Once I took the pill, I started to see through all manner of agendas.
Consider your humanity.
Our whole modern society is based on depriving people of their human nature.
The 24 hour clock?
What's wrong with "Morning, Mid-day, and Night"? The solar/lunar periods? Well, that's how animals' circadian rhythms work. Instead, we follow the clock, not our natural bio-rythms, and by doing so lose a bit of our humanity. There is a tangible effect on the brain.
We'll do such stupid sh¡t for it, it boggles the mind.
We'll work third-shift and deprive ourselves of sunlight, we'll rob, cheat, and kill; kill
ourselves about it, even! We'll dedicate the bulk of our lives to make these credits to exchange for things we could have built or otherwise produced ourselves for nothing: we could produce
more for ourselves with far less energy and time. Simply put, we volunteer to be slaves our entire lives in exchange for a fiat currency.
Which brings us to religion. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite it being common knowledge, people still willingly subscribe to mass-brainwashing. Virtually every single religion is based on pagan rituals. PAGAN!!??? That's right, simple "animal" truths and commonly observed natural routines have been skewed into the agenda of whoever "translates" some book [written by someone else]. The church is stupid rich: ask yourself why, sucker. Aww... you feel guilt or shame when you can't put money in the basket when it comes around? No problem, just go over there in the corner and whip yourself until you pass out and ACME GOD CORP. will forgive you.
Voluntary Slavery
Ninety percent of the world lives in urban centers. That 90% of humanity has lost it's "human" skill set and has been trained since birth to be dependent on money and laws. We spend our days working to feed ourselves, like so many egyptians building the pyramids.
So, neglecting their basic human skill sets for providing for themselves, zombies migrate to urban centers to depend on their controllers: the bosses, the check-out lady, police, gov, etc. Humans choose to be slaves to society, slaves to currency, slaves to tradition, and slaves to the status quo.
These "laws" we are told to abide by? They are made to be broken. Made by whom? Do you agree with many of them? The baby sitter gets paid, self-supporting style, by fines and fees. A baby sitter stands nothing to gain by passing "laws" that will never be broken, and everything to gain by passing "laws" that make outrageous practices "legal". It takes little to convince the zombie "smart phone" staring masses (who aren't paying attention) of whatever emotional reasoning required for acceptance of the crap they are pushing. Then *PooF* another "law" passes that makes you
feel that screwing yourself is actually protecting yourself (and your fellow overpopulation) from some scary boogey man they told you about on TV before bed time. Be afraid and pay us.
Speed limits? "It's for your own safety!" Every ticket issued is another day's payroll and another tank full of gas for the guzzling SUV's you bought them.
"Affordable Health Care Act"? <--- look at the name, FFS! Making a law to force everyone to buy insurance does nothing to affect the cost of health care. If anything, it would make it INCREASE. But healthy people, who have no need for "insurance", should give their money to purchase a product they don't want or need, by "law". Why? Otherwise I'll feel guilt or shame for not taking care of some sick person's family in an overpopulated world? So wait, I should do stupid sh¡t just because you tell me to feel bad if I don't? Completely logical, no wonder it's a big hit with diseased-single-mommy-unemployed-s|ut voters.
The only part of the "affordable health care act" that should concern people is the number of people who oppose it's passing. I heard 80% of americans were against it. Sounds like majority, but we'll never have any truths shared from "Ministry of Truth" media outlets.
Let's not even get into the "war on drugs" "laws" that are simply the military industrial complex diversifying. Gotta sell those guns/uniforms/cars/fuel/bullets/badges/jail cells! So many lobbyists to satisfy!
Think this is off? Consider there are people who are "lawmakers". How many laws are enough? There is still a profession of "lawmaking"? How many laws beyond "cause no harm or loss to others" are necessary?
Well, ask your lawmaker (how much they get paid versus how much they are given through "campaign contributions"). Ask to see some receipts. Whenever the government needs more money to support their growth... (read: GREED) ...another law is passed to generate revenue to support the out-of-control monster that is your slave master. The CEO's need their bonuses, you know. Those campaign contributers need more money to give to the campaign!
Since zombies have already lobotomized themselves into making money their whole lives, the only thing left to do is make the money coming in less than the cost of living and *click* the shackles of your slavery are securely fastened. You are guaranteed to never have "enough": inflation means that, by the time your dollar is in your pocket, it's buying power has already decreased to less than a dollar, and there is interest that has to be paid to a bank somewhere for it. You lose a penny on the dollar, the bank effectively makes two pennies from YOUR dollar.
Ever see/read Æon Flux? The big concrete barrier around the city? That barrier is a metaphor for the lack of human skill sets required to live without dependency on the rest of society. That wall
isn't around
real cities. Why? Because that "fear of the unknown", that "not even knowing basic human skill sets" binds people to their masters. Slave sheeple don't have other options, they won't even acknowledge the realities of life outside the city as reality (much less a better one). Not only will group-think keep the slave-sheeples, "sleeples", bound to the flock (city), but also the lack of skills (the fear of the unknown), the allure of promised benefits (hope), and a widespread belief of "de-evolution" to a "caveman" status (shame) serves to double-, triple-, quadruple-ensure no captives will escape the plantation. The concrete wall doesn't need to be there at all.
Know this: the world is long beyond overpopulation. The bulk, if not all, of the world's problems can be traced to simply "too many people doing too much stupid sh¡t". Dumping garbage barges at sea because "at least it's not in a landfill"? Throwing away a phone that works perfectly well for a new one? Consider our finite resouces: food, oil, water, forests, minerals.
Peak oil. <---says more than people let themselves admit
Modern ag's machinery and fertilizers need oil.
When overpopulation's cars pollute the air to a point where the polar ice caps are completely melted, we'll be crowded by physical space limitations.
So, cut down the forests to build more cities?
Or, cut down forests to plant crops?
There will be problems. Will.
We are experiencing the end of an industrial age and return to agrarian economies. To all you guys wondering, "what am I going to do with my career?" or "what business can I start?", listen up:
Food will always have a market.
The price will never go down unless the population does. Supply and Demand. If nobody is buying, eat it yourself.
Beat the rush: be a farmer. Start small and without fossil fuel inputs, relearn your human skill sets, and practice... practice being happy, while your at it.
Living is EASY when you have all day to do it.
Take it from Forrest Gump: "When I was hungry, I ate. When I was tired, I slept." Lucky guy: "too stupid" to be stressed or scared, "too stupid" to get sucked into shell games, and "too stupid" to be unhappy. Shame on him.
The egyptian "slaves" had better lives: at least they had a president combined with a god and a boss. They had all the hustles condensed into one almighty con, not the stresses of falling for the hustles (perfected over time) separately. And the beer they were given as pay was stronger and made from natural, and more nutritious, ingredients! We only get Kool-Aid and feces-covered pieces paper these days.
Welcome to de-evolution. Human animals have "evolved" into helpless beings that can't feed themselves without exchanging toilet paper.
rugby11 said:
For social justice warriors is their some form of activism that you can relate to that dose not come right at you in your face?
You have to unplug
yourself from the matrix. Stop being another zombie "sleeple". Do something else, by yourself: don't wait for zombies to approve.
This is what the red-pill does: instigate a change. "Disrupt your i/o carrier signals", right? Well, "Neo" could go into matrix, come out again, then go back in, out...
A side-effect of the red pill is that it appears to make you hallucinate like crazy: watchin' mirrors un-break and your hand turn to mercury and sh¡t.
"Have you ever had a dream that was so real..."
Reality can be a "bad trip", it's no wonder virtual reality escapism like video games or social media is such a popular alternative. The "illusion of choice", even at a sub-conscious level, is all that is needed to avoid crop failure. Be a crop, or shake the delusion. Chose.
This post, made by the fictional entity "Vulpine", is not intended to cause loss or harm, nor inconvenience, to any person, fictional or natural. Further, it does not conspire to cause loss, harm, or inconvenience to any corporation or person. "Vulpine" assumes no responsibility for the information contained within this post: it is for entertainment purposes only.