religion and the ladies...


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
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I find religion to not be nearly as much of a problem as say the church they go to. One would be surprised how far away a religious groups practice deviates from the core religion.

DJ Logic

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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Pepe Le Pew

Very interestin profile here. A christian DJ??? What are you tryin to "tweak" here? The Good Book forbids you to screw before marriage. So, uh....what if your skills go off the charts and you end up with all this luscious ass in your face? Watchagonna do? Kiss her and think 100% pure Jesus thoughts? I asked this question of Tamales and she vanished in reply (Which she needed to do) But I am even more curious about where you stand Pepe. What do you hope to accomplish with this site? (Since obviously getting laid is not your priority)

Also wanted to add a bit to your Christian chick logic. I remember in church they would say to the women that thay are the "Brides of Christ" In other words, sex before marriage = cheating on Jesus! Yikes!!!

Anyways, best of luck to you with whatever it is you are looking for.



What the...

It's amusing how so many atheists/agnostics seem to congregate on the internet....
It's amazing how quickly this thread turned from a discussion of religion to an attack on Christianity/Christians.

DJ Logic, what's wrong with a DJ who prays/has a relationship w/God, or at least believes in God and follows Christian tenets, the vast majority of which have a lot more to do with honesty and compassion than sex.

Earlier in this thread, someone was bitgching about people being prejudiced against them for their atheist or agnostic beliefs, and it was a valid point.

But it goes both ways.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
DJ Logic, you obviously miss the point of this site. This site isn't solely for getting laid, it is also about self improvement, becoming a true man, being happy with your life, and getting laid is merely one topic of discussion. Much of what this site says about being a man, goes along with what the Bible says about being a man.

Back to the original topic. route 66, the Bible actually does not forbid marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian, but speaking from the viewpoint that I would pretty much only date/marry a Christian, the reason is that for most Christians, we want a partner who will see eye to eye with us on the single most important thing in our lives. That's why the importance factor differs, because in nonreligious/nonspiritual people, you wouldn't have "not believing in the Christian God" tops in your order of importance (unless you post as "Demon" on sosuave :D), but for Christians, we (most of us at least) would place God above anything else. That's why it makes so much of a difference to us.
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Mr. Fingers
Dude I feel your pain. I used to be a hardcore right-wing Christian myself. Until I woke up one day and realized that while there may be one ultimate truth, there are many paths to get to it. As far as God, I don't believe in the traditional image of God...don't think he's a he or a she or anything our minds can pin down. Just a social contruct we have created to harness the power of the Unknown, which is what people fear most! To me God... is the soul of the universe experiencing itself through flavors of consciousness, we are all God, a poetic expression written across time!

As far as how this applies to relationships, I have to say, this is a major factor in my selection process. Would I bone a Christian hottie? heh..Does the devil wear red??? Now, would I marry or have an LTR with one? Unless she is a VERY open minded one (good luck finding one of those) then Uh-uh no way man! For me to have that level of intimacy with someone, we have to connect on some deeeep levels. I don't care how fine she is..I want her to push my perception of the universe to new heights, not bore me to death with tired notions that other people have put into her head. I want a woman who is smarter, more in touch with her SOUL than that.

We are on the same page Senior Fingers


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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Karl Marx was right about religion. Wrong about economics, though...

If you really want to have a miserable life marry a religious fundimentalist from any religion. Fanatics are always are real riot at parties!

If you want a good sex life, stay away from the religious. No BJs to be had there!!!!



Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
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Actually the concept of a eternal hell is a false christian doctrine.

The bible never ever mentions a place of eternal torment.
It mentions a place of everlasting destruction for sinners.
According to the bible God promised to eradicate sin forever.
That means if there are still people be totured in hell than he has not kept his promise when everyone goes to heaven or hell.

Hell is a place of destruction not eternal torment.
Read your bible instead of being brainwashed about what some church tells you.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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The only ones I would say stay away from are the 'Born again' christians. Unless you share their views, they can be a bit too hardcore for the average joe non-believer. The ones who have grown up with religion all their lives - you've got a 50/50 chance of getting with.

Just what I've observed...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2004
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Originally posted by Mr. Fingers
Dude I feel your pain. I used to be a hardcore right-wing Christian myself. Until I woke up one day and realized that while there may be one ultimate truth, there are many paths to get to it. As far as God, I don't believe in the traditional image of God...don't think he's a he or a she or anything our minds can pin down. Just a social contruct we have created to harness the power of the Unknown, which is what people fear most! To me God... is the soul of the universe experiencing itself through flavors of consciousness, we are all God, a poetic expression written across time!

See how much better that sounds than, "there is no God?" When you peg yourself as an atheist, alot of people will see you as some sort of supreme pessimist. I am personally against organized religion (atheism can be considered religion as well you know!) But you don't have to be religious to be SPIRITUAL! I have dated Christians, Hindus, Buddhists you name it. It's all the same sh!t !!! A bunch of people who think they are right and everyone else is dumb. Brings to mind something my sweet little grandma used to say to me, "Fingers" she said, "Opinions are like *******s...everybody has one and they think everyone else's stinks!" Wise words!

As far as how this applies to relationships, I have to say, this is a major factor in my selection process. Would I bone a Christian hottie? heh..Does the devil wear red??? Now, would I marry or have an LTR with one? Unless she is a VERY open minded one (good luck finding one of those) then Uh-uh no way man! For me to have that level of intimacy with someone, we have to connect on some deeeep levels. I don't care how fine she is..I want her to push my perception of the universe to new heights, not bore me to death with tired notions that other people have put into her head. I want a woman who is smarter, more in touch with her SOUL than that.

This is just my preference though. I have seen people of different religions get together and they seem happy. Only you can decide what is right for you, but I gotta say, when you meet that special girl who not only shares but ENHANCES your view of the world, you have truly struck gold, Route 66!
You are my f****** hero man. At last, somebody with clear sight.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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Don't let a womans beliefs throw you off unless she's not giving you what you want in a relationship. For a lot of women "christian" is nothing more than a label they give themselves. They'll still get drunk and screw your brain outs if they're interested. I've knew 2 girls like this in college and one of them was a preachers daughter.

On the otherhand the old testament sodomy laws state that any kind of sex other than vaginal intercourse during marriage is a sin. So if your a christian who enjoys anal or getting BJ's then I guess you'll have to stamp it out. The bible also says that you should have your eyeballs plucked out for looking at a woman lustfully but that's a different matter.