

Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
Check it. I have been seeing this chick for a few months now. Only with the intention of having a good time. :) Nothing serious at first, later on I can judge from her actions of wanting something serious. I didn't think it would be a bad idea. But then again nothing has been established at this point.

There was a slight "pause" in this adventure, we slowly drifted away for a few weeks. I think nothing of it. Women are complicated anyway, why try to understand.:crazy:

After a few weeks of silence we meet up and she starts apologizing for loosing touch. She wants to try things again. I agreed, and again just looking for some good times. At this point I will admit to I have developed somewhat of a feeling for this chick

Later that week I hear from good source she went to go see her favorite band play. Not some local thing either. I hear she made out with one of the guys backstage. :confused:

I know he will never call her back. I don't hate the dude, let him do his thing. Play on Playa. But it bothers me to hear the bullsh*t she said, and then hear of her actions later on. :mad:

At this point I'm confused of whats going on. So either ..
A) I move on once again :kick:
B) Make her a FB :up:
C) Chill out and see what happens. :cool:

any opinions?


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
who cares if she made out with that dude? you are being a hater if it bothers you.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
You are right russell who cares anyway .. I should shake the guys hand and ask her how much she really liked it. hahaha


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
GuyNJ13 said:
You are right russell who cares anyway .. I should shake the guys hand and ask her how much she really liked it. hahaha
haah i can't tell if you are being sarcastic, but just think about it, what if you were out one night and you met a chick and you hit it off with her and ended up making out with her in the dark part of a bar. you dont' exchange numbers because you knew it was just a drunken thing. let's also say she's dating another guy, nothing exclusive or serious, do you think he should be worried about your make out session?

plus he's in a band. that's just how women are, they want a guy who is talented or "famous" so it was just a harmless little make out. ain't no thang.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
Yea I am actually a very sarcastic guy, and you have a good point I shouldn't care anyway.

But I know there was no alcohol involved, its just a little obsession she has. I bust on her for it all the time.

I actually encouraged her to try to get with this guy (in a sarcastic way). This was before I found out what happened that night. But really she doesn't know that I know.

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
my opinion:

if she is making out with band members backstage, she probably isnt looking to settle down anytime soon. (with you)

also, from what you wrote it seems apparent that you two are definitely NOT in any sort of exclusive relationship. which means neither of you could be upset at the other for doing anything with anyone.

and that slightly sick-to-your-stomach feeling you got when you heard about her whorish actions is your gut instincts telling you that she is NOT the type you should open your heart to.

so where does that leave us?

if you have FUN with her, and want to continue having no-strings-attached FUN - keep her around. but you must do two things!

1. talk to and game other girls. do not make this groupie your girlfriend - she belongs on the back burner for when youre horny.

2. do not let her close to your heart. do not become emotionally attached to her. just from reading the little bit you provided of the situation, i get the impression that she would end up either using you or breaking your heart.

just my opinion,
