Red flags.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
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Ok well, got to thinking to myself, over the years there are some sure signs that things ain't gonna go too well. Some of these things can be a bit overlooked, some can't, others can go be good or bad. But without further ado, here are some red flags I look out for:

The social butterfly:

Ok nothing wrong with having friends. Hell you should have some too. But the chick that has to proclaim her sociality, and make it clear nothing is coming between her and her friends and that she has to have ample friend time. Well my friend you are always gonna be on the back burner with this one. In my experience chicks like this can be like the DMV to set aside a day for you personally, take number and get in line. Along with the hassles of getting her to set aside time, it also shows she has that complex of having to prove her social worth, and is hiding behind friends, and will use this as an excuse to say she doesn't have time for a dude, relationship etc.

The iphone tapping, facebook addict:

We all know chicks these days are into this crap. Got to lay the law down right from the get and let her know to put the phone away. Make sure to not friend one like this on your social media, or better yet don't friend any plates on facebook. Too much private info and chances are she will be updating her status constantly with some random bs that could be misconstrued. Bottom line, is any chick that taps away on her phone while with you is bad manners, if the respect isn't given, once the law is laid, that is a bad sign.

The sexually repressed:

I've had a few like this. I am not naive. I know women like sex, and plenty have liked it with me, but some simply just aren't into it regardless. Bad body language (constant arm crossing, distancing, unreceptive to kino, etc) are all bad signs, and you likely are not gonna get very far. Could be lack of chemistry, or it just could be her or something that happened to her to make her this way. Regardless watch out for this vibe and if you get it cut loss asap.

The ex complainer:

This is bad. Just had one like this. It is one thing for a brief formal discussion of past relationships granted if the timing is right and the convo calls for it, but when a woman outright cries wolf at any given moment about how bad her ex was, and yada yada yada that is definitely bad mojo. Is she's talking like that about him, she will likely feel that way about you if you stick with her. Not only is that direspectful towards you since when dating someone the focus should be on that person and not the past, but that also shows she is not over that man, and has yet to mentally and emotionally move on.


Flakiness, unresponsiveness, yet still stringing you along? Move on. Be sure to keep contact to the minimum, but if the reciprocation isn't there that is showing a lack of interest. Hours upon hours to respond to texts, or doesn't return calls. Don't lower yourself and take the hint, let her come to you. If she doesn't you spared yourself grief. We all know the "move mountains" quote, and if the interest is there she will do what she has to do to see you. But if she is making it out like a chore to come and see you that is a bad sign.

These are just a few of the red flags I look for in the initial phases. Curious to see what you fellas look for as red flags.....


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
1. If she has too many guy-friends (90% male). 2. The "prude"= "boring", lame. 3. The tree-hugging hippy type. 3. The "feminist". 4. Liberal anti-gun women. 5. Doesn't like kids. 6. Lame in bed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Daddy issues (seriously, fly - don't run)
History of abusive, shallow, chaotic, unstable, one-sided relationships (see above)
Severe emotional baggage / bitterness
Dating someone else
Always moody / *****y
Treating everyone they deem "unimportant" like trash (your turn is next)
Excessive game-playing / immaturity
Extreme lack of intelligence
Only talks about sex, including all the sexual things they do to others (ie, *****)
Chronic complainer
Possesses a multitude of jerk traits
Overly secretive / distant
Feeding too many lines and excuses; a BS'er / liar / manipulator
Professional flirt / tease
Always hanging out with multiple guys everywhere
Always talking to multiple guys on phone
Superficial / materialistic / shallow
Playing the victim / blaming the world / looking for sympathy
Entitlement princesses
Coniving and controlling

Basically, everything to keep away from the *****s, *****es, players, and skanks. Not in the 20s anymore...
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yea the "Daddy issue" one is big too, for sure.

Good call on the feminist one as well.

Lol love the mentioning of the lack of intelligence too!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
1.) A girl with a lot of guy friends. Not saying she's fvcking them, but she might kiss them if she's drunk enough.. From what I've witnessed, a girl surrounds herself with guy friends because she has them do favors for her by manipulating them with her sexuality, and feels validated through this process, also shows that she has low self-esteem. ex: "Wow I'm so pretty! All of these guys want to date me.. How nice of them!".. Stay away from her, cause you're next on the list of her orbiters.

2.) Bad emotional Past These girls seem great at first.. They do a ton of stuff for you and seem head over heels.. Then one day, she vanishes! Where could she have gone? Wow she hasn't answered my calls? What's going on?! Everything was cool yesterday! This chick most likely chased her scumfvck ex-boyfriend somewhere and completely forgot about you. She's gotta chase that guy down so she can get knocked up and have the government send her checks when mr. Badboy's in jail. (This girl I was seeing actually had a fiance in prison for killing someone in a car accident.. And she was sucking my **** while he was probably lonely in his cell, writing her a letter. What a wh0re) Once she finally talks to you about it, you'll realize "Wow, what a dumb b1tch.. And I thought it was something I said!". Chances are, this b1tch is gonna be alone for the next 15 years of her life, until she finally realizes she IS a b1tch.. By then there's not much to pick from the litter, and an AFC has to take care of her emotional ass until she gets bored and divorces him.

3.) Daddy Issues These girls are slvts with a capital S-L-V-T-S. While they might be good for a lay, they are not quality women. These girls crave male attention everywhere they go, specifically from the bad boy type.. Cause she wants the emotional rollercoaster of him running away on her just like daddy did to mommy. Fvck.. I actually dated a ch1ck a while back who would call me "daddy" when I was finger banging her and sucking on her tits in bed. I'm not gonna lie, it really turned me the fvck on and I'm getting a hard-on just thinking about that slvt.. But it turned out she was fvcking 5 of my other friends while we went on dates! I told the dumb slvt to go fvck herself.. Wish I told her to "Give me a call when daddy's home cause I never wanna see that cvnt face of yours again, just like your daddy!"

4.)STDs. FVCK THIS! Seriously.. No matter how sweet the girl is, it's so not worth it. I went on two dates with this awesome girl a little bit over a year ago. She was kind of ditzy but had a great personality, but she was a big ol sweetheart.. Well turns out her last BF cheated on her with some broad that had herpes. She told me this which I was very grateful for and I still talk to her to this day. But you have to consider.. Even if this girl is a 10 and you could see yourself exclusive with her the rest of your life.. You never know what could happen. She might kick you out the front doors with all your sh1t broken and some red itchy spots around your little guy. Totally not worth it!

5.)Girls on Meds Now I'm talking about psych disorder meds.. Such as Anxiety, Depression, ADHD etc.. Fvck that! Unless you're on the same thing and know what to expect, it's a deal breaker. I went over this girl's place a while ago who added me on Myspace. She had her meds sitting there on her living room coffee table which I couldn't help but stare at. She was kind of fat too, so I didn't wanna make a move. 10 minutes later she's ripping off my shirt and shoving my **** in her mouth. I was kinda turned on by how psycho this b1tch really was, even though she was fat. She couldn't hold a conversation for the life of her, was a crazy a hairdresser, and kept asking me really weird questions. I got out of there after I blew my load.

6.)Chicks that hate their life WOE IS ME! Yeah we all know chicks are really emotional.. Since they don't repress a lot of that like men do, but when a chick has absolutely NOTHING positive to say, get out of there. You are not a tampon, you are a human being goddamnit! Had this girl pick me up from my house a few months ago and the first thing she says to me is "I quit my job today, I fvcking hate my boss!" :O.. At this point I wanted to tuck n roll outta that car. She brought me to the beach and we were getting pizza together. The b1tch orders her food, I order mine.. Then she gets hers and looks to me to pay! She said "You're paying right?" I said back "No, I don't pay for anything on first dates.. I get to know the person to see if I'd actually like to be around them before I actually pay for something." She said "Well I have no money." Dumb cvnt.. I just wound up paying for her slice of pizza since the guy in the shop all ready cooked it and I didn't want to screw him over. She dropped me off, and we never talked again.

7.)Girls that buy you stuff.. Straight up, IT'S A TRAP! If the chick's buying you sh1t on the first few dates, it's a tactic. Politely decline and pay for yourself.. Of course, I'd say it's definitely different further down the line if things got serious. This dope girl would always buy me drinks at the bar I was seeing a while back and never ask me for anything. I bought her drinks a few times just to return the admiration, WHICH I SHOULDN'T HAVE. Chicks do this to trap you.. It makes you think "Wow, no girl has done that for me before! She's special!" and when little miss princess b1tch is special, she's got you by the fvckin balls. These ones are fvcking manipulative and usually swing from branch to branch, be prepared to say "bye" to her after the 5th date, cause she's bored and needs a new guy to fill her fleshcave (although she certainly doesn't deserve it!).

This is all from personal experience by the way. Which is the best way to learn the red flags!
And stay the fvck away from chicks like this.. I have too many and it's time to get rid of 'em! New Years Resolution!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Good stuff Alex.

Mine are from personal experience as well.

The bad emotional past you speak of, just nexted one that had just that. She couldn't get over the ex, a 5 year ltr that ended bad and she constantly brought it up and would always validater herself about how much better and stronger she was now, yea whatever.

Just like you said things started off great, high IL, lots of attention given to me, then poof! Cold and distant. Saw the signs coming and nexted her before she could get me lol!


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Alex: Dude, we must've dated the same people. I never trust a girl with lots of guy friends. Most of them just want a quick lay, or to play the field without committing. That's why they say YOU are just friends - while still wanting sex with you. If you're not prepared, you might think she's keeping you around for potential, and she'll probably make up excuses to keep the false hope alive. A lot of them are users and players. They're not really friends with anyone.

Some girls even admit to using their guy friends. They say this guy provides this, that guy does this, the use people as rebounds, or until something better comes along... Like, they're proud of it. They just use people for whatever they can provide - including sex. Nobody means anything to them. They usually jump from one guy to the next, etc.

I used to think, I can trust them, but not the guys, but they were the players... And there's just a lot of warning signs going off everywhere. Selfishness is common. Fortunately, they tend to brag, and you can usually sense something is way off if you pay attention. A lot of them give away their whole game - because they do the same thing with YOU.

Being attractive just comes with the territory. Though, being hot isn't a red flag per se - I still watch those types very closely.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Makes it way too easy for you. The 'too good to be true' dilema.

Cute girl is all over you way to fast and you get sucked into thinking, wow, I'm the man, I'm so good.. all I had to do was say hi and she is so into me. I guess I really am good looking, charming and alpha. LoL.

This is usually a symptom of the 'daddy issue' flag.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Shizz: usually the trashy girls are incredibly stupid, shallow, and air-headed. The mature, classy ones are usually intelligent.

Your instincts are usually right. If she looks like a dumb *****, acts like a dumb *****, and sounds like a dumb ***** - she is a dumb *****. Unfortunately, a lot of hot ones are dumb *****s. Gotta go for cute and nice.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
I took this chick out once. We ordered some food. She said that looks nice referring to my food so I offered her a taste. She ordered a large pizza and ate the lot without offering me a slice or taste. Moral of the want a giver, not a taker.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
st: yea funny the way that works, and what their agenda is when doing that, who knows? Head games perhaps, to string you along? All I know is when that sudden distance kicks in I'm out cause in my experience when it's gone, it's just gone. I look for consistency in people.

floyd: yea ditto on the chicks with lots of guy friends. In fact one I dated a few months a while back ago was just like that. Very social, like how I described above, and had many guy friends. Had one in particular that always seemed to be with her, but of course they were "just friends." Long story short she ended up leaving me for him, and I learned my lesson there. Watch for the ones with lots of guy friends and also those ones that prioritize their social life over you.

Lol ditto once again on the intelligence. Aside from my ex fiancee I've only been with one other woman that I genuinely received intellectual stimulation from. It is such a rarity that I stopped looking for it and now purely just go for physical aspects. Some of the chicks I've dated recently literally doled mind numbing conversation. Funny thing is I was going out with this chick that had a BA in psychology, which happens to have always been a subject of interest to me that I consider myself decently savvy on, and she didn't even have a thing to say about it conversationally.

I had a talk with my Dad about people like that, that can obtain degrees but still have no critical thinking skills, and he theorizes that some just have the "do what you're told" mentality and can follow a structure and do the work, yet retain no self knowledge from it!


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Eh... I'd rather find a decent one than dumb myself down to attract a retard, and live up to their shallow standards. Can only tolerate stupid for so long.

Forgot to mention:

Low self-esteem and horrible insecurity. Damn waste of time and energy to constantly reassure someone, invite them into your life, treat them right, etc - only to have them cause problems, seek out drama, act like idiots, and chase after someone they feel they deserve (ie, abusive and neglectful). They try to make you seem responsible for their issues and problems and stupid choices. **** them.

Unhappy and empty. Typically falls head over heels - then decides you are worth nothing once you can't cure them of their problems. Blames you for their unhappiness; expects you to excite and entertain and make them happy at all times. Black and white thinking. Always negative; brings you down with them. Wants to see other people miserable because they are. **** off.

Commitment phobia. Falls in love with the idea of being in love; addicted to the chase; loses interest once someone is caught; never gets close enough to actually fall in love with anybody; has the grass is greener syndrome; doesn't understand the difference between love and infatuation; gets a high off the feeling of infatuation - then goes to the next fix. Yeah, they know where they can go (to hell), and what they can kiss (my ass).


New Member
Dec 4, 2011
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floydb25 said:
Alex: Dude, we must've dated the same people. I never trust a girl with lots of guy friends. Most of them just want a quick lay, or to play the field without committing. That's why they say YOU are just friends - while still wanting sex with you. If you're not prepared, you might think she's keeping you around for potential, and she'll probably make up excuses to keep the false hope alive. A lot of them are users and players. They're not really friends with anyone.
Hey Floyd,

How would you react "tactfully" to such a scenario?. I have come across this **** several times. They girl would keep saying..."we are just friends" (even though she has more then enough male friends). Then they **** you like it is nobodys business.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Saying you're just friends / not wanting a relationship, but still trying to have sex with you means just that. You can't take the term "friends" too literally. Unlike men, who don't seem to give a **** about being sluts, women try to protect their image. So, they'll say you're just friends, but really mean **** buddies, one night stands, friends with benefits, etc. I only had ONE girl ever say friends with benefits. All the rest said "just friends" - only to flirt and ****. Literally at the same time. And many times afterwards. They'd reject me non-stop - only to want sex later. Then, they'd act offended when I wasn't up for it - because I didn't realize at the time that it wasn't a rejection. Like, I was supposed to know what the hell they meant.

One of them went from the position of friends to friends who like each other to friends with benefits to just friends. I was like, uh, I thought we WERE just friends already. Didn't realize what she REALLY meant - she just wanted sex. That's why she still flirted and wanted sex constantly - despite rejecting me constantly. She just didn't want a relationship, but didn't want to look like a ***** - despite being just that.

When she finally said "let's just be friends" - she meant she no longer wanted sex. When we were supposedly "friends" before that - she wanted sex. Hence, the constant flirting, sexual inneundos, and sex itself. All she meant was she didn't want a relationship, but still wanted sex.

I, of course, made a fatal mistake, and read it all wrong. Thought she wanted to be friends first then a relationship. Emotional spilling, SO without benefits, and all that bad stuff. I also made the whole situation more complicated than it was; analyzed too much; etc. I thought she was confused, indecisive, unsure, afraid, not ready, crazy, etc. All I ended up doing was confusing myself... Big time. It was real simple - I just didn't realize it, and took things too literally. Didn't focus on the facts at hand.

I think we sometimes take the "women are complicated" memo too seriously. They aren't complicated - just subtle, wishy-washy, jump around issues, tell half-truths, etc. They never admit to ****, or just come right and be direct about things. Just makes us confused. They think we're supposed to know what their bull**** language is all about, and be able to read their minds, and know what they want.

Anyway, it just means nothing more is going to come of it / they're *****s. This is usually what they mean by guy friends, as well. If she says "I have lots of guy friends", says you are her friend, and tries having no strings sex with you - she's a *****, and is doing the same thing with everyone else. Everyone she has sex with is her "friend". None of them are genuine friends - not even you.

Women will rarely - if ever - admit to their whorish tendencies. That's why you can't take things like "friends" and "hanging out" too seriously - IF there's a strong sexual vibe behind your interactions.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
I think we sometimes take the "women are complicated" memo too seriously. They aren't complicated - just subtle, wishy-washy, jump around issues, tell half-truths, etc. They never admit to ****, or just come right and be direct about things. Just makes us confused. They think we're supposed to know what their bull**** language is all about, and be able to read their minds, and know what they want.
Amen brother.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Here's a red flag for you..


No matter what a b1tch has seen or done in life, you better be prepared for a truckload of bullsh1t coming your way if you get involved with one. Sexually or platonically.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Good one... But, you can limit the amount of bull**** by acting like a man, taking the lead, being assertive, setting boundaries, having standards, being the prize, etc. I think too many guys give away all their power too easily - thinking the girl won't try to manipulate or control them. Wrong thinking. A lot of times, guys are manipulated INTO giving away all the control in the first place. They just don't know it. A lot of guys are completely clueless about the games they play.

Even if a girl has good intentions, and isn't manipulative or conniving - you can't let her emotions run the show, because they're indecisive, flakey, fickle, and crazy. They change their minds constantly. Never know what they want. Say one thing and do another. You can't lose yourself to them, make it all about them, or view things from their perspective. You also can't give them what they want - because the list of wants is nearly endless. Give em a foot, and they'll take a million miles. So and so forth.

It's just a bad idea all around. If guys weren't so desperate and insecure - they wouldn't have this problem. They give the girl everything she wants, cave in, and give up all their power - only to have the girl walk all over them, play constant games, manipulate them, push their boundaries, try getting away with anything they can, etc. All because they thought she would like them for it, and they're afraid of losing her. Apparently being alone is worse than being a slave.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
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floydb25 said:
Good one... But, you can limit the amount of bull**** by acting like a man, taking the lead, being assertive, setting boundaries, having standards, being the prize, etc. I think too many guys give away all their power too easily - thinking the girl won't try to manipulate or control them. Wrong thinking. A lot of times, guys are manipulated INTO giving away all the control in the first place. They just don't know it. A lot of guys are completely clueless about the games they play.

Even if a girl has good intentions, and isn't manipulative or conniving - you can't let her emotions run the show, because they're indecisive, flakey, fickle, and crazy. They change their minds constantly. Never know what they want. Say one thing and do another. You can't lose yourself to them, make it all about them, or view things from their perspective. You also can't give them what they want - because the list of wants is nearly endless. Give em a foot, and they'll take a million miles. So and so forth.

It's just a bad idea all around. If guys weren't so desperate and insecure - they wouldn't have this problem. They give the girl everything she wants, cave in, and give up all their power - only to have the girl walk all over them, play constant games, manipulate them, push their boundaries, try getting away with anything they can, etc. All because they thought she would like them for it, and they're afraid of losing her. Apparently being alone is worse than being a slave.
As time as gone by and experience has been obtained I'm beginning to see that we have to set our standards and never be afraid to walk away if the don't conform to them. Inevitably one with have to put up with some bs, but like you are saying you can never give up your power entirely. If she don't like you being a man, to hell with her. And it really does boggle the mind how indecisive, and illogical they can be, but I no longer read into that stuff.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Alex DeLarge said:
Here's a red flag for you..


No matter what a b1tch has seen or done in life, you better be prepared for a truckload of bullsh1t coming your way if you get involved with one. Sexually or platonically.
