.....But people aren't cars and steroids aren't fuel.
These are drugs that mess with the fundamental building blocks of your masculinity.
Now, if you've got a micro-penis, no libido and you're 5 foot tall then maybe steroids are worth it and you've got nothing to lose.
But steroids are a dangerous and addictive "wonder drug." It's a drug addiction. You can argue moderation just like any other drug, but it's a slippery slope.
It's not too dissimilar to meth in its addictive potential. People love meth because of the way it makes them feel (their mind becomes much more stimulated and active) and they feel like they are reaching their full intellectual and energy potential. They can clean their own bathrooms for hours.
Bonus of meth is that it doesn't mess with your T levels, even tho it destroys other parts of your body. At least meth heads can bang for hours non-stop. Steroid's effect on the libido is much less predictable. Your nuts will shrink and slowly atrophy, that's for sure. I've heard steroids can elevate and then crush a man's libido. It zig zags.