Relationship Tips


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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any one know of any ways to put the sizzle/butterfly in the stomach feeling/excitement back in a relationship?

also, any tips in general on LTRs from your own experience would be really cool.



Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
~Go on vacations/trips

~Go out to lunch in another town,just cause!

~Suprise her with a massage every once-and-a-while.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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never rush anything

always be yourself. always.

never change yourself for her. your things are always first on ur list.
dont change ur lifestyle. if u had a hobbie going before she came in. u better continue doing that...
meaning.. like some ppl become lazy because they got a "gf" so they stop doing the thigns they were doing when they first met their girl. DONT do that.

and yeh just be easy. and let things flow. but ALways keep ur foot down, even from the beginning.

NEver yell at her or swear at her. if she steps out of line. meaning she disrespected u.. no need ot yell at her. use your most powerful tool. and thayts slience.. just ignore her for a few days then after u think she learned her lesson. act normal.. this will set her straight.. it did with my exes.

always keep things at a slow pace . and let them come up... meaning. dont force ur girl if she doesnt wanna kiss.. or fuk u.. u can make the moves and make them encourging but when she tells u flat out that shes not ready. then back off..

one of my best tips i can give you is. that.. ALWAYS keep your interest level slightly below hers if hers at 80 percent. u wanna be at 70 percent. know what i mean?

but No matter what. she is there ONLY to add to your happeniess.. NOT TAKE IT AWAY! remember that. if she is gone by 2morrow you will STILL do the same **** u did years ago.. eat. sh1t. sleep. fuk.. breathe..

feel free to ask us anymore things


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
You say ignore her for a while, but what if she loses interest? I'm thinking this is happening at the moment for me. I send txt's and get short replies the next day, as opposed to the usual immediate, long replies. When I try to suggest meeting up, the plans always fall through, etc. etc.

Is there one more thing I could try, or is it time to move on?


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Adelaide, Australia
I just found the answer I was looking for, courtesy of the Bible. This is taken from a post written by crowes22

The last girl that was trying to manipulate me is beautiful and knows it. She was interested in me but would not do what needed to be done for us to be together. I'll just say that she was trying to "have her cake and eat it too". Now she knew I was interested, and that she was hot, so she thought she could get away with murder, so to speak. She never dreamt I'd say to hell with and move on. But I did, and I'm damn proud of it. And she was crushed. It still amazes me how much girls hate to lose when they are trying to manipulate or get something from a guy. The real hot ones have probably never had a guy walk away, ever. So they have themselves on a pedestal. If you walk away because she isn't "playing fair", it destroys that pedestal, and her fantasy land is replaced by a big slap in the face, a dose of what men deal with daily from women: Pain, reality, rejection, loss.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
sexy_kuta said:
never rush anything

always be yourself. always.

never change yourself for her. your things are always first on ur list.
dont change ur lifestyle. if u had a hobbie going before she came in. u better continue doing that...
meaning.. like some ppl become lazy because they got a "gf" so they stop doing the thigns they were doing when they first met their girl. DONT do that.

and yeh just be easy. and let things flow. but ALways keep ur foot down, even from the beginning.

NEver yell at her or swear at her. if she steps out of line. meaning she disrespected u.. no need ot yell at her. use your most powerful tool. and thayts slience.. just ignore her for a few days then after u think she learned her lesson. act normal.. this will set her straight.. it did with my exes.

always keep things at a slow pace . and let them come up... meaning. dont force ur girl if she doesnt wanna kiss.. or fuk u.. u can make the moves and make them encourging but when she tells u flat out that shes not ready. then back off..

one of my best tips i can give you is. that.. ALWAYS keep your interest level slightly below hers if hers at 80 percent. u wanna be at 70 percent. know what i mean?

but No matter what. she is there ONLY to add to your happeniess.. NOT TAKE IT AWAY! remember that. if she is gone by 2morrow you will STILL do the same **** u did years ago.. eat. sh1t. sleep. fuk.. breathe..

feel free to ask us anymore things

nicely said sexy :cheer: