but that just goes to show how much men can't handle a strong woman,
LOL, Just for the fun of it, it's my turn to rant a bit, not to get off this brilliant subject, but a "strong woman"? Please! I would give anything to find one out there (meaning - I haven't yet, not that there isn't). Don't get me wrong I love all women, (at least that's what I'm trying to do)

, but don't say "men" as in all men. Say most, some, many, to say what you're speaking of.
There are over 8,000 members on this site alone, in which only a few of them I would chose to be considered "men". The other 7,950 or so I would be in agreement with you on your choice of words. I don't post here in order to achieve the all mighty senior-master-know everything-above all-title given out after a min. amount of posts.
My goal here is to learn from the mistakes of others, and hopefully help out those from my own experience. Call me supercilious if you will, but my only goal would be to find a "strong woman" who could live up to my expectations, and I won't settle for less. If I have to weed out many "weak" women in the process, well, so be it.
The following are quotes from people over the span of 1,300 years, all of which sum up the general opinion on "most" women. I hope you all enjoy. I'm done, I need a drink.
"- God created woman. And boredom did indeed cease from that moment - but many other things ceased as well. Woman was God's second mistake." - Anon
" - To a single woman men are either dates, potential dates, or date substitutes." - ANON
" - But wait, you say that it is not her body, but her "finer qualities" that enchant you. I see. By this you mean no doubt, her cunning, conniving character, her relentless treachery, her ceaselessly wagging, nagging tongue, her inane vanity, her meows and purrs and hissings, her whorishness and prudery (for Woman spends her entire life vacillating between these two extremes). Or perhaps you have in mind her spitefulness, her obstinacy, her mindless illogic, her caviling, cawing stupidity. Yes, doubtless these are the "finer qualities" you find to revere in the object of your affections. . ." - ANON
" - Nature intended women to be our slaves; . . . they are our property, we are not theirs. They belong to us, just as a tree that bears fruit belongs to the gardener. What a mad idea to demand equality for women! . . . Women are nothing but machines for producing children." - Napoleon Bonaparte
" - Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so." - Florence Nightingdale
" - Women for the most part do not love us. They do not choose a man because they love him, but because it pleases them to be loved by him."- Anon
"- I have found one good man in a thousand, But not one good woman among them." - Ecclesiastes 7:28
"- Better the badness of men than the goodness of women." - Ecclesiasticus 42:14
"- All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman." - Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus
"- Woman is a sick sheass, a hideous tapeworm, the advance post of hell." - John Damascene, 7th Century monk & Saint
"- For a woman to study the scriptures indicates confusion in the realm." - The Mahabarata, Hindu Scripture
"- A child also cannot be made a witness in a court of law, nor a woman . . . nor a cheat. . . . These persons might give false evidence. A child would speak falsely from ignorance, a woman from want of veracity, an imposter from habitual depravity. "- Hindu Scripture
"- The sacred books should be burned rather than made available to women. - Talmud, Sotah 3:4, Jewish Scripture
"- Some say that learning seems not to be the business of women. I say that . . . control of the mind is of the utmost importance to women, and it would be a great mistake to say that it is not their business. The ******d manner and temper of women is rooted in the negative (yin) power, and so temperamentally women are apt to be sensitive, petty, narrow, and jaundiced. Confinement results in limited vision. Consequently, among women compassion and honesty are rare indeed. That is why Buddhism says that women are particularly sinful and have the greatest difficulty in attaining Buddhahood. Thus women are in special need of mental discipline. "- Toju, Zen Master
" - Wouldst thou define or know what a woman is?
She is glittering mud, a stinking rose, sweet poison, ever leaning toward that which is forbidden her.
Woman is adamant, pitch, buckthorn, a rough thistle, a clinging burr, a stinging wasp, a burning nettle.
Lo, woman is the head of sin, a weapon of the devil, expulsion from paradise, mother of guilt, corruption of the ancient law" Salimbene, 13th C.
" - Men dislike women who don't understand them, and women dislike men who do." - ANON
" - Women are neither equal nor different to men - they are inferior. Women rarely if ever organize themselves effectively because they are unable to think logically." - ANON