I like the idea of starting a business but have no idea what to start a business in.
Money money , every kid with a dream and no desire to work for the man wants to sincerely believe there is a way out of this rat race. Enter the entrepreneurial millionaires who want to fill the need for these people by writing books of mostly anecdotal , very little factual literature, and sell it to you. Business is simple on the surface. You find a need, and fulfill it. Mind everything around you, and find needs that you think people are willing to spend money for. Most kids are willing to spend money on pyramid schemes, and BS books about becoming rich owning real estate, so these people fulfill it.
I prefer to do what most of us do with women...Observe what women do and not what they say. Observe a real millionaire, and how they run a company, how they invest, how they limit the expenditures in their lives etc. The plain and simple truth was mentioned previously; real millionaires don't tell everyone how they did what they did, and if they did, no one would believe them. Its hard work, risk, research, knowing the right people, dealing with ethics, and having balls of steel. There is no magic bullet.