Originally posted by The Real Deal
LOL, Just for the fun of it, it's my turn to rant a bit, not to get off this brilliant subject, but a "strong woman"? Please! I would give anything to find one out there (meaning - I haven't yet, not that there isn't). Don't get me wrong I love all women, (at least that's what I'm trying to do)
, but don't say "men" as in all men. Say most, some, many, to say what you're speaking of.
Wow... I'm not even going to comment on your list of quotes (some of them were ****ing funny, but the others... hmmm...) because I know where I am

And I totally respect your need to rant for a bit just for the fun of it... BUT... You gotta know that was a joke... How stupid would I be to come on to a site called "Don Juan Discussion Forum" and try to seriously talk about how "men" can't handle "strong women". LOL!!