Required reading: Save yourself anxiety, frustration and getting stuck in your head.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Australia, ?
Yes, I've already posted this in general but seeing as this is a tip; I'll post them here in future!

There exists 3 silly little games, that are occuring all the time.
So simple, you wouldn't even notice them but you will notice yourself becoming anxious if you don't.
  1. The time taken for a girl to reply; both in person but especially on MSN and from text messages.
  2. The amount of content in the girls reply.
  3. The person to end and start the interaction.
They are all subtle ways for a girl to take power over you.

So long as you play these games you can't really win.

I'm sure you can try to take a longer amount of time than her to reply, make your reply shorter and end the conversation first but all that is doing, is making a lot of nerdy guys try micro-manage the situation.

Note, that by starting the conversation you always lose some power, sure you can offer value but ultimately it communicates you want to talk to her so she immediately has some power.

Why would you want to play besides having the most power?
It shows:
  • You are not needy or dependant.
  • You care less than her (power).
  • You are the one in control (dominance).
  • The implication that she is the pursuer.
  • That she may have competition for your time.
and a host of other things.

These games revolve around the 3 day call rule, the not calling all the time, abundance mentality; heaps of what we teach here.

But refrain: So long as you play these games you can't really win.

The solution to all this rubbish is to simply inform the girl you do not play these games.

Every time I see a woman trying to play a mind game (as they do), I'll call her on it.
The only way to win these games is by not playing, I think that's half the test.

At the same time and here is what took me a while to realise.
Is that it's okay to know about this but don't go out consciously looking for it, just hold two contradictory mindsets of seeing the best in people but at the same time realise what is going on.

It's really harmonising that which is the tricky part.
In summary: Don't try 'win' their games because you can't, that's half the test. Simply, don't even play them.
Lastly only one person can play this game, she is better than you at it. Don't go there. You can't score against the wall!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Maybe you're not aware, and maybe your post isnt rubbish, but I'm sure the content of your thread is going to screw some insecure guy somewhere. Somebody is going to take any of the three "games" as a personal matter and jet out of there asap (Which will happen like...a lot of times, and blame it on the chick). Self defeatism sucks man.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
I've always understood that stuff to not be a relevant factor of my 'conscious' game, but something that I handle but don't care about as much.

As stated, people are going to focus on this and it will mess up their interactions with people, just like when I consciously started to think about kino, it completely ruined me.

If you asked me about kino I would laugh and reply 'who actually thinks about this stuff? You just do it'. The same applies for something as ubiquitous as your interactions with women.

I suppose if you are a newbie or have social problems this is a hurdle, but for most well-adjusted people, this shouldn't be a pressing issue. Furthermore even if this were an issue the best way to handle it is to practice on simple things (like the bible states) and eventually it will not be an issue.