Reversing Buyer's Remorse

Chris Harris

New Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Hey guys! Need your input on this. I have in the past committed this mistake several times and hence now want to analyze this and weed it out of my Game once and for all.
I met a girl on a language learning app where we had to converse and practice a language, but we had spoken a lot and it had the feeling of a date. It went great lasted 9 hours was very unplanned and spontaneous since we were both on holiday and free. It consisted of us walking around a park, then getting a few drinks, climbing up a hill in our town at night while drinking, a lot of kissing on top of the hill and then grabbing some food.

As the date was going very well and conversation was flowing, I mention that I love going to thermal baths which are popular in our city, she jumps at the idea and says lets be spontaneous and go tomorrow since its the holidays and I agree. So second date the very next day, we go to the thermal baths, she is in a bikini and we are there for 3 hours, heavy kissing and making out but no alcohol then grab some food and part ways.

I was planning to invite her home for the next date, but when I text her the following day she is a bit distant and cold. I think maybe she just wanted to use me to make herself feel good for the last few days of her holidays and she wants nothing more to do with me. Discuss this with a friend of mine who is also into Game, and he tells me its a perfect case of Buyers Remorse. I went too far without building comfort and I didn't f close either. He advises me not to go for the invitation home as that will just tip her over the edge and she will not respond. He suggests inviting her out for something casual so as to try to reverse her Buyers Remorse, build more comfort and then go for the seduction.

I ask her for coffee and she agrees but is evasive. I open up a bit and tell her I would really like to get to know her slowly and hence I am suggesting coffee. She suddenly changes, opens up completely to me says since she made out with me so much so soon and she still doesn't know me that well, she was feeling pressured that I might already see her as my girlfriend and that she would love to get coffee and meet me without any pressure.
Now she seems back to her old self, we are exchanging texts about stand up comedy and stuff that we both liked and spoke about before the first date. She has agreed to meet for a coffee this week.

I have lost girls and not seen them again when i have escalated so far and not had sex with them before due to buyers remorse. This is the only girl I have managed to kind of salvage the situation with and agree to see me again. I would love to have your thoughts on this situation and how I continue with this girl and also avoiding buyers remorse in the future.
This has been a huge sticking point for me as I fail to make girls stick around.
Would really appreciate your thoughts and advice guys!!

(PS: The logistics were not conducive for sex on both nights and I wasn't looking to just have a ONS with her. I am Asian and she is central European and we live in Central Europe)

(PS: The logistics were not conducive for sex on both nights and I am Asian and she is central European and we live in Central Europe)


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Just make sure this time you take action; fvck her good and hard.

Women want an actionable man on dates. If all they want is talking they could easily chit chat with their multitude of girlfriends.

Your ancestors will turn in their graves in shame each time you chicken out from fvcking a willing pvssy...

Chris Harris

New Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
I did take action. I moved it forward, sexualized what was just supposed to be a meeting to practice languages and made out with her but the lay was not possible. And I think hence her ASD is up now. I did not just chit chat!!!