
Is revenge justified?

  • Revenge is justified sometimes yeah!

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • Revenge is unjustified under any circumstances!

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Is revenge a bad notion where chicks are concerned or not? Obviously revenge is a negative notion in life, but in a situation where you allowed yourself to be messed around by a girl, is taking sweet revenge justified, i.e the kind where pictures get released onto the internet etc, as opposed to the kind where you get arrested and locked up for what you did!


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
I did revenge once..did it do much? Nope, but the school knows she's slutty, haha.

If you're going to do it, hit close to home (ie: ruin) Other then that, piss on it.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
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In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Whether or not it's justified is irrelevent... the reason is that I suspect that it was originally the reaction to your own dumbass moves (we've all had them at some point) that you are trying to get revenge on.

Isn't it more useful to just accept the fact that mistakes were made, learn from them and move on???


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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Interesting viewpoint. Perhaps a bit of background is needed.

This gal and I were never close - we had what you'd call nonversation, ie we only talked to fill the time before and after I ****ed her. That was good enough for me, but despite being only **** buddies there was an element of trust you get from ****ing someone for a year.

Long story cut short, she sold me out and screwed me over when she invited me to another town for a party, which we both attended with the intention of my obviously staying at hers - only to find her leaving with another guy by the end of the night! Yeah thats right, I was in another city, now ****ing abandoned and potentially without a bed to sleep in, nevermind a punani to bang. Let me point out that by this time we'd been ****ing for about a year, she knew me well, and we shared a few friends. In other words, we were far from strangers, although not in a relationship.

Since then I've wondered what to do. Let it go, or get revenge. What she did was COLD, and whilst revenge may be petty, it'll give me laughs! We got back together some months later, and could go anywhere from here. I aint looking at getting into a relationship with her, but I **** her from time to time. I'm thinking of two things:

a) Dont burn bridges - ****ing her then putting the vid on the internet will certainly do that.

b) Dont be some *****es doormatt - treating her well, taking her seriously etc only for history to repeat itself would go against this.

What do you guys think? Am I being petty and too proud, or am I about to give her a well deserved taste of her own medicine??


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Docs
That is cold. got no more buddy.
Talk to her..sure./

You mean

a) what she did was cold, or

b) what I'm thinking of doing is cold??

I dont mind particularly bout no more **** buddy - i'm in a new city now, and as each week passes, more HBs fall into my lap! They're all fresh ***** so of course theres a bit of warming up to do to get to the regular ***** stage, but i aint suffering from a drought. It wouldn't be a shame to lose her (although her tig ol bitties are well legendary) as she can be replaced.



Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
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read the art of war


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by iLoveCookies
read the art of war
Whilst that is a good suggestion, I get the feeling that in Sun Tzu's day he'd have killed her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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This should help, taken from the 48 Laws of Power book:

Law 36:
Disdain Things you cannot have: Ignoring them is the best Revenge
By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make her; and a small mistake is often made worse and more visible when you try to fix it. It is sometimes best to leave things alone. If there is something you want but cannot have, show contempt for it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem.

First there is the sour-grapes approach. If there is something you want but you realize you cannot have, the worst thing you can do is draw attention to your disappointment by complaining about it. An infinitely more powerful tactic is to act as if it never really interested you in the first place.

Remember: The powerful responses to niggling, petty annoyances and irritations are contempt and disdain. Never show that something has affected you, or that you are offended--that only shows you have acknowledged a problem. Contempt is a dish best served cold and without affection.
Living well is really the best revenge. Go out and use Rollo's Plate Spin Theory (do a search on it here).

Joekker once told me that the absolute worst thing you can do to a woman is walk away. It's the toughest thing to do, because you don't get to see her pain, but trust me, walking away from her is all you can do. Or better yet, get her to catch you walking around town with a new beautiful woman in your arms, and smile as you walk past her.

It sends a silent message that you're doing fine without them and you never really needed them in the first place. That their companionship was merely a compliment to your already steady life style. Just keep self-improving, learning, and growing. So later if the chance she bumps into you -- she realizes how much more of a catch you've become, but she can't have you back. Don't waste your time with the past, just keep moving forward and loving who are as a person.

Delete all traces of your ex as well.. and don't respond to SMS/IMs/emails whatever. Also delete her cell # so you're tempted to do a drunk dial/SMS when you're feeling down. They don't care if you love or hate them just as long as you FEEL something for them. So don't give them that satisfaction; just walk away.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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I routinely threaten to tell the husband or bf when a chic gets nasty with me. It works very well and often gets their respect back. The secret is you must keep it up. At first they will act mad. This is a test to see if you're man enough. Keep plowing, stay the course, and you'll get the girl back. This worked for me again as we speak.

I agree that living well is the best revenge and works much better than the nasty tatic I posted above which is strictly last resort once you've messed everything else up.