Sorry if this is a repeat thread, but did anyone take the time to watch this and read Roosh's response? I was so appalled by this crap I took the time to write an e-mail to the Dr. Oz show (from my business e-mail no less.)
I even forwarded it to Roosh and he took the time to respond and say thanks. This was atrocious.
Me to Oz:
"Re: Roosh interview. While I would concur obesity is an epidemic in men & women, I do not believe that public shaming is the answer. Thus, I would not go about it the same way as Roosh. However, your antics on that show were disgraceful & a slanderous character assassination. The underlying argument you missed is this 'beauty in eye of the beholder' mantra is just a feminist social construct & that it's really defined by biological and evolutionary hardwiring (i.e. hip ratios & longer hair being inherently feminine.) As Roosh stated & you WELL KNOW, this is something most men feel but dare to say only in private because of people like you. There is a real debate to be had on this topic, but what you did was turn neutral parties into supporters of Roosh because he was the victim of a verbal gang rape. Your betrayal of your masculine nature was phony, & resistors of third wave feminism have a named for you called "white knighting". Shame on you & those four belligerent attack dogs.
I even forwarded it to Roosh and he took the time to respond and say thanks. This was atrocious.
Me to Oz:
"Re: Roosh interview. While I would concur obesity is an epidemic in men & women, I do not believe that public shaming is the answer. Thus, I would not go about it the same way as Roosh. However, your antics on that show were disgraceful & a slanderous character assassination. The underlying argument you missed is this 'beauty in eye of the beholder' mantra is just a feminist social construct & that it's really defined by biological and evolutionary hardwiring (i.e. hip ratios & longer hair being inherently feminine.) As Roosh stated & you WELL KNOW, this is something most men feel but dare to say only in private because of people like you. There is a real debate to be had on this topic, but what you did was turn neutral parties into supporters of Roosh because he was the victim of a verbal gang rape. Your betrayal of your masculine nature was phony, & resistors of third wave feminism have a named for you called "white knighting". Shame on you & those four belligerent attack dogs.