Refusing to take a breathalizer test


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe
Originally posted by rgeere
No, because the maschine that test for levels of alchohol measures some type of electronic reaction from the alcohol in your breath to come up with a measurement. This means that there is absolutly no way you would be able to hide how much alcohol was in your blood no matter what you did to try to compensate.

Drinking and driving is just foolish anyhow. Just don't do it is your safest bet.

You can't hide alcohol in your BLOOD, but you can hide the alcohol in your BREATH. Read my last reply.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
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Fort Worth, Texas
Originally posted by Nex

YES, it is possible to cheat on a brethalizer test.

BUT, it depends on what kind of machine they are using.

HERE IN BRAZIL: This is how it works:

The police officer puts the machine to your mouth, and you exhale. The alcohol molecules in your mouth makes little marks on an orange thing in the machine -- and then it determines the %.


Get that water with gas bottle (don't know what it's called in English) and keep it in your car at all times.

When you are pulled over, and you've had alcohol, get that gaseous water bottle and start drinking. Make sure you keep it in your mouth for quite a while before you swallow, too. Gargle with it a bit.

This should breakdown the alcohol molecules, and the test will come out CLEAN.

Courtesy of my chemistry teacher.
I think you just advised people to gargle gasoline. That's pretty bad.

By the way, those arn't the type of breathelizer test used in the US. The police here tend to use the electronic gauging ones that are utterly impossible to cheat on.

There might be a few idiots that believe wisetales that you can cheat on these, but I have some news for them next time they get pulled over. Don't exhale.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe
Originally posted by rgeere
I think you just advised people to gargle gasoline. That's pretty bad.

By the way, those arn't the type of breathelizer test used in the US. The police here tend to use the electronic gauging ones that are utterly impossible to cheat on.

There might be a few idiots that believe wisetales that you can cheat on these, but I have some news for them next time they get pulled over. Don't exhale.

I meant to say: SODA WATER.

Soda water is the common name for water which has been charged with carbon dioxide. It is also often refered to as Seltzer Water, Sparkling Water, and Club Soda.

No, I'm not talking about "wisetales." Just chemistry based on how the machine works.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe

A policeman pulls a driver over for swerving on the highway and asks him to take a Breathalyzer test.

I can’t do that because I’m an asthmatic,” says the man. “The Breathalyzer could bring on an attack.”

So the cop suggests a urine sample.

“Can’t do it,” says the man. “I’m a diabetic, so my urine always has strange stuff in it.”

“Well,” says the angry cop, “why don’t you just get out o fthe car and walk this white line?”

“Sorry,” says the man, “but I can’t do that either.”

“Why not?” asks the officer.

“Because I’m drunk.”


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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AHHAHA that was a funny joke.

Heres another

A guy leaves a bar and stumbles to his car. He puts the key in turns on the lights and starts to drive away swerving.

A cop across the street sees all of this and he pulls the guy over right away. He runs all the tests on the guy and the guy passes them all. The officer asks him "That's amazing you passed all these tests, I saw you stumble to the car and you swerving, how much did you drink tonight?"

The guy replies "Nothing at all officer, I'm the designated decoy!"

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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First of all the police can't give you a breathalizer test or field sobriety test without your consent. In many states drinking one beer constitutes DUI and I was weighing the advantages and disadvantages of taking Vs. Refusing the test.

Pro's of refusing a breathalizer test:

1) The police can't charge you with a crime and you won't have a DUI on your permanent record.

1) You lose your license for a year.
2) Your vehicle gets Towed

Con's of consenting to a breathalizer test and then failing:
1) You lose your license for 6 months.
2) You get put on probation.
3) You have a DUI on your permanent record.
4) You have to take substance abuse classes.
5) Your vehicle gets towed.

In the end, refusing the test is the best bet.


Feb 16, 2005
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rapper Ludacris said that Mustard is the best thing to work on breath he right?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by PRMoon
Lysterine makes a breathlizer invalid cause of the alcohol content in it. Then all you have to do is pass the sobiety test, which you may or may not be good at.
Wrong. This is an urban legend, I watched it get disproved on the History Channel's "Myth Busters" program - along with putting pennies in your mouth, eating a raw onion, drinking mustard, and all the rest of them. It was funny watching them try the stuff, but it also makes you realize how gullible people are.

Perhaps drinking a lot of water will work on some Brazilian BAC test, but on the electronic tests the US police use that'd be absolutely worthless.

Myth: “You Can’t Beat the Breath Test”

The Experts:
Heather Joseph Witham – explains how these myths about beating the breath test arise as modifications of the “if it smells like a rose, it must be a rose” myth.

Officer Bruce Gendron – SFPD Crime Lab, lets the mythbusters use their breath test machine to test the myths.

Quotable Moments:
Jamie: “Adam, the police officer says you need to drink more”
Adam: “My doctor also says I don’t get enough tar, so that means I have to start smoking again.”

Adam: “It’s definitely busted, you can’t beat the breath test.”
Jamie: (hiccups)

Action/ Results:
To test this myth, Adam and Jamie must get their blood alcohol above the legal limit (for the state of California, above 0.08). Adam’s choice of drink -> Scotch. Jamie’s choice of drink -> Vodka with cranberry juice. They both drink 13 drinks over a period of 3 hours. The boys take turns going through the list of things to beat the breath test: breath mints, biting into an onion, putting a battery in your mouth, putting pennies, denture cream and rinsing your mouth with mouth wash (among other things that weren’t shown because of time). All of them are failures. The boys conclude this myth is BUSTED.

By the way, the laws vary from state to state as to what punishment you'll recieve if you refuse to take a breathalyzer test. It's best if you look it up online (i.e. google "Louisiana Revised Statutes refusal breathalyzer")


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by diablo
Wrong. This is an urban legend, I watched it get disproved on the History Channel's "Myth Busters" program - along with putting pennies in your mouth, eating a raw onion, drinking mustard, and all the rest of them. It was funny watching them try the stuff, but it also makes you realize how gullible people are.
Uhhh my lawyer told me the lysterine trick. She says a good lawyer can have a breathlizer thrown out because of the alcohol content in the mouthwash. I didn't say lysterine would help you pass a breathalizer, but it apparently will help with your ruleling.

I have to go to court for my DUI this upcoming thursday, and she's a specialist in DUI negotiontions. I'll probably still get wreckless driving (which is 8 points on m liscense) but at least I won't get a felony charges on my permenant record.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by PRMoon
Uhhh my lawyer told me the lysterine trick. She says a good lawyer can have a breathlizer thrown out because of the alcohol content in the mouthwash.
Sorry, but your lawyer is on crack. Firstly, think about it for a second. You're drunk, so you're going to drink something that actually contains more alcohol in it?

Here's an interesting tidbit:

A newspaper article about a woman who was arrested, charged, and convicted of a DUI for driving after having drunk 3 glasses of listerine!

My guess is that she tried your lawyer's "trick", and swished it before getting pulled over. However, drunk driving is still drunk driving, and a swish of listerine isn't going to cover the fact that you have all of that alcohol from earlier in the night still in your system - it'll just add to it. According to this reasoning, you may as keep a bottle of vodka in your car and swish with it if you get pulled over. :p
According to Listerine manufacturer Pfizer Inc.'s Web site, original formula Listerine contains 26.9 percent alcohol, more than four times that of many malt liquors. Other varieties contain 21.6 percent alcohol.
So, if you think that drinking listerine is going to get you off scot-free, think again. Also, I'd think about getting a new lawyer - yours just seems incompentent. I'll be going to law school in a year and a half, and hope to god I never make such an uneducated claim as she has done.

However, I'll be glad to take back my comment about your attorney being ignorant if you can find a court case (and most cases from the early 1990's+ are archived online) that sets the precedent for charges being dropped due to the suspect failing a breathalyzer test miserably, but having listerine on his breath or in his car. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by diablo

So, if you think that drinking listerine is going to get you off scot-free, think again. Also, I'd think about getting a new lawyer - yours just seems incompentent. I'll be going to law school in a year and a half, and hope to god I never make such an uneducated claim as she has done.

uhhh my lawyer specilizes in DUI Cases, that's kinda why I hired her (My trial is on thursday). I think you're misunderstanding how exactly she explained it to me. Obviously if you're falling down drunk and you fail the majority of your sobriety test (usually have to pass 2 of 3 visual test) then listerine probably won't do you any good.
But apparently in several cases she's actually had breathlizers discredited because the person was not drunk, infact they didn't have any alcohol at all. However metro PD here in vegas will take any opportunity they get to put people in jail for DUI's (what do you expect in a town that serves liqour 24/7 and has no third party liability?). Even after passing sobriety test, they gave them breathalizers and since they had just used mouthwash, the readings gave them all the evidence they needed to take them to jail. After that they hired my lawyer who had the case dismissed, obviously because they hadn't consumed any alcohol.
Anyway she said if it's CLOSE you can indeed use alcohol, but again you must be able to pass a sobriety test and not look visibly intoxicated.
I'm sure she's defintately not saying that you can hand the officer your beer and take a swig of lysterine and hope for the best. But if you're presentable and they brethalize you after having lysterine, the situation would be no different then just using mouthwash alone. The lady in the article made the mistake of admitting to COMSUMING lysterine. If you claim you used it as prescribed on the bottle (like most people) then the breathalizer is invalid.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe

You guys are absolutely correct. It's almost impossible to cheat. Check out the link on how it works.

It measures the alcohol content from the air that comes from your lungs, which is the exact equivalent of the alcohol in your blood (this cannot be cheated).

However, what I said could still be valid because at the same time it measures the alcohol content in your mouth (iirc), and that can be eliminated, meaning you'll get an alcohol % slightly lower.. (meaning if u drank just a little more than the law permits you could just barely pass)..

BUT still, don't drink & drive.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
A good lawyer can get easily get you aquitted of DUI if you refuse both the BAC test and sobriety test.

Giving a breath, blood or urine sample and submitting to a Field Sobriety Test is giving the court all the evidence it needs to convict you.

Without that evidence, there is "reasonable doubt"

Unless you are on video, falling down drunk, or the DA produces other evidence like credit card reciepts of all the drinks you bought that night at a bar, plus numerous witness, which is unlikely in a DUI case unless there is an injury and/or death involved, a good attorney will easily get you aquitted.

You will lose your licence for a period of time, depending on which state you live in, for refusal, but it's better than being convicted of DUI.

Either way, it's going to cost you a lot of money.

Don't drink and drive and you won't have a problem.

It's similiar to getting pulled over for speeding, and the officer asks "Do you know how fast you were going?"

He's trying to get an admission of guilt to use against you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by Dust 2 Dust
Anyone have any experiences with taking or refusing a breathalizer test after being stopped by the police? Is it better to refuse the test?
refusing the test = im so drunk i should be arrested
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
If you refuse to take the breathylyzer test they give you VICL offense and you usually have to go through a drug and alcohol counceling class before you get your license reinstated(btw, refusing gets your license suspended) and like in my state the reinstatement fee is 150 dollars but if you refused to take the test they make you pay an extra 150 dollars so if you're arrested on a drunk driving charge and you're drunk you're ****ed and if you are not then take the breathalizer test and hope you don't hit .08 trust me I took 10 hours of those classes last weekend and although I thought I was gonna get my license reinstated I got a letter in the mail saying that my license is suspended until march of 2006 for my recent jail bid and not my DWI.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
DRINK LISTERINE!!!!??????? Are we talking about the Listerine here? Mouthwash Listerine?


Are you guys nuts?

I drank a quarter of glass of listerine by a mistake and I was gagging all over the place. I thought I was dying. How the **** can you drink 2 glasses of that stuff?


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nex

A policeman pulls a driver over for swerving on the highway and asks him to take a Breathalyzer test.

I can’t do that because I’m an asthmatic,” says the man. “The Breathalyzer could bring on an attack.”

So the cop suggests a urine sample.

“Can’t do it,” says the man. “I’m a diabetic, so my urine always has strange stuff in it.”

“Well,” says the angry cop, “why don’t you just get out o fthe car and walk this white line?”

“Sorry,” says the man, “but I can’t do that either.”

“Why not?” asks the officer.

“Because I’m drunk.”
Man that's a great joke lol