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It will be the most efficient use of your time.

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Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

"Red pill realities" in other aspects of life


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
RED = False
Howiestern said:
To grow corn/wheat every single year, you have to plow the ground, plant the seed, apply anhydrous, some areas you have to water, apply herbicide/insecticide, pray for no hail, pray for the rain/snow to come at the right time, then harvest. All of these steps require large scale equipment(Tractor, Combine, Grain Carts, Semi's with grain trailers, Planters, Plow) to turn a profit.

Fruit/Vegetable production doesn't require the large scale-expensive equipment as growing grain does. Just lots of cheap manual labor. Fruit trees need pruning, sprayed, and then picked. This is all done by hand. Early freezes and lack of rain also have a big impact on quality. Fruit/vegetable production is done in climates that are much balmier than where grain is grown.

A bushel of wheat goes for about $5. A bushel of peaches goes for about $24.

You can't grow fruits/vegetables in America's heartland where all the open farm/ranch land is due to a harsh climate. Some years the grass barely grows enough to graze cattle for the full season.

The reason there are more farmers markets than ever before is because people have figured out that there is a huge difference in taste between a fruit/vegetable you buy at the grocery store vs. one that was picked the day before and purchased at the market. Grocery store prices have gotten too high and quality too low. Consumer desire for more local/organic food has spurred the number of farmers markets from under 2000 in 1994 to over 8000 today.
A lot of falsehoods here, so I won't address them individually.

I will say, however, that your points are based on antiquated agricultural techniques. "Big machinery", "chemical fertilizers", and "monocultures" have been not only proven detrimental, but quite inefficient.

If you were to start farming yourself, you would naturally do some research before hand. Well, maybe not "naturally", "hopefully". In your research regarding simple things like "what am I going to plant" and "which crops where" you'd find amazing amounts of "new" technologies.

Your "go big or go home" model is a bad one, people have realized this as fact. Truth of the matter is that they are planting crops in the desert... and successfully harvesting. They don't use any chemicals whatsoever in doing so.

Perhaps you've been unaware, but people have finally given some critical thought to "what are we doing wrong, how can we do it better?" Just as I was convinced for many years living in the Mid-West that Monsanto's agenda was the best, I'm sure that you haven't taken the "red-pill" with regards to modern agricultural practice. So, you can see I'm not attacking you, I completely understand because I accepted the same generally accepted methodologies as "truth" myself.

No, vast stretches of mono-crops of genetically modified hybrids planted and sprayed and harvested with large machinery is bad practice for varieties of reasons beyond the simple "fossil fuel inputs" factor. Soil compaction, erosion, and insect diversity are a few other crucial factors to consider.

Instead, diversification is the better agricultural model. Moreover, we have practiced "2-D" planting for a stupid-long time. The land is 3-D. When we plant huge monocultures of grain crops, not only are we destroying the soil (leading to bland crop), but we are wasting space and sunlight in those areas.

This isn't Better Modern Ag 101, so I'll simply say this: If you honestly think the reason more farmer's markets are around because 'the food tastes better', then you are clearly unaware of silvopasture, permaculture, agroforesty, water accumulating terra-forming, alley cropping, and a host of no-fossil-fuel-input methodologies. You may also believe that a tree could not be an oil crop, but bio-diesel is a big market.

Don't bother arguing, you're clearly out of touch and coming from the blue-pill side, and I don't blame you. It's red-pill versus Monsanto's blue-pill pushing propaganda and lobbying that continues the agricultural status quo.

Instead of arguing, go down the rabbit hole yourself. Perhaps a couple videos to watch might facilitate that? In fact, anyone considering getting into agriculture should watch these three before deciding anything:

Greening the Desert
Der Krameterhof
Mark Shepard on Restoration Agriculture <---Met this dude, bought his book, picked up some stock from him, too. Pimp.

Watch these if for no other reason but they are wildly interesting.

As a bonus, chickens without grain, also repurposing them as "cheap labor".
How to Grow Chickens Without Grain
Howiestern said:
If you think growing wheat/corn/fruit/vegetables/cattle is a 8-5 job that is worry free then you should keep doing your daily commute and sitting in the safe confines of your cubicle waiting on your paycheck at the end of the month. Its the safest bet for sure.
I'm bootstrapping my business. In the last few years I've hand-planted over 700 fruit/nut trees/bushes in un-tillable, bombed-out pasture with 95+% success rates. This is all before I'm ready for animals and alley crops. While the trees are growing, I'll be locking-in market buyers and establishing markets. I've got all day to do it. ƒuck a cubicle, or a commute. I get to walk around barefoot and watch my food forest grow all day.

The best time to plant a tree is when?
Twenty years ago.
The second best time to plant a tree is when?

The question in Fight Club: "Guys, what do you wish you had done before you died?" "Paint a self portrait." "Build a house."

Mine? "Get drunk off the cider that I made, from fruits I picked, off of trees I planted (on my land)."

I've been drunk off cider I made, from fruits that I've picked, but have a couple years before I'm picking fruits from trees that I planted.

Should I drop dead tomorrow and never see the fruits of my labor, my sweat equity has left the property FAR more valuable than when I purchased it. Win-Win.
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Don Juan
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
A lot of real stuff in here.

Things ive noticed more and more:

Women are not loyal. There always on the lookout for the man with more money, more social status and better looking.(in that order) In short always be on your game regardless. Never fully emotionally invest in them.

The gay agenda is real (there's a reason it used to be classified as a mental illness) like someone sId earlier. .yoh either born with the mental disorder or choose the lifestyle.

Your goverment is corrupt to the core and is beyond repair.

Cancer is a business

Most of what the general population thinks is important is fcking pointless

Social media has advanced women more than men like to admit (constant access to validation, d1ck etc)

Most men nowadays are spinless, kool aid fed betas that will fail as fathers.

Entertainment was and still is the best way to control the masses.
Haha i could go on


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
just read through this whole thread, now you have me wanting to be a farmer Vulpine haha but really, this is one thread that I am glad caught my eye. Every day I wake up and try to think of a product I can sell that will make life easier for the masses (something my dad taught me) so that I can live a life a little less worried about money and more focused on actually living.

I definitely agree that a lot of parents are failing to raise their children to be anything worthwhile in life. And don't even get me started on religion. My mom is 100% brainwashed by that bs, donated tens of thousands of dollars over the years (behind my dads back). My dad is 100% atheist. Luckily my dad taught my siblings and I to question everything so none of the three of us have any use for religion.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2014
Reaction score
Rival said:
A lot of real stuff in here.

Most men nowadays are spinless, kool aid fed betas that will fail as fathers.

True, and the ones that actually have backbone are subject to the will of the wife and mother of his children. If the man is going through some financial hard times that are not the fault of his own (economic collapse of 2008), and she finds another man with better financial status, then she takes the kids and moves in with new beta boyfriend. This will happen matter how alpha and good of a father her husband had always been. The court systems in America are rigged this way. So even though there are still some actual men out there who raise their children the correct way, if the woman decides to leave for any reason, then the kids are dragged along with her and the father is out of their lives for a majority of their childhood. They will either be raised by new beta boyfriend or single mother.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
I started this thread and probably should have listed my own thoughts:

1. Religion was a structured set of rules created to keep the masses in line...thousands of years ago. Most people only follow religion because they are too weak to come up with their structure of values to live by.

2. Life is not fair, ever. Humans are inherently built to satisfy their own desires, wants, and needs before others. When you are little and you play a game of football, everyone wants to win, so those with better athletic ability/height/weight etc. win...and it just continues throughout life. If you're short, get lifts, if you're skinny, lift..men will respect you more and women will desire you more. If you're stupid, well find a new brain or figure out how to get rich.

3. The only person who will love you unconditionally is your mom (usually) and this is why men who think a woman will still put them over their children are fools. Women are biologically wired to put their children first. Beyond that, friends will only be your friends if it continues to benefit them.

4. Edison (I think) said it right when success is 10% idea and 90% work. And 85% of that work is called sales & marketing. Read any book written by a successful billionaire or millionaire and you'll see they were usually successful because of their rabid desire to get those early sales.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
lol Vulpines if your way of farming is so great, then why isn't every body doing it? At one point it was done like you are suggesting and everybody moved away from it. Why do you think that was? Last I checked you needed to plow the field before you could put seed in the ground. Its been done that way since the prairie was tilled up with mules pulling a plow. I'm not saying your way is wrong, its just not profitable. Even the Amish use fertilizer and chemical to boost yields.

You have some interesting ideas. Perhaps you should visit the corn growers in Nebraska and Iowa and tell them they have been doing it all wrong. I bet they would even pay for your expert advice if you could show results.

....And I grew up farming. Spent a lot of hours in the cab of a tractor. You wouldn't say the things you did if you came from a farming background.

Hope you can sell enough of your cider to buy some shoes! Maybe you enjoy walking around with no shoes and using an outhouse to take a schitt! You wipe with a corncob? Or just go organic and let it get crusty? I suppose it would work if thats how you wanted to live.

And While the trees are growing, whats your plan to " be locking-in market buyers and establishing markets"? And what in the hell does this exactly mean? Sounds like bs to me. What are you doing between now and then for $$$? Selling your own poo-poo for organic fertilizer?


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
channingtatum said:
I started this thread and probably should have listed my own thoughts:

1. Religion was a structured set of rules created to keep the masses in line...thousands of years ago. Most people only follow religion because they are too weak to come up with their structure of values to live by.

2. Life is not fair, ever. Humans are inherently built to satisfy their own desires, wants, and needs before others. When you are little and you play a game of football, everyone wants to win, so those with better athletic ability/height/weight etc. win...and it just continues throughout life. If you're short, get lifts, if you're skinny, lift..men will respect you more and women will desire you more. If you're stupid, well find a new brain or figure out how to get rich.

3. The only person who will love you unconditionally is your mom (usually) and this is why men who think a woman will still put them over their children are fools. Women are biologically wired to put their children first. Beyond that, friends will only be your friends if it continues to benefit them.

4. Edison (I think) said it right when success is 10% idea and 90% work. And 85% of that work is called sales & marketing. Read any book written by a successful billionaire or millionaire and you'll see they were usually successful because of their rabid desire to get those early sales.
good stuff, Just going to say I'm a Christian but that being said, religion as an institution is corrupt/controlling for sure. Every single religion (Christianity included) has corrupt churches who use people's hard earned money for self gain etc.(don't get me wrong there are good churches out there, but they are far and few in between and you have to be very careful if you attend one and participate) They also misuse religious doctrine to further their goals. This is why I feel religion nowadays has lost a lot of control overall on people at least in America. Not many people care anymore, you might get some votes for certain things in the bible belt but that's about it.

Media(including social media,television,internet,radio,celebrities and anything linked to them) however is the new Church in America, the masses eat up whatever they say and take it as Fact, including social,economic and political problems.

I'm worried about the world as a whole. Nothing short of a major revolution could change the current system but with increase in technology/weapons etc..a futuristic revolution seems very unlikely in modernized countries.

Your left to play the game and do your best inside it's structures and rules. Knowing the game will give you an edge over those who refuse to see it though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to write on this detailed and informative topic and all the discussion. I will bookmark and return when time permits.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
Money, misplaced patriotism

*Money is what ever they tell you it is, when they tell you it is.

**America has no interest in winning wars. They use you, powers that be make $$ then walk away. Don't believe anything they say without verification.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Rival said:
A lot of real stuff in here.

Things ive noticed more and more:

Women are not loyal. There always on the lookout for the man with more money, more social status and better looking.(in that order) In short always be on your game regardless. Never fully emotionally invest in them.

The gay agenda is real (there's a reason it used to be classified as a mental illness) like someone sId earlier. .yoh either born with the mental disorder or choose the lifestyle.

Your goverment is corrupt to the core and is beyond repair.

Cancer is a business

Most of what the general population thinks is important is fcking pointless

Social media has advanced women more than men like to admit (constant access to validation, d1ck etc)

Most men nowadays are spinless, kool aid fed betas that will fail as fathers.

Entertainment was and still is the best way to control the masses.
Haha i could go on
Hey all this being said what a solution to all of your points being spoken of here because i see a lot of this stuff within myself.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I have some more ;).

- Most people in 2014 are stupid, the old saying of "If everybody is doing or saying it, then it must be true," is OPPOSITE in 2014. If most people are saying something or doing something I can just about guarantee you that it's stupid as hell. Examples? Most people are going to college the wrong way, majoring in non-skill building topics and taking out huge loads of debt to do so. Most people still believe in the concept of marriage. Most people eat horribly and don't workout, then use up HUGE amount of healthcare resources by the time they are 50-65 increasing the overall cost of healthcare services. Most people spend everything that they have and don't invest shyt. Most people buy cars and houses they can't afford, to impress people they don't know/like. Shall I continue? Bottom line, do your OWN research on things today and don't just go with the STATUS QUO advice, mentality, recommendations, etc.

- The only people that say money isn't EVERYTHING, are broke. Living in America, money is tied to EVERY SINGLE THING you do, you have, and you could ever want. Examples?

> People say love has nothing to do with money, hogwash. If love had nothing to do with money, why is it that when you get married HER debt becomes yours? You can file joint tax returns? Have joint bank accounts? At the end of the marriage why does the divorce proceeding drag on and on and on based on the fact that the parties can't come to TERMS on assets? Why does a stay at home mom argue for alimony at the end of the marriage? If money had nothing to do with love, why is money the CENTRAL focus of marriage? And let's not just discuss marriage, let's discuss dating. How FAR are you going to get with a woman if you have no money to afford a car, gas, dates, a place to fvck her, nice clothes to impress her, money to get a haircut, etc. etc.?

> Money is the foundation of friendships. Ever had one of your boys who was broke, unemployed, become a fvckin NAG on the environment and good time because the broke idiot can't afford shyt? You have to pay his way into the club, you have to pay for him to have something decent to wear, you have to pay for his drinks, etc. How long do you think that would last before you and the group drop this guy?

> Money is the foundation of health and peace. You are going to get sick, when you get sick you need what? A Doctor, nurses, a hospital, and prescription medication/surgeries that come from Healthcare R&D/Innovation. All of those things COST MONEY. Without the money to have those services there, we would still be dying over flus and colds.

> Money and Religion? Oh the church will tell you in a minute that the LOVE of Money is the ROOT of all evil, then turn around and do 5 offerings to pay for the building fund, the tithes fund, the pastor fund, the XYZ family fund, the community fund, etc. etc. Without money the church building, choir, pastor, etc. doesn't exist, where are you going to worship at? In the woods?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Howiestern said:
lol Vulpines if your way of farming is so great, then why isn't every body doing it?
Ok, now you're just getting silly.

These aren't "my ideas" or "my way". And there is only one of me.

Growing up on a farm and driving a tractor on it means absolutely ƒuck-all in regards to your understanding of agricultural business models or ecology. It demonstrates that stupid farmers have stupid kids, by nurture, not nature. As such, it's no wonder you regurgitate Monsanto's agenda as though it were your own with such flimsy reasoning as "everybody else is doing it this way". Since the farm you grew up on believes that making Monsanto rich is the best way, of course you'll tout the only model you know. Moreover, you trust your parents, so I don't blame you for not wanting to accept that it's even possible they are doing stupid sh¡t. "Traditional" farmers continue doing "whatever everyone else is doing" because they get emotional about their traditions, not logical about their business.

Before I add you to the ignorance list, let's make it clear that I understand you didn't watch the videos. Let's also make it clear that my butthole, how I wipe it, and where I poop should be of no concern to you. Your shame and group-think serves to illustrate your womanly thought processes and trolling tendency, which was already apparent. This interaction only reinforces the obvious. Understand that no amount of group-think or shame will convince me to take the blue-pill and plug back into the corporate greed fueled farmer slavery system that swindles taxpayers out of subsidies that ultimately ends up back in Monsanto's pockets (thanks to their lobbyists). When subsidies go up, so do costs: Monsanto wins.

For the rest interested:
If you "need" to plow the land simply because a mule plowed the prairies, then, if you suddenly sprouted wings and could fly, would you still use your car to go to work because "everybody does it this way, and always has"?

If you believe that there is a need to plow soil to get plants to grow, how the ƒuck is there a single plant on the planet at all? Magic elves running around digging holes?

You don't need to plow, observe:
Masanoba Fukuoka
"All your efforts - mistakes!"
Sing it, sensei!
"Wisdom of man of is of no use. All we do with man's knowledge leads to the destruction of nature. Not doubting, leaving nature. If only you leave nature, mankind can live: no thinking, doing nothing. That's the starting point."
Notice he doesn't say "you need millions, a big tractor, and lots of land to farm"?

By the way...
Howiestern said:
You wouldn't say the things you did if you came from a farming background.
I was "herd administrator" from 12-17 (until I left for the Army); responsible for the welfare and breeding of a running average of 300 animals (approx. 100 in winter, up to 700 in summer). So responsible, in fact, I determined the ingredients and ratios of their feed. I surely have no idea what I'm talking about.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Calm down Vulpines, don't want you to choke on your red pill. This world is big enough for more than one way of doing things. And I did watch one of your videos. It makes good sense from a simplistic small scale way of doing tings. If a simple/basic life is what you are wanting, I think it would be great. If you want to be able to afford nice things in life I think it will be difficult making a living. I don't care to live as simple as the amish do.

What kind of animals did you "administrate". Never heard of a herd administrator!


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score
Rival said:
good stuff, Just going to say I'm a Christian but that being said, religion as an institution is corrupt/controlling for sure. Every single religion (Christianity included) has corrupt churches who use people's hard earned money for self gain etc.(don't get me wrong there are good churches out there, but they are far and few in between and you have to be very careful if you attend one and participate) They also misuse religious doctrine to further their goals. This is why I feel religion nowadays has lost a lot of control overall on people at least in America. Not many people care anymore, you might get some votes for certain things in the bible belt but that's about it.

Media(including social media,television,internet,radio,celebrities and anything linked to them) however is the new Church in America, the masses eat up whatever they say and take it as Fact, including social,economic and political problems.

I'm worried about the world as a whole. Nothing short of a major revolution could change the current system but with increase in technology/weapons etc..a futuristic revolution seems very unlikely in modernized countries.

Your left to play the game and do your best inside it's structures and rules. Knowing the game will give you an edge over those who refuse to see it though.
Appreciate this post and ALL the other ones. I'm a christian also, but agree entirely with this post and most of what is said in the others.

I've recently (in the last year) swallowed the red pill and I'm still just in awe of what I'm continuing to uncover. The rabbit hole saying is so true. Did any of you feel dizzy during moments of seeing the truth and that of women? I remember moments when my instincts would tell me something and I would disregard or ignore bc society said different. I had so much anxiety and ended up in a nervous breakdown which led me to finding these forums.

I feel bad for all of those who live with all their problems and shame when they don't need to be. I'm still working through the shame I acquired over the years and often I feel like I want to take off on a 10 mile run to use the energy that is coming from all of the freeing of my own mind and the world around us.

I really want to say thanks again for all you contributing to this forum. I'm 27 and feel like I'm just now being able to have a mind of my own to think for myself and make decisions that make ME happy. Sorry if I sound crazy, but for those of you who know, it's like you're rewiring your brain.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2014
Reaction score
gov87 said:
Sorry if I sound crazy, but for those of you who know, it's like you're rewiring your brain.

Yes sir, because you are absolutely right. It actually takes a little while for the truth to set in, or for the truth to become normal. You have trained to see things a certain way for so long that it is all your brain is conditioned to know. When your views and thoughts are shattered with new information, even though you now have access to the truth, it still takes a while for it to become ingrained into your system. Meaning, you don't have to constantly remind yourself of what the truth really is, it just is.
I am just getting around to where the truth has finally settled deep into my soul and I no longer have to keep reminding myself what the true nature of women is. Before I kept having to remind myself and tear myself away from my old ways.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
You will probably always be in a struggle of some sort -- woman, job, environment, self improvement, etc. However, once you stop fighting, you start losing.

Don't take song lyrics or movies or other art as lessons on reality, even if you think you really relate to the message/theme/etc.

Business and government are the same thing (USA) and it is becoming that way globally.

As f--ked up as things are, they probably always will be. Where there are people there will be messes.

A gradual reduction in the world's human population would probably make the quality of life better. We slice our collective standard of living a little thinner each time a baby is born. Exponential population growth will lead to devastation at some point. Business and government will never endorse this because more people means more slaves/consumers/revenue for the elite/powerful.

We all have different schemas and life experiences. Some people's schemas may be completely nutty when compared to your own, even though they can publicly display an accepted level of "normality."

There aren't very many people you can trust.

You're living in a fantasy world if you think you have privacy. Even if you're off the grid and in the wilderness, there's a satellite with a big camera lens floating over you.

Be prepared for disaster -- whether it be job loss, natural disaster, family crisis, divorce. Don't live in fear of it all but don't be in denial either.