DarthJuan said:
Your signal to noise ratio is off the charts.
You're like the proverbial bull in a china shop.
You know exactly what you're going to get, doing the things you do. You can't play the naive card after all these years. You know which buttons to push. As a woman, it's all instinctual for you.
Think of this as an intervention - Woman you is hooked on the drama!
I don't think you're a bad person. But you being here does seem like some sort of self-therapy for you.
This place is a sort of reprieve, a monestary of higher learning for men. But the lunatic, estrogen-laced rantings kinda destroys that whole environment.
Exactly, this is what every learned poster thinks about you Wyldfire.
You're just a troll. You'll re-hash (and mutilate) some Pook advice or quote something out of a magazine. Or, lol, give your womanly
opinion on how men should act.
Your views are banal, jejune. And if they where completely harmless (Like if you worded your posts to sound like just your opinion) no-one would mind. But you don't and your crappy advice is made even less tolerable by you slinging around the fact that you're a woman everywhere like it is some credential for giving dating advice.
IT ISN'TYou just don't understand things from a male perspective, plus you can't think objectively about about your own action, which just further proves your incompetence. You're unintelligent and a persistent troll.
The only reason you don't get flamed into nothing is because their are enough AFC's here who think "It's a woman she must know hat she's talking about". When it's like rule number 1 of the DJ bible
"Women don't know what they want, Women give crap advice" You just confirm this.
And if this
"because I am a woman" How come Penkitten and that other woman don't start so many fights? Why? Because it's nothing to do with you being a woman. It's your stupid attitude no one likes.
Honestly why would anyone want to stay on this website? Apart form the fantastic advice already posted.
The mods pay no attention to whats actually going on, ban users inconsistently, put up with trolls like you wyldfire. The list goes on and on. Not to mention the "We only enforce the rules" excuse they use for being completely incompetent. Just like every other politically correct imbecile.
I didn't care when I got banned.
Mods do the right thing, either ban Wyldfire. Or make a new rule to cover the gaping hole that allows persistent and covert trolls to stay here. You can annoy people all you want so long as you don't let on you are doing it, mods seem to think that is ok.