Originally posted by squirrels
Sex is boring and stupid. A lot of you don't know because you've never done it. When you do, you'll realize too, that it isn't everything everyone's made it out to be. It's just another thing to do.
Hey, it was your first time. Were you expecting fireworks or something? You aren't the first person to be disappointed. It may just not have been good. Try again, and try another girl. What you put into it is what you get out of it. Meaningless sex is just that. Meaningless.
Originally posted by squirrels
I understand the whole DJ attitude, but I am just ready to be done with this entirely. The prize is not worth the challenge. It just isn't.
It is not the prize. You are the prize. Sex is the gift you give her. Put your heart into it, and I don't necessarily mean give your heart to the girl. That's a whole nother subject.
Originally posted by squirrels
I'm wondering why we're here. Why *I* am here.
From Socrates to DMX, no one has been able to give an absolute answer to that question. You are on your own here.
Originally posted by squirrels
Someone remind me why women are so important? Why we try so hard to get them? I dont' want to give up. I want it back...the way I felt before sex. I want to want women. I want to find some pleasure in being around them. I just can't any more.
You are almost getting it. Women are not so important as you are being lead to believe. They should be a part of your life, but not the most important of it. You've had way too much expectation built up and it is diminishing any gain you would get from these experiences that should be highly enjoyable. You are placing way more value on women and sex than there really should be. You need to find the balance. Hey, I love women and sex, but my life is not all about women and sex. There is more to life than that for me, but they are both a part of it, not the focus of it.
Originally posted by squirrels
I'm thinking maybe I oughta start doing mall pickups or some other venue. Maybe the club thing just isn't the way to go for me. It's just discouraging...here's all these girls just looking for an excuse to get sexed and I can't find the inner-drive to give them what they want.
It really does feel awkward.
Ah, now your problem is a little clearer. What you are looking for is a relationship with a girl. And that's cool if that's what you want. Try that, but don't get focused entirely on one girl, but try to set up a team of girls that you can call on. Clubs are great if sex is all you are looking for. But it looks like you want more than that. Try to get to really know the girls you meet, and you'll find that they will give their heart and soul to you. Then, it'll be a whole nother ball game. You have a lot more hurdles to jump when trying to lay the club girl than a street pick up, mainly because of the biatch shields and ASD that comes into play and the group set tactics. When you start off at it, it is a steep learning curve with frequent crashes and burns and the more adept you become at it, the easier it becomes. Clubs are good for meeting a number of new girls in a short time frame, and you can always audition them later for your stable if you got a girl or two that needs your immediate attention.
Now, since Player Supreme brings up the subject, I'll drop some knowledge on ya...
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
1. these are a pair of shoe's that I'd rather not wear thank you.
Me neither.
Originally posted by Player_Supreme 2. Good explanation, And you made some valid points, but you forgot that as "men" we are genetically programmed to seek out females to impregnate. Nature has made this possible so that the species can continue.
True, but since the early 1900s, a certain segment of US society has been trying to induce behavioral changes and control in it's population through means of propaganda and psychological conditioning.
Originally posted by Player_Supreme 3. I've noticed that some men born today are not recieving this signal clearly or at all.
Again, this is the propaganda at work.
Originally posted by Player_Supreme 4. Somemen are shutting down or turning their backs on this call also because they are too lazy to go throught the current mating rituals.
This is by design and the aim of an almost century long process.
Originally posted by Player_Supreme 5. Life is designed so that the best get to reproduce. Look at how many sperm is released and only the strongest of them all will make it to fertalize the egg.
Again, true, but it is in the interest of some that this not happen and there are those who wish to control who does what and how frequently.
Originally posted by Player_Supreme 6. Unfortunately with current civilization weaker people are being born. Now we have societies that will support and cater to those who would not of survived a few thousand years ago. And that's cool to a certain extent.
Now, if there are more weaker people being born, would the weaker people not be easier to control, be docile, and influenced by the stronger people? More ho's for the pimps.
Originally posted by Player_Supreme 7. But in the end only the strongest get to write the history. If this guy is too tired of the chase then maybe it's better for him not to breed. For the rest of us who are willing to stand up and fight for every inch and scratch and claw our way to the top of this heap I salute you for sticking it out..because the chase does get easier when you get too the top. And once you pass over the top it's an easy coast down the other side into the valley of eternal Pus.sy.
Ah, now you are starting to get it Player Supreme, but this is working on a global scale.