The Antichrist_Star
Master Don Juan
- Joined
- Sep 9, 2002
- Messages
- 1,066
- Reaction score
- 3
- Age
- 40
I realized that I have tests on Monday, Tuesday, as well as Wednesday... so I have decided to release this post today... as I am watching NFL Sunday Countdown preparing to go to work. I have managed to think about a lot of things while I was away. I was able to step outside of myself, as well as outside "the game." I took some time (and still doing so) to look and evaluate the world of Don Juanism as a whole and in parts. This is the one thing that I have realized... evolution is happening. The other thing that I realized... women are evovling faster than men are. It is time to face the music ladies and gentlemen... had it not been for the patriarchical society that contained women for thousands of years... it would be men that would be washing the dishes and watching the babies.
*Watches as everyone looks shocked and appauled* It sounds crazy doesn't it? Well... let's think about it for a second. Let us set the caveman days a side for a second when men did the hunting and let us move on to the more civilized times like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and now. The less it was required that men performed strenous work... the more we became useless. In this day and age, this type of work is not only performed in lesser and lesser amount... it is practically discouraged. This has evened the playing field between men and women... and what we failed to realize for the last almost one hundred years is that... it did not even the playing field between men and women... it crushed our playing field.
I say all of that to say this... I am sorry to report this men... but it appears that evolution... particularily feminine evolution has caught up with us, and managed to surpass us. Women have managed to seduce, manuever, and manipulate their way to the top of the evolutionary food chain... meanwhile men have spent the last couple of years attempting to figure out how in the hell this happened. This would explain where site such as this one,,, David DeAngelo, Doc Love and countless others have tried to combat the problem... and thus far we've done a fairly decent job... but like any disease... decent is simply not going to cut it.
One of the reasons why I believe the spread of Don Juanism has been moving at the speed of a special Olympic hurdler (you may think we are many guys... but take a good hard look around in daily life and realize that we are a very, very small amount) is because we have been going about new things... with same old ways. Face it gentlemen... the days of brute, and overt power are long gone. Even the "controversial" "war" on Iraq was based on very tactical moves of diplomacy... and in spite of my views on the war... I can appreciate such skills of a tactician. Overt and "strong arming" tactics are long gone, and have been replace with the subtle arts of seduction, manipulation and what some may call "Machiavellian" tactics... tactics that men never had to learn, but women have mastered.
"Reloaded... you are giving us all of this bad news here... where's the beacon of hope?" It is right here. I am not going to preach to you about giving up your morals (like I believe I did in the past)... I will not lie to you... I am an active participant in all of the practices of deception I named above... shoot me. However... I am tired of seeing my men go down in flames countless times... I am tired of seeing my men being out decived, out manuevered and manipulated... then come to this site bitter and confused, and mad... "why do women play games?" It is not only women that play games sportfans... men play games and you probably have played many "games" and have never even knew it.
So... being an active "game" player myself... I will prepare my men... prepare my men to know the games, see the games coming, what to do with them... even play a game or two. (if you are as amoral as I am) Darwin had "Darwinism" and so in Reloaded fashion I present to you... "Reloadedism" Reloadedism is defined as: The evolution of the man. The times ahead gentlemen will be fantastic, but trying... as I said in my return post... I will talk about a lot of things that go against many of the "Don Juan" conventions. I only ask that you suspend your disbelief for a moment, and just take in what I am saying. Game on.
The Bad Man is Back...
The Matrix: Evolution
*Watches as everyone looks shocked and appauled* It sounds crazy doesn't it? Well... let's think about it for a second. Let us set the caveman days a side for a second when men did the hunting and let us move on to the more civilized times like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and now. The less it was required that men performed strenous work... the more we became useless. In this day and age, this type of work is not only performed in lesser and lesser amount... it is practically discouraged. This has evened the playing field between men and women... and what we failed to realize for the last almost one hundred years is that... it did not even the playing field between men and women... it crushed our playing field.
I say all of that to say this... I am sorry to report this men... but it appears that evolution... particularily feminine evolution has caught up with us, and managed to surpass us. Women have managed to seduce, manuever, and manipulate their way to the top of the evolutionary food chain... meanwhile men have spent the last couple of years attempting to figure out how in the hell this happened. This would explain where site such as this one,,, David DeAngelo, Doc Love and countless others have tried to combat the problem... and thus far we've done a fairly decent job... but like any disease... decent is simply not going to cut it.
One of the reasons why I believe the spread of Don Juanism has been moving at the speed of a special Olympic hurdler (you may think we are many guys... but take a good hard look around in daily life and realize that we are a very, very small amount) is because we have been going about new things... with same old ways. Face it gentlemen... the days of brute, and overt power are long gone. Even the "controversial" "war" on Iraq was based on very tactical moves of diplomacy... and in spite of my views on the war... I can appreciate such skills of a tactician. Overt and "strong arming" tactics are long gone, and have been replace with the subtle arts of seduction, manipulation and what some may call "Machiavellian" tactics... tactics that men never had to learn, but women have mastered.
"Reloaded... you are giving us all of this bad news here... where's the beacon of hope?" It is right here. I am not going to preach to you about giving up your morals (like I believe I did in the past)... I will not lie to you... I am an active participant in all of the practices of deception I named above... shoot me. However... I am tired of seeing my men go down in flames countless times... I am tired of seeing my men being out decived, out manuevered and manipulated... then come to this site bitter and confused, and mad... "why do women play games?" It is not only women that play games sportfans... men play games and you probably have played many "games" and have never even knew it.
So... being an active "game" player myself... I will prepare my men... prepare my men to know the games, see the games coming, what to do with them... even play a game or two. (if you are as amoral as I am) Darwin had "Darwinism" and so in Reloaded fashion I present to you... "Reloadedism" Reloadedism is defined as: The evolution of the man. The times ahead gentlemen will be fantastic, but trying... as I said in my return post... I will talk about a lot of things that go against many of the "Don Juan" conventions. I only ask that you suspend your disbelief for a moment, and just take in what I am saying. Game on.
The Bad Man is Back...
The Matrix: Evolution