Recovering AFC


New Member
May 31, 2006
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New Jersey
Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself. I am a recovering AFC for 5 days now. Please allow to explain how I got here and the incredible changes that have happened recently.

Like most of you I was an AFC. I mean really, really out there. Shy, cluless how to deal with women, one-itis; I had it all. I was basically fixated on one girl from age 13 to 23. I should have realized that after 3 years when I finally got up the nerve to ask her out and she said no (and made up some lame excuse) that it was time to move on. Instead, I cried for a few days and kept at it for the next 7 or so years.

Anyway, to make a (very) long story short, I was online the other day looking for tips on how to land women. What I discovered was the DJ Bible. This must have been what Columbus felt like when he discovered America by accident. I have seen the error of my past ways and am doing everything in my power to correct it. Some of the articles and views expressed (i.e. Pook, Anti-Dump) have really changed my life. People at work can't believe how happy and confident I am. Not to mention I am now over my one-itits. Completely and permanently I believe. All this change after just 5 days, I can only imagine how much I can improve over the next few weeks, months and even years.

Tonight I put my past life behind me and started the gift that is my second life. I called the girl I was infatuated with and did what may have been the hardest thing I've ever had to tell anyone. I told her directly that I have changed, I want to try and remian friends with her but I will no longer be her slave and that I was in love with her for many years until very recently but now I am over her. She seemed suprised and told me she never realized, I suggsted we try not to dwell on it as I am no longer going to worry about the past and let rejection bother me. Let me tell you, it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders now. :D

Anyway, I appreciate you reading this. I just felt I needed to tell someone and I don't think anyone I know would really understand. I plan to stick with the program and I hope you all will accept me into your community. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Glad to hear you have entered the road to improve. has helped changed my life as well. I know I am not perfect, I still have flaws. Yet my skills with the ladies has improved probably 10 times compared to a year ago.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
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San Diego, CA
Congrats, I know how good it feels to get over a case of oneitis. The first step is always the biggest and the hardest, its only going to get easier. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
welcome aboard,,,,,
I know how you felt when you first found this site. it is an amazing feeling because we never imagined that seduction skills could be learnED.
before I found this site I trully believed that some guys were just born to be lucky with the ladies and I wasnt.
my life changed 100% after I found this site.
I used to be a bitter and mad guy all the time becuase I didnt understood women at all and couldnt do anything about it. I felt powerless and was always a the mercy of the girls I was interested in, the messed up part is that most of them were not even good looking girls. WTF was I thinking?

now am the prize becuase I know more about dating thAN the girls do.
it doesnt even matter to me when I get rejected by a chick becuase I know that Im capable of landing a better looking girl anywhere and anytime.

Im the happiest man alive... I know you also feel the same.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
librito said:
welcome aboard,,,,,
I know how you felt when you first found this site. it is an amazing feeling because we never imagined that seduction skills could be learnED.
before I found this site I trully believed that some guys were just born to be lucky with the ladies and I wasnt.
my life changed 100% after I found this site.
I used to be a bitter and mad guy all the time becuase I didnt understood women at all and couldnt do anything about it. I felt powerless and was always a the mercy of the girls I was interested in, the messed up part is that most of them were not even good looking girls. WTF was I thinking?

now am the prize becuase I know more about dating thAN the girls do.
it doesnt even matter to me when I get rejected by a chick becuase I know that Im capable of landing a better looking girl anywhere and anytime.

Im the happiest man alive... I know you also feel the same.
I feel exactly the same way. props to those who started this site.


New Member
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey
mr_elor said:
Well done mate :up: , and I'm glad to hear it's going well for you.

One thing though, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll be a recovering AFC for a fair bit more than 5 days, I found this site back in Jan and still consider myself an RAFC. It makes me laugh when you get people who've been on here for a week, have read the bible, but haven't yet actually tried it in the real world and think that they're suddenly DJ's :rolleyes: .

Keep at it though mate, and don't get disheartened if it doesn't work for you straight away because I can guarantee you it will eventually.

Welcome to your 2nd life :)
I certianly understand that I am at the start of the road. Anyway I guess the whole point is that the road never ends actually, you always need to be working, improving and living no matter how far you have come.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Glad to here it Guys. I kno w exactly what you mean BigIzz about the columbus trip voyage. I had that one girl on a pedestal I didn't even know existed unitl I found this website. I changed much to since being here for a couple of months. Not a bad place until you start seeing a bunch of threads from the AFC's !! LMAO, oh well we all ahere there at some point...

What's important is that we live and learn


New Member
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey
The ironic part is I had the front page of this site bookmarked for months never really looked at anything besides the tips and articles linked in the front. I had no idea what powerful stuff was really on here. I'm greatful to have found it.