Your right, this is not a political forum, this forum is all about DJ'ing. However, your the one who linked that site to your post, and you are the one with that rediculous name. Clearly you are trying to convery your own warped ideology on this board. And for those of you who give him credit for "having the balls" to say what he feels, what if someone came to this board with the screen name unclefrankilllwhitey or something else rediculous like that. I don't give a flyin fcuk about this guy, as far as i'm concerned he can suck my D, but he's the one who made the focus ignorance as opposed to what the thread is about. How many other members do you see with offensive screen names. As somebody who is not white, you bet that screen name is offensive. And to tell you the truth, and I know this isn't right, part of me would like to meet this guy and a have a little "conversation" with him. But thats beside the point, he can hold whatever views he wants. Bottom line, this forum is supposed to be about bytches, not by bytches and this jerk off violated that.