Red pill

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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To those who don't support or understand, the red pill is "MRA misogyny scummy tactics to rape women." It is pointless to say "become red pill. learn the red pill" to a guy who is still living in a blue pill state of mind, or to a girl. Anybody reading red pill writing without personally coming to terms with certain ideas beforehand, will see it the same way an atheist sees the bible. But as soon as a guy starts noticing something isn't right, and starts searching for answers, he'll discover the red pill and it will feel like he is able to see for the first time.

A lot of guys, most in fact, are raised to thinking that their happiness will come by following a certain frame, doing the "right thing," being a "good person," etc. The red pill isn't saying to not be a good person, it's challenging why people think certain things are "right" when they bring no benefits to a man's life. Red pill is reconnecting with the masculine side of a guys nature that has been stripped away through all sorts of social conditioning and agendas enforced through media.

That statement, of course, will bring up another common criticism, which typically sounds something like: "hurr just be a manly man masculine douchebag and girls will flock to you, right? **** em and dump em, right? that's what you're saying."
But that is not what I'm saying, and it's not what the red pill is saying either. In fact, the very fact that the word "masculine" and telling someone to be more masucline automatically gets equated to saying "hurr big trucks go fast, pound beer, pound *****, don't skip leg day, am I right?" is the problem the red pill is trying to bring to the surface. Red pill is discovering, understanding, and embracing the positive aspects of your masculinity.

There are masculine traits, and there are feminine traits. Society breeds guys to rejecting and suppressing their masculine traits, which is a big reason why there are so many guys frustrated, and confused, even devastated about their sex life, or lack of sex life. They hold women too highly, and give them too much power over their life. Contrary to what's often said, red pill isn't saying a guy needs power over a woman, it's saying that a guy needs power over himself, and should constantly strive to attain more power. A guy has to live for himself, and his best interest, - the problem is society tellsl men their best interest is falling in line with a females agenda. A feminist might show me an example of women being photoshopped to look thinner and say, "how is this falling in line to a woman's agenda?" and I may respond by saying "well, it doesn't. but it does demonstrate the unrealistically high value our society places on women, which ultimately is why feminism has been able to become so prominent and important in our society."

Look at how much power women have over men. A lot of guys would cut their arm off just to spend time with a slightly hot girl, and base their entire existence around what a girl would think about this or that. Why? Where is his self worth? His value is not demonstrated based on what a woman thinks of him - even though society says that it is.

Again, the red pill is not about holding women down, or promoting an anti-feminist agenda, it's reminding guys to take a look and think about who they are serving. It doesn't matter if a woman doesn't agree with red pill theory. The question the red pill raises is why do so many men support feminism when it actively works against their own best interest? When you understand the answer to that question you are officially red pilled.

I think a great place to start is here:
Some ideas are on the extreme side, but it's still a great read.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Incoming +rep for you starfvcks. Outstanding write on the red pill.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Red pill green pill yellow pill doesn't matter. All of them are bad because you end up a bitter old man. Have a positive attitude toward life and just realize how fortunate you are. We could be dying of Ebola, or getting swept away in a typhoon.

If not getting enough puss is your biggest complaint, you've got it pretty good.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
logicallefty said:
Incoming +rep for you starfvcks. Outstanding write on the red pill.
Thanks. I've been in this for too long. The SJW stuff I see online is getting out of hand. They insert their agenda into everything. I can't read a review about which bluetooth speakers to buy without taking in someone's thoughts about how bad women have it in America.
Then one guy in the comment section says "but, is that relevant to wireless speakers?" and a barrage of "men" will call him misogynistic, talk about all the brutal ways they will kill and rape him when they find him, and then he gets permanently banned from the site.... and I still don't know which speakers to buy.
An exaggeration, but only slightly.

Someone may say, "just don't go online" but that's not the point, and it's not that simple. The pro-bias towards the feminist agenda is everywhere and it grows more blatant each day.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Chateau Heartiste - hope you're conservative - one of my favorites
Rational Male
Return of Kings
Roosh V
Girls Chase
Solve my girl problems
Youtube: RSD Julien and RSD Jeffy
Youtube: Elliot Hulse - not all about redpill but his philosophies are insightful and pro-bro to the fullest