5PM since we went to overtime on Friday. Starting later didn’t reduce my time, it was just to make things more convenient for me. In fact we ended up going even longer in the night till we were all beat. I started the day by going to the RSI mini seminar right before it was done. Everyone was impressed by my body language, still not perfect, but it has improved. Some people thought I was like a third instructor. My overall game was noticeably better. It’s a cycle, you fix your body language, girls respond better, you start doing better when they respond better. The cycle keeps continuing.
In two weeks you go from not being able to approach to having people mistake you for a guy who teaches pickup for a living. How ****ing awesome is that.

I asked the guys at the mini seminar if they wanted to see Woodhaven and Dimitri in action. I asked since I saw these guys in field and know what they are capable of. Everyone wanted to, so they decided to show a little bit of what they are capable of. There weren’t many people, and the girls that were there were mostly UG’s. They still did a good job considering the circumstances and the types of girls they sarged. Woodhaven sarged girls who were late for a wedding, and they were very friendly to him, but still in a rush. Dimitri stayed in a with a girl who was actually waiting for her angry mom who doesn’t speak any English. He could have stayed in the set even after she was there, but it’s a lot of trouble and she’s not that great looking.
Yeah, that **** happens sometimes. It's just too bad logistics had to suck so much, so that people couldn't see what we saw these guys do.

Delta Male

Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
After they did their demo it turned into the regular bootcamp for me. Within 30 minutes Woodhaven picked up a Latina girl and she paid for a cab fare back to her hotel room. You could tell it was on instantly. She was in NY looking to have a good time. Other people tried to get with her, but they aren’t the same way. They would yell from far away or yell while riding a bike, trying to preserve their ego.
lol. There goes Mystery's "7 hour rule".

Seeing **** like this is awesome for taking away limiting beliefs and redefining what normal is for you. If you saw a guy pick up a girl and pull her in 30 minutes, making out with a girl in 30 minutes seems very normal by comparison, while for most guys they would be amazed if they saw that. It's good to know what's really possible.

During the day at H&M, I sarged this one girl who ended up giving me a fake number. She did say she had a boyfriend earlier. There was a certain point where she lost her interest. A good one was I #closed this girl while she was with her friends, right before he bf showed up. I also # closed one who was by herself while waiting for her bf. Than I # closed this really tall pretty chick that was fun. She literally towers over me. At the bar I talked to this one girl who was leaning into me, according to Dimitri I could have kissed her. I didn’t realize that at night you go as far as you can as fast as you can, for some reason I figured you have to talk and get to know her better, but a lot of girls are there for the same thing you are.
Out of all these, the tall chick is my favorite. It just goes to show how stupid guys are when they think they can't get with girls because they are short. I'm 5'7'', and almost all of my girlfriends have been taller than me by a few inches. Height is only a big deal if you make it a big deal.

My very favorite was this one girl who was dressed in crazy clothes. I opened up with “I like your style.” I was in. She told me she was waiting for someone. She was touching herself like crazy. I should have told her to sit, but didn’t. I told her that I had to go but we should get together for some coffee. She said definitely. As she was writing down her number, someone comes over. She is like, “This is my boyfriend, (forgot his name).” I’m like Hey, whats up. She finishes writing her number and I leave. That was great. Still it surprised the hell out of me, # closing in front of her boyfriend.
Again, how fvcking awesome is that. #close right in front of the boyfriend. Most guys couldn't have pulled this off -- they would get all freaked out when the boyfriend came, but you have a very solid frame.

I was literally trusting these guys with my life, and I could not be happier. I came to the bootcamp with a completely open mind. It was great and I learned so much. If I did not do this I may or may not have gotten to the level of where I want to be, but if I ever did get there, it will save me years of my time. I don’t think there is many things as valuable as this. Doing this my social skills have permanently increased a good amount, but the best thing for me to do would be to keep practicing in field. If I don’t practice, I won’t improve. If this is something that you’re interested in fixing in your life, than please go ahead and do it. They will help you to get wherever you want to be, but it can’t be done without commitment of your own. If you aren’t committed, they can’t use magic to do it. These guys don’t teach any gimmicks or routines, they teach you to be who you really are. They drop the stories, and openers, you develop your brain by becoming more spontaneous. You say what you like about the girls, and it will work. I think everyone has some interesting things happen in their life, but most people can’t figure out how to express it.
Sounds like an incredible bootcamp. I think the huge improvement in your game could be attributed to two things:

1. You had the best instructors. These guys made a huge change in my life too. All the canned routines, canned openers, canned personality taught by most of the "gurus" on ASF are bullsh!t. I wasted about six months using indirect game, and getting no success because I was very incongruent with it. You learned the real stuff right off the bat, before getting programmed with lots of ASF crap like most guys.

2. You were very committed and always willing to go outside your comfort zone. I never had to push you into sets the first weekend, you were always eager to approach. A lot of guys *say* they want to change their lives, but when it comes to actually doing it, they're not so enthusiastic. The reason why you will become a PUA while most other guys will not is that you are out there in the field sarging regularly, putting in the effort you need to in order to improve your game.

It was awesome hearing about this bootcamp from you, and we'll have to hang out together soon. Can't wait to see you in your new looked $$$ in that picture Vince sent me. And of course, your incredible post-workshop game.
