Round 2: Online Dating Experiment


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
I sent around 22 emails out today. All were the exact same, I changed no more than 5 words to fit her profile in each one.

So far I have received 8 responses, 1# without asking, and been added to 3 yahoo messengers without asking (I included my yahoo id, don't do this as they will just freaking add u and bug u to IM them).

I started Iming one and within 1 minute she was asking me where I live and begging to let her call me within 10 minutes. LOL. Online dating is so easy. I'll post some of the responses below (Update: Just as I began to post this the one who wants me to call is trying to Day 2 me for lunch at my place LOL ):

"Well--you made me smile just reading your message so I guess that's a start...ok first concert??? I'm 28 and the concert was when I was 12--let's rewind the clocks---who was a huge hit yeah it was the first generation of NSYNC--the good ole New Kids. But I have redeemed myself seeing everyone from The Eagles and the Beach Boys to Mr. Chesney and Mr. McGraw and well Hootie back in the day...I can't remember worries though--I just "jam" to the Kids when nobody's watching

That's awesome you're a Christian...people think "we" can't have fun...I beg to differ! I look forward to hearing from you.

okay same question back at you--who was your first concert?"

"i added u to yahoo!"

"ould love to talk with you too --you look sweet -- write back soon love "

hey what is up i justr got your message and i have to say say you sound like my kind of guy anyone that can make me laugh can make me happy so if you are still on send me a message or im or yahoo at ****"

"Actually, I find this whole "online dating" scene odd if you wanna know (not only the initial introduction). Although, I am very outgoing, and while yes Im sure you read I am married, I do love meeting new people be it on or offline. I love the fact that you say you are funny..I live for humor! My motto: A day in which has not been laughed is wasted. However, I fully understand there are those times that are completely innapropriate for laughter. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor, and I am quick witted dont wanna know the first concert I attended..ok, ok..if it counts it was "Diamond Rio" hehe. I do like country music although not my favorite. I am versatile in that area..but I too, love music. Anyway, I will add you on my messenger. Buzz me if you wanna chat sometime. Until then...."

"well to b honest with u my first concert was a george jones concert i went with my dad when i was ten then the next concert i went to was the backstreet boys concert i went twice then i just went to the family values tour in atlanta about a week ago it was off the hook but anyways hit me back"

"Hello funny guy! just recived your mess. I reviewed your profile and it says you are *** and then you write ***. That is only 2 inches but wich is it? I am 6 feet mostly legs. most guys find that intimidating. You wouldnt, would you?

I will tell you, when I tell you my first concert you will have to take into consideration that I am almost 10 years your senior. It was little River Band. I recieved the tickets as a gift for my 13th birthday. I was hooked from then on. I have been to close to 100 concerts. I wanted to go to the family values tour concert aand now the buzz fest is coming up. not sure if I will go. cant seem to find a partner. Most men my age like country music. I only like some of it. By the way, What kind of music do you listen to? maybe country lol You are younger than I maybe not.

Maybe we will talk again. BYE, ****""

My next experiment is to use an ugly guys photo, like someone rated a 6 or something, and send the exact same email to see what kind of response rates I get.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
I am now up to 5 solid #s without leaving my comp. total time spent on this was less than 1.5 hours. There is no excuse for any guy anywhere in the US not to be getting with as many women as he wants. Right now I have close to 20% of the #s of women I emailed earlier.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Awesome. An actual, detailed report of trying different things and seeing if it works or not, instead of sitting on this board speculating.:up:
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, your the guy that says it's easy to get laid on the internet - that ANYONE can do it.

What's the score with these girls?