remembering the past


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
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Hello everyone,

I'm a bit of a romantic at heart, I wonder if many are these days?. Back in 1998 I lived in a small village and from time to time I frequented an old english pub for a few drinks. I really love the old english pubs, with low beams and roaring fires, much nicer than these sports bars, gastro pubs. In those days I was fairly shy but I noticed this barmaid smiling at me and at times I felt her catching looking at me (almost staring). Anyway I used to feel great chemistry, I think she was fairly shy also. We used to chat whilst I was at the bar and and I looked forward to seeing her. One night whilst sitting at the bar she came round with a drink an leaned into me and didn't say anything to me, but just sort pressed into me. It was just a really strange feeling I didn't say anything either- a sort of feeling of connection. Another night she would get herself a drink and leave it at the bar next to mine during the evening. Anyway one night about two weeks later I was going to ask her out, and I was devestated to find she had been sacked from her job.

In short I missed her. About a year ago I started thinking about her and how it was unfair that she left without saying goodbye or leaving contact details, It sounds sad but I wished for her to return. So eight years on I was at a petrol station and I thought I saw her, as she was leaving the shop our eyes met but I chose to say nothing and though nothing more of it. A month ago at the same petrol station I see her again filling her car with petrol and as I drive by we see each other and she smiles and I smile back. Then last week after a night out in my town I go to a take away shop and as I enter she is there waiting for food. Being slightly high on drink and being so pleased to see her I wondered in reality if she would remember me, but she seemed to and asked why she left almost ten years ago. She said her boss acussed her of taking money from the till. The problem is I can't really remember the rest of the conversation apart from her asking if I still drink there. I said I left as it wasn't the same after she had gone (probably a mistake). I can't to this day remember how she left, but thought she said "take care".

Anyway I know I should just get a girl friend and forget her, but I still kind of think of her and I wonder what if anything she thinks. Indeed I wonder if we will meet again? or whether it was ESP?. Maybe I should stop watching romantic movies :)


New Member
Nov 17, 2007
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I wonder if you would feel this way for any girl that showed you the same interest.
With all of the IOI's she's been giving you and you doing nothing about it, I can't help but think this is not something you are used to.
She might be great or she might not, don't fall for oneitis.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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this is why i want all guys in here to listen to what im about to say and to live it.....

If you like a woman and she smiles or talks to you - ASK HER OUT!

you are 100000 times better off getting rejected than you are being like this poor bloke, looking back on some chic from 10 years ago and wondering what if.

and i'm not trying to be harsh, because i've got a few of those women in my memory banks as well.

i, like most of you, was raised to be an AFC. what does that really mean? all it means is that we were raised to STOP and THINK before acting. which sounds reasonable, but its not! not when it comes to women.

no one taught us what we needed to know, which was success with women relies on you ACTING and NOT thinking.

anyway, i can understand feeling a woman out before asking her out. but if she seems happy to talk with you, then you need to ask her out. do NOT keep telling yourself 'next time i see her i'll ask her out.' - because there may not be a next time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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joekerr31 said:
anyway, i can understand feeling a woman out before asking her out. but if she seems happy to talk with you, then you need to ask her out. do NOT keep telling yourself 'next time i see her i'll ask her out.' - because there may not be a next time.
Been there, done that plenty of times unfortunately.

Know what's worse though? Saying to yourself "Next time I'll HIT that" when the pu$$y is being dangled right in front of your nose.

Until you have the hook set you can't take anything for granted.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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There's that one post in the DJ Bible about how the feeling of chickening out in asking a girl out feels worse than being rejected by her. That kind of sums up this whole thread.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
Been there, done that plenty of times unfortunately.

Know what's worse though? Saying to yourself "Next time I'll HIT that" when the pu$$y is being dangled right in front of your nose.

Until you have the hook set you can't take anything for granted.

the only thing that seperates the successful man and the unsuccessful man in life is that the successful man:

1) knows what he wants (usually at an early age)
2) goes after it with tenacity (never gives up even as the years go on. keeps trying different tactics to get what he wants).
3) instantly acts on every opportunity presented to him (doesn't worry about the outcome of acting, he just acts)

the unsuccessful man hesitates.

which is why there are so many *ssholes who are successful and so many intelligence, nice guys who aren't.

its not that one is an *sshole and one is a nice guy, its actually that one acts and one hesitates.

i've learned this lesson the hard way for sure.

i honestly can't remember a single time where ive acted and look back with regret. but i can probably give you at least a dozen situations where i wish i had acted but didn't - those are the situations you remember years later.

(oh, just one other note, part of success does depend on luck - hence the saying 'when opportunity knocks', every man needs a little luck. but you need a horseshoe up your *ss kind of luck if you think you have a chance at succeeding in life through hesitation.)