roommate dilemma pt. 3


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
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(Part three in my ongoing series of near pointless ramblings about my infatuation with one of my roommates.)

At this point I can't tell if she's being a ****tease, or thinks she's ugly. She started taking antidepressants a week and a half ago. I asked why, and she eventually told me it was because she doesn't like herself. Thinks she's fat and old (she's only 26), she's a college dropout, and she doesn't like her job. She said something about being single too.

Friday night we were watching something on TV, and when the other roommate went over to her boyfriend's house, this girl started acting sort of strangely. I don't know if she was hinting that she wanted to go ****, or if she was reacting to the pills. I just sat on the couch and watched TV as she said she was going to bed. Had to get up early. Then she kept coming back out into the living room, where I was. At one point she just stood there, and awkwardly asked me if I liked living here. I think she stayed up for another like 2 hours watching TV in her room.

Last night was just depressing. We went over to a friend's house, and even though they were telling us it was cool if we crashed there, she whispered to me that she wanted to go home. Kept talking about how comfortable her bed is. So we get back here, hung out in the kitchen for a while trying to have a conversation, but it was mostly just awkward silence, broken up with her sighing. Then she said she had to go to bed. Pretty much a repeat of last saturday night. I heard her TV go on, and I think she was fingering herself.

She keeps staring at me. We'll be watching TV, and I see her out of the corner of my eye looking at me, then when I turn towards her she quick looks away. And the other night she asked me how long I thought it would be before I got bored of living with her.

I feel stuck. In spite of her recent instability, I still want to hit it hard. But I know how stong the potential is for things to spiral out of control later. So I've been trying to play it cool. Also, I have to wonder if things might be ok, but the only way to find out is to do something, soon.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
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Is there a possibility that she doesn't like living with you, and maybe wants you to move out, but doesnt want to say ot directly or hurt your feelings? You know how chicks are when they drop hints.

As a man, you should know, that if she asks if you are getting bored with her, it may mean she's getting bored with you. Womanease is hard to decipher. The next time she asks something weird like that, ask her to answer first.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Dude she wants your c0ck badly.

If you don't hit it give me the address to your place and I will.

And sure things can spiral out of control from this but either way really...

You don't give her what she wants she could start some sh!t.

You do give her what she wants she could start some sh!t.

She's a chick so you're going to have to deal with bullsh!t anyway.

Might as well get your nut off and then deal with it as opposed to hearing someother guy getting up on it so she can mess with your head for not pounding her guts in.

Though if you do take the plunge only keep things going for as long as you both are roomates.

She's depressed and takes meds which means damaged goods.

Maurizio 2.0

Don Juan
Oct 4, 2003
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You're holding out because of concern over things potentially spiraling out of control if you do hit it.

But think of it this way: You're already stuck. If she want's you bad, which is certainly seems, and you don't give it to her and try and get with some other girl, then things will get bad for your living situation in that scenario too since she'll end up hating you.

You want to give it to her. Do it. The other options end up ****ing up your home life even sooner than that option.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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The way you worded your post made it sound like she has poor social skills but is waiting for you to make a move...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
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next time she is fingering her self and you know that she is, just walk into her room and be like 'can i help you with that?' with a serious face.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
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woods said:
Is there a possibility that she doesn't like living with you, and maybe wants you to move out, but doesnt want to say ot directly or hurt your feelings? You know how chicks are when they drop hints.

As a man, you should know, that if she asks if you are getting bored with her, it may mean she's getting bored with you. Womanease is hard to decipher. The next time she asks something weird like that, ask her to answer first.
I'm positive that me moving out is the last thing she wants. The reason she said that is because in the past I always end up easily getting pissed off at her, and disappear up my own ass for a few months at a time.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna do this. Or at least try. I'm territorial, so the idea of her bringing some dude into the apartment is not going over too well in my head at the moment.

I'm not sure how concerned I should be over her being on meds though. Does anyone know anything about Effexor?


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
I agree with Kontroller that it looks like she was screaming that she wanted you, however she's obviously has issues from your 3 posts about her, especially the second one. Now on the first one, you didn't listen to my advice but you've basically gone down the exact same path I did.

The dreaded roommate

Part Deux

Damm Roommate

Roommate / ADC

Moral of the story, a whole lot of work to not really get far. Time could have been better spent


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
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MacAvoy, I want to listen to you, but I don't think I can stop this. All I can do is prolong it, or put it at the top of my to-do list (it's close to the top already) and get it out of the way.

I still feel like I have the upper hand, since she has a lot more to lose than I do if things turn to ****, although this is beginning to slip. I think she's starting to see the cracks. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad. On one hand, by me acting less aloof, she's figuring out that I still like her like that, and that might be making her feel more comfortable about herself around me. On the other, if all she's looking for is validation, she might fill up on bread before the meal comes.

Keep in mind, we've both done some nasty **** to one another in the past. I remember once getting super pissed off at her, and yelling at her that her tits sagged. I mean, they're huge, so of course they sag a bit, but she's really self concience, and doesn't like having the big tits to begin with. So she never showed them to me after that. Even the time I had sex with her before, she kept her top on. Everytime I tried taking it off she pulled it back down. She's probably got a ****ing complex now.

So I've got to do this. I just have to. I know most of her tricks, and how to get around them. It's a matter of getting things comfortable enough that it just happens. I can't take much more of this nightly song and dance. It's like waiting for an important phone call that never comes. I think that besides her being self-concience, she also has built an immense ASD around me, since I sorta told her she was a hoe once too. :nono: That doesn't help matters.

I used to not be like this.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
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Another boring day.

She came home late tonight. I was almost upset by this. Why?

When she did come home, she was on her phone, and stayed on the phone for like an hour. **** knows who she was talking to, but she kept her bedroom door open so I could hear her. Not that I knew what she was talking about, since I was preoccupied with what was in my DVD player. All I heard was at the end she said "Awesome. I'll talk to you later.".

Eventually she came into the livingroom and started talking to me about her day. She's taking some class for future first-time homeowners, to get a government discount on the house that her parents are going to buy her. She's still going to have to pay the mortgage though. Funny thing. Without me, she won't be able to pay it.

She mentioned that there was some guy in the class who she was talking to. Said he was about her age, had a ponytail but was thinning in the front, and wore a trenchcoat. Said he was "creepy". I guess he wasn't creepy enough to prevent her from talking to him.

Later on it was the same nightly ****. She said she was going to bed, and had to get up early. I didn't respond. She sat on the couch for an extra half hour afterwards (somewhat unusual). I still didn't respond, and kept flipping through the channels. Then she got up and went to her bedroom, saying "goodnight". I only gave a halfassed wave.

As soon as she went to bed, I got changed and went out drinking. She was still awake, as I saw the warm glow if her TV radiating from underneath her bedroom door. I wasn't trying to shake her, but I'm sure she heard my phone ringing earlier (it was just some single-mom who won't leave me alone), and the invitations to go out for a drink some girls have been sending me on the myspaces.

When I came home, my bedroom door was wide open. I always keep it closed, even if I'm only going to the bathroom. Wierd.

My other roommate warned me that she was going on her period soon, and that the other one was soon to follow. Funny how girls living together are so close. I guess I should keep myself out of the apartment for a while.

I'm going out and getting drunk with my old roommate and her boyfriend tomorrow night. Should be infinately more exciting than sitting around watching ****ing Ghosthunters all night with this one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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Seriously...what does this girl have to do.. Pull your pants down and start sucking on you... i bet you would still be wondering what she ment by that. God you are sad. :moon:


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
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Indeed, and I suppose that's why I'm here. I've never been good at escalating. Everytime I've ever had sex (and I've never been in a relationship), it's been the girl who's initiated it. Even with the one I'm talking about. When we did it, she literally did what you said: pulled my pants down and started sucking me off. We were drunk, my old roommate told her that she didn't want her driving, and she insisted on sleeping in my room. We laid there for a while, and all I did was touch her tits a little before hand.

Now she's developed this ASD, and she's making it diffucult for me, especially with my limited ability for taking the initiative. The other night I would imagine I was visibly disappointed when she said she was going to bed, after we were out all night. She told me to stop worrying, that she was really tired. Last night my other roommate's BF wanted to watch a movie. Before the movie started he went to the bathroom or something, and she started looking at me again. Then she said she was going to go hide out in her room, and go to sleep.

Always with the sleeping. Apart from simply following her into her room like a jackass, I can't think of what to do.