July 2022 Update. It has been quite a while.
I’ve now been in The War Room over a year and actually started to really integrate the tools that have been shared there.
I am still with my main woman, whom is Japanese. She’s knows I fvck other women and has accepted it. She knows where the door is, but also knows I am the best man she will ever have. She has also settled into her queen role quite well. She cooks, cleans, and does basically everything I ask of her including operating my businesses. When she’s good, she gets rewarded. The tools in The War Room make all other Red Pill garbage look like complete dorks, you know this and I know this.
July is my biggest income month so far. I have made just over 40k this month between 3 different revenue streams. 2k from my farm, 24k from marketing and sales, and 14k from my consulting gig. I anticipate my income to grow to over 70k/month by the end of the year. This is using the tools that I have gained in The War Room. It is also my constant hard work, dedication and focus, and the group of men I spend my time with.
One of the most understated elements of the network is the ability to bond and grow alongside other men. There now over 20 men in the Bay Area who network, build, find women, and box. We meet at least twice a week to break bread, spar, push each to make more money and bring in younger, tighter, hotter women. We all have different skills and experiences which amalgamate to make an impressive gathering every time we visit an establishment. Last night was Mountain View. I’ve basically disconnected from every other wager loser In my life. As you know, you are a product of the 5 people you spend the most time with. It used to be three wageys, an obese brother, and a raging alcoholic. Now it’s a freelance cinematographer amateur fighter, sales consultant account executive black belt in judo, high level software engineer, a leader in utilities and an absolute slayer of women (over 50 this year), and a multi-millionaire entrepreneur in the cannabis therapeutics.
personally, I am in the best shape of my life. It’s not where I want to be, but I’m getting there. I have a woman who is 100% devoted to my purpose and is now exploring bisexual feelings.I am about to add another income stream of 7-10k a month and my marketing company is growing extremely fast. I have a team of 4 but will scale to 10 by year end.
I haven’t even talked about my potential income from developing corporate training or expanding my farm. I’ve only just begun building both of those.
Until the next time. Good luck gentleman. Don’t be a dork, put in the work and the world will be yours!