Review: Mystery Method Master Series-CD Interview 2


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Review: Mystery Method Master Series-CD Interview
Volume 2-Mystery on Disqualification Theory and the M3 Model
Approx. 66 Mins.

Like many of you guys, before I discovered the PUA community, I never would have believed that all the techniques, tactics, and gambits in the world would work on women in the dating and seduction area...but they do work, and work SO well ! I used to have vitually NO "luck" with women in those days and put it all down to not being good looking enough. Since then, my eyes have been opened and I have realized (just like you) that it's not luck-It's SKILL !

TO ATTRACT SOMEONE IS A SKILL. Opening correctly is a skill that will set off the beginning of attraction, and that you will learn. What happens when you attract someone, then disqualify yourself as attracted to them? They chase YOU. What is you disqualify them further? They chase you HARDER ! It's simply text-book psychology at it's finest...and most ridiculously surreal; People want what they think they can't have. You have just become the "bling" that girls want. You are the dancing string that kitty wants ro play with. Scarcity...

Who's the man who introduced thr M3 Model, the "neg", and group theory to the community? Shaft? Hell no! Mystery? You're damn right. On this CD he is giving you one of the most important tools you will ever use and how to successfully use it. Over the years, the neg has been misinterpreted as some sort of put down or insult, and coming from that kind of frame, it's easy to see the potential disaster that can be had when a neg is thrown the wrong way. Fear not, because this interview with Mystery clears up and defines what is now known as "Disqualification Theory" and the thoery behind "Negs"-With that potential disaster solved, you can feel free to game on. This CD is useful for so many reasons, but it's more than worth it for just that one alone.

Some other topics covered: Target selection, Target switching, Locking-In, Some Do's and Dont's of Day and Night game, Baiting for Qualification

Now, when you go to, you will notice there is a forum there, and it is open to ALL. It is a place of answers and community, sometimes Mys himself answers questions, but there are always former students of his and members of his lounge to help you out. Bottom Line: You start to feel that Mystery Method cares.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Just wondering what you're yawning it the message or the messenger? All I know is that at the forum, there are people that do care about your development and they aren't always trying to sell you something.