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Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
I’m still in my first month of finding this site and finally starting to change my life but the progress already is amazing.

Going out this last weekend was an experience like no other times before. Instead of getting caught up in my mind and being very self conscious I was happy for a change. I calmly walked through the bar with a slight smile and talked to several different girls. The response I was getting was amazing.

EVERYTHING Is you inner confidence. Not what cheesy lines you use or anything. You walk up with a smile on and are calm they react. If you have true inner confidence you are responsive to everyone and everything around you and people take notice. The only bad thing is a guy took notice and was jealous and wanted to fight. But I took it as a good thing.. He was jealous that he doesn’t have the effect on people that someone with their inner confidence in tune.

How have I been keeping my inner confidence in tune? I am eating right, going to the gym, always thinking positive and loving life. If you have the attitude and are truly grateful for what you have everything is so easy from then on. The trick is to continuously be aware of your thoughts and keep working on them. The true dj has this mastered.

I even walked up to the hottest girl in the bar with a smile on (she had a really low cut shirt on under a coat that was unzipped so it look like she just had a coat on) and said "I just wanted to make sure, but it looks like you don't have a shirt on" laughing at the same time, she jokingly pushed me then proceeded to unzip her jacket and show me that she did. Then she even moved her shirt around showing me more of her t!ts.. I ADMIT I fvcking froze! I was shocked in how easy that was.
I can't even remember what she was saying when she was doing that or what I said after that but the conversation didn't last long. BUT STILL THE PROGRESS IS AMAZING!

So the main thing that I have to say is stop memorizing all that cheesy **** and blah blah blah. If you are thinking through all those things you are not projecting inner confidence! MASTER YOUR MIND AND BEING GOOD WITH GIRLS WILL FOLLOW. I guarantee it.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
yes, thats good stuff bro. the key is making that thought process a habit. Its so easy to slip back into a negative mode. You have to make the positivity a habit that becomes indestructible.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
The Great Lakes State
I have to ABSOLUTELY agree with you guys! Its all about projecting confidence. When you are truly confident and happy with yourself as a person, it becomes amazingly simple!

Carlos Vendetta

New Member
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
exactly , that's all u need .. feel good about yourself ,and others will feel good about you too..


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
It is great stuff.. And yes the hardest part is keeping the thought process going. I think of thinking positive as a skill, like any skill you have to practice and continuously work on it. I'm just getting to the point where I have had control of it completely.

It used to just come in waves when I first started, kind of like a roller coaster. The more I worked on it and not giving up the better my life has been getting. Every Girl I see I no longer think “I want that,” I think “she should be grateful to have a chance with me.” I walk around and can’t help but smiling. If you see guys like this you probably think what a deusch bag if you haven’t figured it out (jealousy). They couldn’t give a sh!t less because that smile is because they have true inner confidence.

If you ever have doubts that you can't change the way you think, you just failed. You have to believe in yourself. Love yourself and be grateful for all that is around you. You have a place to live in, a family that loves you, and so much more. Hell, think of so many people that are starving to death around this world. You have it good I’m telling you! JUST REALISE IT AND START LIVING LIFE!


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
There has been other stuff that helps a lot also. Whenever thinking negative thoughts and not wanting to approach I either try to think of the great catch theory or more frequently BE A MAN and not a wuss.. That just it GIRLS DO NOT WANT A BOY JUST THAT ACTS JUST LIKE THERE GIRLFRIENDS (CARING, ALWAYS THERE, PROJECTS NO STRENGTH, A WIMP) THEY WANT A MAN!

The way to start being a man is to just start being confident and start thinking about yourself more. (yeah that sounds selfish I know). If you think of it most of the better looking girls are very selfish and if you think of them too much you are going to scare them away. I Know I scared the hottest girl I ever fvcked away and that is why I found this site. I cared way to much!

SO be a mAN and stop being a Pvssy and start getting some PvSSY