This is usually body chemistry acting up, and as you know, it won't go away. But you CAN control it. There are no perfect solutions, but here are some things you can do:
**Know that this is body chemistry causing these feelings, and accept it. Know that it is your body, not your mind. Your mind can be isolated from the body, just like you can control pain by focusing on it, seeing it as an object in itself, and separate it from your thoughts.
**Excercise and eat healthy food; this helps weakening feelings of anger.
**Meditate a little every day. You can sit up straight with your hands in your lap, focus on your breathing, and watch your own mind. You will feel the wild emotions, the anger, that you have inside. By being aware of it and watching it, you will get better at controlling it. The trick is to watch your anger when it is dormant inside, and not just when it comes to the surface. You might imagine your mind as a rocky coast that the waves futilely crash against over and over. This helps you visualize what you want to achieve.
**Listen to classical music. I know, it sounds cliché, but the fact is that music shapes brain patterns, this can even be measured physically. It isn't the whole solution, but it helps. Find classical music that you like, not what you think you "should" like. Personally I enjoy listening to Carl Orff and Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and Mozart's Requiem, although my taste changes with time.
**Talk about it, like in this thread.