Master Don Juan
Here we are glancing at another scene of BBB's day-by-day.
It's Friday, 7 pm, the bus stops. He greets the bus driver, and then walks out of it. Ahead of him 1 mile to be walked until his home.
The road ahead, is a troubled one. Much like his own life.
He has to cross a big avenue, then walk it down, and after that he has to cross a place where the avenue meets the highway. One of the longest highways of Brazil, at rush hour.
He likes to call that place the "Line of Life and Death". He gave this name after he saw a dog who was ran-over, and left there, like a pancake, unnoted.
Then he noticed, that 1/10 of a second is enough for the future of your existence to be decided.
So, after that, he walks until his home, and throw his bag and coat on the floor.
Today, was the end of the first week. BBB epxected this week a lot, and it has met most of its expectations.
I can learn to resist
Anything but temptation
Yes... Temptation is hard... it is the deadly viper who swings around us and threaten us with it's sweet poison.
It is our old demons and behaviors calling us, trying to escape from their prisions. Better yet, trying to grow again.
Today I was tempted... I felt a strong urge to go talk to the girl I fought with... my one-itis. But the light of DJ shined brighter than my demons darkness.
When you see the girl there, beautiful as always, standing so near to you, you start to think about giving up, apologizing and talking to her again.
But no more you know... no more.
I can learn to coexist
With anything but pain
Yes my brothers. The thought of the time wasted, and the opportunities already lost made me wake up, and thank god for not talking to her anymore. It's not my pride, it's not arrogance, it's dignity.
Most of our time in HS is spent trying to lose things... loose our fears, loose our limitation, "loose" ourselves, loose our virginities,
but what most men accomplish is to loose their dignity.
The pain of loosing my dignity is the one I fear the most. Turn a knife inside of me, but let me die with my dignity.
I regret for the times that I was so caught up in getting some pu$sy that I forgot my self-respect, my self-esteem and my values.
Seriously, not even the hottest girl in school is worth it. I'm your living proof.
There's nothing better than knowing that you're not a puppy to any arrogant little princess.
MEN, loneliness with dignity is worth more than ten girls around you, controlling you.
Your dignity is the heart and the shield of your freedom... how free are we if we can climb any mountain, but we restrain ourselves to one girl??
I can learn to compromise
Anything but my desires
Desire for fun, desire for happiness.
All my efforts to meet new people and new girls weren't in vain. I didn't build my reputation in sand.
But loneliness is a cruel inquisitor. It makes you forget everything you have and look to what you can't achieve.
Desire for fun, desire for happiness, these burn stronger than any fire that any single girl can start.
These I can't take from me, for they are the essence of my soul.
So a calm took over me... I just sat there feeling good and looking silly, because I knew that fun and happiness are on the way, and I held on strong.
I don't want to give 2 steps forward and one back. If I can't go any further, I won't step back either !!
I can learn to get along
With all the things I can't explain
I used to look for answers. Answers to all the things that happened to me and around me.
But now I know that answers will come with time.
Sometimes, we're too ignorant to even grasp the greatness of the things that happens to us.
Only time, be it minutes or years will make us open our eyes and learn the lessons and the answers to the doubts that tormented our minds.
And we will notice, that if we were given the answers at that time, the lessons would have lost its value.
So, carry on and live your life... the answers will come... don't waste your time with philosophy when you can waste it actually living.
I can learn to resist
Anything but frustration
This week, I failed many times. I tried to be funny but wasn't, tried to be sexual but couldn't, try to get deeper but couldn't.
I got discouraged at a due moment... then I tried to sleep, but one thing raged inside of me... I was being a pu$sy, I'm a f*cking man and I have to keep working hard to make things work.
So I got up, breathe some air and started again... worked slowly and patiently... and I'm being rewarded... all the awkardness was reverted and I'm better than ever with the ladies.
Why? Because I failed. Because I ran out of subject, I said things that weren't funny and I couldn't kino correctly. Instead of crying and giving up, I used it as motivation to improve and to do better than ever.
I can learn to persist
With anything but aiming low
Yes. No more aiming low. On monday, I was wondering how great I could be this semester, how funny, how laid back and how smooth with the ladies I could be.
I was holding myself. We do it sometimes. It's when we start to do good, but we decide to not exagerate so we don't get disappointed.
There's a beautiful saying that keeps ringing on my mind, from a brazilian reggae song, that says:
Humilty of those who know where they wanna reach
After some thinking it makes sense... you're humble because you know that the road is long and difficult, yet you're audacious and do your best.
You can be humble, and do everything greatly.
So, do it greatly.
I was funnier than anyone this week... when I could, I was very sexual, and when I should have been, I was emotional.
So should all of you !! Go beyond your own limits, and don't stand there just seeing how nice it is around you. Go further !!
Don't be C&F, be the kind of guy that if a TV producer spent 5 minutes with he'd surely get a tv show.
I can learn to close my eyes
To anything but injustice
You know what's the greatest injustice in High School??
Sweet, cute, warm and friendly girls, hardly ever get quality attention from smart, cute, funny guys.
First of all, the really smart,cute,funny guys, are very hard to find. And most of them go for the hottest women in school.
Second of all, there are a lot of jerks who hang around with women a lot, but don't provide the quality time that YOU, fellow DJ can easily.
So look around, and you'll see 7s,8s and 9s spending their times with guys that would rate like 4,5,6 in "Smart,cute,funny" scale.
So, use it to your advantage. That's one realization that has set me apart from like, 95% of my competitors.
I can learn to get along
With all the things I don't know
Sometimes, chicks will do things you don't expect, or can't really understand. That's all right, you'll get along.
Don't sweat it, trying to be HS Freud, because you won't understand.
And to be honest with, that the beauty of the thing. The unpredictability of the girls is what makes us so attracted to them.
Don't spoil this!
You can surrender
Without a prayer
But never really pray
Pray without surrender
Sometimes... you may feel like you lost the battle... that nothing else works... so you'll quit... and ask for help... that's all right you know??
When I failed a lot, I stopped and ran through my head looking for the thoughts of my great friend Bó, or from some posts.
Sometimes I just stopped. And let it for later.
You can always do that... as long as you keep trying, you'll fail a lot and stop for some air a lot... but, in the moment that you gave up, and deliver the accomplishment of your dreams to fate and circumstances, you've lost it.
You can get it back later, but it'll be tougher and you won't be prepared. That's why you shouldn't give up fighting.
Sometimes you'll be beaten down. Sometimes nothing will work, and you'll start to fear that you lost your touch.
But these are the times where you have to prove yourself that you can do it, you will do it, greatly, having a good time and kicking some serious @ss.
Resist the obstacles... resist the temptation to stop and give up.
It's so sweet... nothing taunts us more than our old comfort zones, with no bad feelings nor good feelings.
But that's not what we want. Our dreams are at the top of the hill.
Everytime you fall, you discover a place where you have to climb differently.
And we've spent too much time at the plains... it's time to kiss the sky now.
Doing our best is nothing more than our duty in nature, and also a pleasure to our senses.
The thrill of the change, and the new conquests, is worth the pain of the journey.
I did not talk to the girl. Didn't give up. And she isn't just "some girl", she's the hottest in my school. Temptation tortures the flash, but the Spirit of a DJ is strong and determined as a bull, crashing and running over everything that stands between him and his dreams.
And, 30 minutes later, I found out my reward. I found that Yes, I am right, and she is wrong. Or else other girls wouldn't adore me like they do.
Resist walks hand in hand with Persist.
Resist the obstacles by persisting to get through them.
I could be selling you a pleasant view of life, that things will be easy because you're a DJ, but I won't, because it would be a lie.
Things will be tough, but the toughness is what gives half of the beauty of every goal. Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who make it happen.
So while you're waiting for the Karma bank to pay your salary get up and do something. Whenever you feel like you ain't gonna make it, breath deep and feel the fire inside your self, which lies inside the heart of every Don Juan, giving him strenght to get and try again.
It's Friday, 7 pm, the bus stops. He greets the bus driver, and then walks out of it. Ahead of him 1 mile to be walked until his home.
The road ahead, is a troubled one. Much like his own life.
He has to cross a big avenue, then walk it down, and after that he has to cross a place where the avenue meets the highway. One of the longest highways of Brazil, at rush hour.
He likes to call that place the "Line of Life and Death". He gave this name after he saw a dog who was ran-over, and left there, like a pancake, unnoted.
Then he noticed, that 1/10 of a second is enough for the future of your existence to be decided.
So, after that, he walks until his home, and throw his bag and coat on the floor.
Today, was the end of the first week. BBB epxected this week a lot, and it has met most of its expectations.
I can learn to resist
Anything but temptation
Yes... Temptation is hard... it is the deadly viper who swings around us and threaten us with it's sweet poison.
It is our old demons and behaviors calling us, trying to escape from their prisions. Better yet, trying to grow again.
Today I was tempted... I felt a strong urge to go talk to the girl I fought with... my one-itis. But the light of DJ shined brighter than my demons darkness.
When you see the girl there, beautiful as always, standing so near to you, you start to think about giving up, apologizing and talking to her again.
But no more you know... no more.
I can learn to coexist
With anything but pain
Yes my brothers. The thought of the time wasted, and the opportunities already lost made me wake up, and thank god for not talking to her anymore. It's not my pride, it's not arrogance, it's dignity.
Most of our time in HS is spent trying to lose things... loose our fears, loose our limitation, "loose" ourselves, loose our virginities,
but what most men accomplish is to loose their dignity.
The pain of loosing my dignity is the one I fear the most. Turn a knife inside of me, but let me die with my dignity.
I regret for the times that I was so caught up in getting some pu$sy that I forgot my self-respect, my self-esteem and my values.
Seriously, not even the hottest girl in school is worth it. I'm your living proof.
There's nothing better than knowing that you're not a puppy to any arrogant little princess.
MEN, loneliness with dignity is worth more than ten girls around you, controlling you.
Your dignity is the heart and the shield of your freedom... how free are we if we can climb any mountain, but we restrain ourselves to one girl??
I can learn to compromise
Anything but my desires
Desire for fun, desire for happiness.
All my efforts to meet new people and new girls weren't in vain. I didn't build my reputation in sand.
But loneliness is a cruel inquisitor. It makes you forget everything you have and look to what you can't achieve.
Desire for fun, desire for happiness, these burn stronger than any fire that any single girl can start.
These I can't take from me, for they are the essence of my soul.
So a calm took over me... I just sat there feeling good and looking silly, because I knew that fun and happiness are on the way, and I held on strong.
I don't want to give 2 steps forward and one back. If I can't go any further, I won't step back either !!
I can learn to get along
With all the things I can't explain
I used to look for answers. Answers to all the things that happened to me and around me.
But now I know that answers will come with time.
Sometimes, we're too ignorant to even grasp the greatness of the things that happens to us.
Only time, be it minutes or years will make us open our eyes and learn the lessons and the answers to the doubts that tormented our minds.
And we will notice, that if we were given the answers at that time, the lessons would have lost its value.
So, carry on and live your life... the answers will come... don't waste your time with philosophy when you can waste it actually living.
I can learn to resist
Anything but frustration
This week, I failed many times. I tried to be funny but wasn't, tried to be sexual but couldn't, try to get deeper but couldn't.
I got discouraged at a due moment... then I tried to sleep, but one thing raged inside of me... I was being a pu$sy, I'm a f*cking man and I have to keep working hard to make things work.
So I got up, breathe some air and started again... worked slowly and patiently... and I'm being rewarded... all the awkardness was reverted and I'm better than ever with the ladies.
Why? Because I failed. Because I ran out of subject, I said things that weren't funny and I couldn't kino correctly. Instead of crying and giving up, I used it as motivation to improve and to do better than ever.
I can learn to persist
With anything but aiming low
Yes. No more aiming low. On monday, I was wondering how great I could be this semester, how funny, how laid back and how smooth with the ladies I could be.
I was holding myself. We do it sometimes. It's when we start to do good, but we decide to not exagerate so we don't get disappointed.
There's a beautiful saying that keeps ringing on my mind, from a brazilian reggae song, that says:
Humilty of those who know where they wanna reach
After some thinking it makes sense... you're humble because you know that the road is long and difficult, yet you're audacious and do your best.
You can be humble, and do everything greatly.
So, do it greatly.
I was funnier than anyone this week... when I could, I was very sexual, and when I should have been, I was emotional.
So should all of you !! Go beyond your own limits, and don't stand there just seeing how nice it is around you. Go further !!
Don't be C&F, be the kind of guy that if a TV producer spent 5 minutes with he'd surely get a tv show.
I can learn to close my eyes
To anything but injustice
You know what's the greatest injustice in High School??
Sweet, cute, warm and friendly girls, hardly ever get quality attention from smart, cute, funny guys.
First of all, the really smart,cute,funny guys, are very hard to find. And most of them go for the hottest women in school.
Second of all, there are a lot of jerks who hang around with women a lot, but don't provide the quality time that YOU, fellow DJ can easily.
So look around, and you'll see 7s,8s and 9s spending their times with guys that would rate like 4,5,6 in "Smart,cute,funny" scale.
So, use it to your advantage. That's one realization that has set me apart from like, 95% of my competitors.
I can learn to get along
With all the things I don't know
Sometimes, chicks will do things you don't expect, or can't really understand. That's all right, you'll get along.
Don't sweat it, trying to be HS Freud, because you won't understand.
And to be honest with, that the beauty of the thing. The unpredictability of the girls is what makes us so attracted to them.
Don't spoil this!
You can surrender
Without a prayer
But never really pray
Pray without surrender
Sometimes... you may feel like you lost the battle... that nothing else works... so you'll quit... and ask for help... that's all right you know??
When I failed a lot, I stopped and ran through my head looking for the thoughts of my great friend Bó, or from some posts.
Sometimes I just stopped. And let it for later.
You can always do that... as long as you keep trying, you'll fail a lot and stop for some air a lot... but, in the moment that you gave up, and deliver the accomplishment of your dreams to fate and circumstances, you've lost it.
You can get it back later, but it'll be tougher and you won't be prepared. That's why you shouldn't give up fighting.
Sometimes you'll be beaten down. Sometimes nothing will work, and you'll start to fear that you lost your touch.
But these are the times where you have to prove yourself that you can do it, you will do it, greatly, having a good time and kicking some serious @ss.
Resist the obstacles... resist the temptation to stop and give up.
It's so sweet... nothing taunts us more than our old comfort zones, with no bad feelings nor good feelings.
But that's not what we want. Our dreams are at the top of the hill.
Everytime you fall, you discover a place where you have to climb differently.
And we've spent too much time at the plains... it's time to kiss the sky now.
Doing our best is nothing more than our duty in nature, and also a pleasure to our senses.
The thrill of the change, and the new conquests, is worth the pain of the journey.
I did not talk to the girl. Didn't give up. And she isn't just "some girl", she's the hottest in my school. Temptation tortures the flash, but the Spirit of a DJ is strong and determined as a bull, crashing and running over everything that stands between him and his dreams.
And, 30 minutes later, I found out my reward. I found that Yes, I am right, and she is wrong. Or else other girls wouldn't adore me like they do.
Resist walks hand in hand with Persist.
Resist the obstacles by persisting to get through them.
I could be selling you a pleasant view of life, that things will be easy because you're a DJ, but I won't, because it would be a lie.
Things will be tough, but the toughness is what gives half of the beauty of every goal. Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who make it happen.
So while you're waiting for the Karma bank to pay your salary get up and do something. Whenever you feel like you ain't gonna make it, breath deep and feel the fire inside your self, which lies inside the heart of every Don Juan, giving him strenght to get and try again.