requirements for a handsome face


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
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You can't just list individual face features and that's it.

Ever heard of the Golden Ratio? The facial proportions are more important than anything else.

Attractiveness requires a specific distance between the pupils and mouth in relation to the distance of the hairline to the chin, and a specific distance between the pupils in relation to the width of the face.


Feb 14, 2015
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ThePlayedList said:
Lets be real here, secret to being attractive to American/western women = being a tall white guy. You can have some facial deformities here and there and you will just be "rugged". On the other hand some handsome looking asian or indian guy (Godfrey Gao, Senhil Ramamurthy, etc.) will just be regarded as
not being her "type".

Face it, women are poor judges of looks and everything. You can tell a woman you are 6'2 when you are really 5'10 and she will believe you. Just like with looks, women see tall and white, they automatically think hot if he is in good shape. Why? Because media tells them that is what is hot.
Fuk you liar. females are picky but no in this way you stupid dumb **** even though you don't have one


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2015
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golden ratio, high cheek bones, defined jaw line, good eyebrows, thin eyes, etc.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
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Queens, New York
pyros said:
I've come to understand what configures a guy's face that every woman finds attractive:

1- teeth ok.
2- defined jaw.
3- no receding hairline.

I see guys that fulfill these requirements, and eventhough they can have a regular body, dress normal etc, if they have 1,2,3, they usually get hot girlfriends.

If you, however, have a nice body, but you have a receding hairline, or you have your teeth so-so, or a baby face, or all of them, it does not really matter if you're muscular and dress nice, because it is way more important these three factors.

I have female friends and they all judge pretty bad when a guy is balding. It is a turn off and if they're looking for a bf they discard guys because of this.
Its like when we discard girls that are too fat for our taste.

When a girl is an HB7 and above, she can be pretty picky.

I agree with most of what you've stated...

1. Teeth (straight and whitened, if you can)
2. Defined jaw (this means a lean face, no double chin and low bodyfat)
3. No receding hairline (full head of hair, :rockon: if you have long hair..
4. Good facial symmetry (an even face)


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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If your hair is receding or thinning shave it off. Hair is not that big of a deal that many make it out to be. I was still getting decent looking chicks and I had a bald spot on the back of my head and thinnning receding on the top


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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pyros said:
I've come to understand what configures a guy's face that every woman finds attractive:

1- teeth ok.
2- defined jaw.
3- no receding hairline.

I see guys that fulfill these requirements, and eventhough they can have a regular body, dress normal etc, if they have 1,2,3, they usually get hot girlfriends.

If you, however, have a nice body, but you have a receding hairline, or you have your teeth so-so, or a baby face, or all of them, it does not really matter if you're muscular and dress nice, because it is way more important these three factors.

I have female friends and they all judge pretty bad when a guy is balding. It is a turn off and if they're looking for a bf they discard guys because of this.
Its like when we discard girls that are too fat for our taste.

When a girl is an HB7 and above, she can be pretty picky.

I can take all 3 of those points and combine them into an ugly face. The key to facial attractiveness is in the "proportions" that a few guys have mentioned already.

You've listed things that apply when "all else is equal," which they almost never are. Just like being tall is better than being short, but if you have an attractive face on a 5'7'' frame you're going to score hotter chicks than having an ugly face on a 6'2'' frame.

You know how Justin (baby face) Beiber became famous? He has the golden ratio.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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PeasantPlayer said:
This is true for the most part in my experience. Women do not have good taste in general......and white women love their jacked white men which is fine.
It's when they are smug about it that's when its a problem. They have this way of playing on your insecurities when you don't match up when there's no attraction.

There is some real sh*t going down in the wider world, and everyone is distracted.

Through this experience I became somewhat reclusive from going out and putting myself out when I was younger. It hurt my parents because it got to the point of self-deprecation and self-abuse. They must see something in me that I am not seeing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Yeah, proportions, but you can't do much about those right? You could mask them a bit with your hairstyle but that's it.