Ricky: September 2005

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
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How many dates/kisses/action have you had? I'm sensing that you're just having friendly platonic conversations, which is alright as a starting point, but you're gonna have to escalate things eventually...maybe a Ricky October work on that?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Al 77 I will clear it later tonight.

I'll give a statistic summary when I hit 100. 93 now. To be honest when you just want to hit the goal, the last 7 or so may not be my best work. Something about the urgency of reaching the goal!

I actually have a theory about why the date level and action level is low. I think I need to invest more time into each interaction.

Amazingly the crossover phase from fluff into deep rapport did happen pretty well with one girl, (although a friend clockblocking me certainly didn't help). She is one of them that hasnt responded to my emails.

There are some lessons learned here.

1) If you get her email and phone number, sometimes it might be better to call. This is contrary to all my previous experiences. Normally I was good at working the email game for a while. But in particular it should be tailored to the type of the person.
Ex musician girl is more auditory, she may not want to type long emails but would prefer to chat on the phone.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Some nights even with girls giving me IOI, i just can't move. Tonight was like that. Even at one point 3 girls who i saw looking at me swung into my vicinity. Unfortunately i was on the cell with a friend at the time. They left before i finished. FVCK.

And i'm drunk and $40 poorer. But it was fun.

At 96. 4 more for the goal, but need way more than that for fun. Do have a date this Tuesday.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Got to 100 at the airport on the way out of town on the 30th. It was a great one. In fact I saved my 100th for a really great girl (who happens to live in North Carolina)

Wow this whole experience taught me so much. Here are a few brief thoughts about it and I'll tell you what I"ve been up to since then as well

Ok the stats

Out of the 100 new women I met, some of the conversations were short, some much longer but all in all most of them went well (I will detail a few of the bad ones as well)

1) I got approximately 12 emails and phone numbers. Sometimes I got both, sometimes I didn't. Now before you say that isn't such a great stat I have to say that out of the women I asked for email or phone numbers from only 1 turned me down.

2) I was invited to a private party from one of the girls and negotiated a date with another girl totally in a foreign language. Some of the other girls I'm in contact with, and some flat out haven't returned my email.

My take on this? If sufficient rapport is established, typically during a longer convo than the email is more likely to be returned. Also some girls take a while (I just today got an email from my top pick of the group 2 weeks after I sent her one)

3) In the process I met alot of other people including guys. They have invited me to various events. Before this month I knew very few people in Boston now I know a hell of alot more

4) Bad events: On two occasions two sets of two girls gave me crap about hitting on them. This is crap. I gave it back to one set of girls. One time I was talking to a girl and a drunk guy comes up and bumps into me. I instinctively pushed him, then realized it was the girls boyfriend. I could have killed him especially since he was so drunk, but after pushing him, I shook his hand and said hey whats up and carefully ejected from the situation in a cool manner.

Great events: After I had reached 100, I talked to a girl working the counter at the rental car agency of the airport I flew into. I had no interest in her per se, but we started small talking. She paid me one of the nicest compliments I have ever received. She said she was feeling sick all night and just talking me helped her to feel so much better.

This is my mission. By seducing ladies, by having charisma and showing you care in initial conversations you make these girls feel great. It is for this reason that the world needs more Don Juans.

Instead of being a dishonest Kissass, genuine interest and good seductive conversation can truly make a girls day.

I love this!

So October is off to a big start. I have a few different goals. I'll keep a rough estimate of how many women I;ve met but I am focusing on some deeper rapport builidng convos. That and I still am running some game on a girl I absolutely love to this day.