Reinhart’s Turning into man guide.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Arizona USA
First of all that’s my turning guide and the things that worked for me. They may not work for others, some material I took from others and will reverse into “my own” language to show the way I understand their topics.( Pook, MrFingers, and so on)
thats a first section. will be more depends if the readers would be interested more
First my little biography for somebody who doesn’t see anything interesting in it he can skip whole paragraph I don care but I think that’s the past for all of us!
RUSSIA. That’s the country I’m from although I traveled a lot. All of u lived in USA don have any idea how it is hard to live in Russia when u are mix blood (I’m 50 russian 50 armenian) 7 years first day of school 8 kids kicked my ass my nose bleed just because I was new guy in school. Later on because im dark haired I had to fight 1-5 fist fights a month. My father was earning decent money and some people even tried to kidnap me. That’s when my father took the family and moved to Uzbekistan that’s even better! Russian Christian in Muslim county! Same fights and blah blah blah. All my life I was short, I didn’t have good genetics to grow up my mother and father around 5,4 my sister is 5.3 how tall should I be?(5.8 now still trying my best to get to 5.10 or 6 foot my target) I was the subject of guys picking on me especially when I was very good at studies and my parents decided that I’m too smart for regular kids and they moved me from 3 grade in school to 6. AWESOME I’m short and young. I was frustrated chump my self esteem was in my ass. Street kids my age even younger were picking on me I could kick their ass but I was afraid and tired tired of fighting. I was around 13 and I had over 50 fights I think with people who were older young my age 6 people and once 8 that were 2 years older. How I compensated all that? I did how all AFCs computer games! Computer games! By the way u know that they increase your IQ your way of thinking so u actually think faster of playing stupid games! Maybe that’s why all my life I was BEST in Physics Mathematics but very bad at grammar. But anyway that’s how I earned respect by being good in studies. But street boys still were picking on me. That’s when I changed my physique. I went on martial arts! Earned red belt there, running in the morning 200 pull ups a day 3 miles of running for around 2 years. Went to the “king of the street” and fked his face up! I had respect I had everything I needed except ladies! FK I was rejected so many times u can’t even imagine. I didn’t have a girlfriend till I was 19. just to tell brief I finished high school in 16 entered university (best math and physics result among 150 students). 2 years there then I moving to the U S A. Fast food made me FAT 5.8 I was 193 pounds. Nobody except dorks were interested in talking with me so that’s where computer games came again. Tell u what playing 12 hours a day and eating candies won’t do u good! Got a HOT girlfriend but dumped her cuz I thought I can do better. Started working out cuz rightaway I found the “other” soulmate but she rejected me as I was a Loser guy ( not a nice guy-loser.) That’s when I started to change! AND THAT’S WHERE ALL U DJs and AFCs and everybody decided to change!!! U decided to change when u wanted to get a gurl u wanted or the gurl u wanted rejected u! its amazing but its true that behind every great man that changed his life stands a women that he couldn’t get or the one that rejected him. I think that no matter how stupid women can be they have power over man’s life and change it.

Alright, alright I hope I didn’t bore u with my routine biography but its 20 years of life in less than 1 page. Now I just want to share how to change and get correct mind set in your life and I WILL repeat some **** from former posters so please cut the crap out!

First I want to talk about is EGO that’s a really fked up word. EGO EGO EEEEGGGGOOOO! WTF DOES IT MEAN? I do not know but I know what this word stands for. Stands for something that preventing you to be successful. HOW? Let’s say you are starting to work out and u are not doing heavy weight and then you see people who are lifting more weight than you are and you get offended and stop working out. You see another guy who is better than you in study, with gurls or ANYTHING and you get your but hurt for that. The solution to that is – if you see anybody that is better than you and he is a good guy ( not arrogant prick that treats people like sh1t) you should have enough balls to come up to him and ask for his advise. And it helps you will be amazed that most of the people that are successful in anything are not mean or something and they would love to “show” their alpha male by giving you advise. And what you should do is apply their knowledge.

stop thinking!

PLEASE when u are approaching gurls or talking to strangers stop thinking! That what kills YOU! Confident people don't think. think about any sports game people don think what they should do it they think how they should do it.

Men are masculine. That’s our nature and this should be your BIBLE, or call it even RELIGION! Go to the gym and get buffed, listen to masculine songs, act masculine. Watch some movies of James Bond, American Psycho, Fight Club remember all the great actors that were successful they were masculine. Never HASITATE! Hesitation is death. That what prevents masculine man from a boy. BE A NICE GUY! BE A FKING GENTLEMAN it is very fun. U know what hot European gurls say about American guys? They are pussies never pay in the restaurants, NEVER MOVE A CHAIR, or OPEN THE DOOR. Guys there is nothing wrong about doing it. Just be fkin secure! Show you that u are doing that because u WANT to not because she is special and u trying to make her like you!

Nice guy vs LOSER:
Its simple if u tremble near gurls u are loser and how u can get a gurl by trying to be too nice! Yup that’s rite TOO NICE! But I’m a nice guy I tease them, compliment, open doors infront if the uknown gurl trips and fells down I’m the one that helps her to get up. And guess what they FKIN love it. Just don show them that u are doing that because u are insecure and u are trying to make them like you. And plz be nice guys! But be a winners.

That is MOST important man should have ambitions for something that is important in his life. You must have drive for everything in you life not only gurls. Wherever you work, study, work out try to be the best! Do not compete with anybody no PLZ don’t but always try ur best and search for everything can help you to improve yourself.

Now lest talk a little bit about FEMALES:

I’m getting lots of phone numbers and attention from 16 teens to 40 years old MILFS(not looking for anything older or younger 18-19) Do I get laid all the time? NO! Do I care? NO! You see that when u not busy with a gurls u can work on something else in your life. Getting good payable job. Working out, learning how to dance basically improving yourself. Trust me guys gurls are nothing in this life they don deserve lots of our attention. And when you will understand that you will see that more more gurls will want to date you. When you are not desperate for getting laid or date that’s where all the gurls that you wanted will come with their leggs spread out begging to fk them.

First you need to do is to take the gurls from pedestal of goddess. Blah blah blah they are the same as we are breathing same air. All DJs were talking about that. BUT how you can do that? Never asked yourself a question? Easy I’m working in ladies shoe department means meeting lots of FEMALES I met UGs I met HBs, Right now my attitude to gurls changed. I’m not looking at them and thinking “ SHE IS HOT? Should I approach her? Omg look at that ass man she is very HOT!” (and then ur heart starting to beat fast and u lose control and next second you turn into a pussie) and yeah it happened to me. But when I met hundreds of females the way I look at them now is : “ok she is cute but what else she can offer me. Nice legs but I don know anything about her. Its fun to fk her but what if she is dumb? I will not want her to call me all the time.” When you will get that attitude u guys should know u are on the right track. Say shorter basically the more ATTRACTIVE women you see the less pussie you are, the more you talk to the less hesitative you are!

And of corse approach em all the time!

And remember MrFingers: Bruce Lee:

"Knowing is not enough. You must APPLY"
"Willing is not enough. You must DO"
I hope I help couple of u guys. Sory for my bad grammar and bad English I really don have time for this but was interesting to post this sh1t.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
united states
Do not compete with anybody no PLZ don’t but always try ur best
Competin with others helps me get better at everything, probably the most important factor sad to say


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Arizona USA
competition is the way to find the value of urself. but u sould not feel insecure if some1 better than you are. learn from them and try ur best and see if u can beat that person. but some people deperate for being alpha and competing that it almost looks funny


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
Reinhart you have made some very good points in your post. Congradulations! I've more men start listening to this rhetoric there will be far fewer postst on this site as men will start acting like MEN.

About EGO... This ego, in american society is often "over-valued" i.e. people place to much importance on "myself". This allowes them to become emotionally attached to every situation, and basically handicaps them from acting with reason and thinking things through to get the best results. Reinhart is correct.. let go of your EGO, your need to be right, your fear of being rejected or challenging yourself. Your EGO also enables you to become nervous and insecure, because it supports AFC characteristics such as frustration, nervousness, insecurity, indecisiveness etc.

Being a Gentleman. It is OK to open doors, pull out chairs, pay for ice cream etc. As long as you are doing these things from the correct FRAME of mind. In other words, you might decide to pay for her lunch, because she was a great date, you had a wonderful time with her and she demonstrated her worthyness be being a high-quality female. So you reward her goood behavior. This frame of mind is much different from the AFC frame for which men will do women favors BEFORE the woman has demonstrated worthyness..understand this?! Being a Gentleman will demonstrate that you are of higher calliber and value to women, they will see this and re-act accordingly.

On the flip-side, if you do favors for women that are not are displaying lower value. Dont do this. Make them earn it.. and dont be affraid to show your appreciation of their good behavior! Great job Reinhart. Good Luck!



Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Arizona USA
Originally posted by Phame
Reinhart you have made some very good points in your post. Congradulations! I've more men start listening to this rhetoric there will be far fewer postst on this site as men will start acting like MEN.

About EGO... This ego, in american society is often "over-valued" i.e. people place to much importance on "myself". This allowes them to become emotionally attached to every situation, and basically handicaps them from acting with reason and thinking things through to get the best results. Reinhart is correct.. let go of your EGO, your need to be right, your fear of being rejected or challenging yourself. Your EGO also enables you to become nervous and insecure, because it supports AFC characteristics such as frustration, nervousness, insecurity, indecisiveness etc.

Being a Gentleman. It is OK to open doors, pull out chairs, pay for ice cream etc. As long as you are doing these things from the correct FRAME of mind. In other words, you might decide to pay for her lunch, because she was a great date, you had a wonderful time with her and she demonstrated her worthyness be being a high-quality female. So you reward her goood behavior. This frame of mind is much different from the AFC frame for which men will do women favors BEFORE the woman has demonstrated worthyness..understand this?! Being a Gentleman will demonstrate that you are of higher calliber and value to women, they will see this and re-act accordingly.

On the flip-side, if you do favors for women that are not are displaying lower value. Dont do this. Make them earn it.. and dont be affraid to show your appreciation of their good behavior! Great job Reinhart. Good Luck!

Yeah thanks for reminding me of a doing nice things as a favors! What i usually like to do is to do something nice and then tease her.
I just like messing with them its funny though.

Also guys think of STOP THINKING during parties and when u communicating with a gurls. i noticed even when i'm just saying some grazy and stupid **** they still like it cuz i'm saying that enthusiastically and just don care and don think what i'm saying. GOSH SOME bit ches were ready to rape me on my job today giving me SO mad eye contact infront of their mother!!!!! and they were like 6.0- 6.1 foot tall.(Taller than me)


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
I'm really tired and don't want to give my opinion on the parts I don't agree with, but I think that you gave a decent crash course for noobs on how to be on their way to becomeing men.

Still needs some finishing touches, but It's actually a pretty solid post all in all minus the spelling and grammar :p


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score

The concept you have of the ego is awesome. I think the wording I use when I think of ego is a bit clearer to most, but w're on the same page.

Ego is defined as "the objective understanding of the self" (Gr 12 Sociology lol). You get you're ego based on the past things you've done, accomplishments, failures, etc. It's how you perceive you. Don't confuse this with confidence however. It is VERY important, VERY VERY important no matter how successful you are for you to keep your ego in check. Control you're ego, don't let it control you.