recoverable situation?


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
So I went out with this chick who really digs me. We have a great time. So we go to the bar and meet up her friends, bunch of girls. I get kinda drunk, and I touch one of her friends butt. I know I messed up. The girl I'm with gives me a really dirty look. So we leave shortly after that. I tried to kiss her and she totally avoided me, never happen to me before. I tried giving her a call afterwards and she won't pick up after. Is this situation recoverable?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Probably not.

All you can do by is wait a few days, call her back, explain. If she doesn't pick up, leave a message with short to the point explanation. Then just wait to see if she calls. If you don't hear from her in a few days, just move on.
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Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Obviously he wants to explain/say something, whatever that might be, leave it on voicemail and move on if needed.

Why don't you offer some advice instead of worrying about semantics. Dyck!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with iylaster... The best for you to do is to play dumb and retarded like they do. Blame your drunken state-but thats dependent on if your actually trying bed this chick-if you give a F**K less than tell that broad off...harsh yes-but thats the way it is... when she see that you dont give a f**k see may hate you but she will respect you.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Man i really was drunk and her friends were pretty hot. So I know i mess up when i grab her friends ass, right in front of her. Her friend gave me a smile and laugh, which didn't really help the situation. I usually call her around this time and she always expect my calls, she has her phone off now. Ouch.

Lesson learned, always pay full attention to the girl your with and don't pay attention to other attractive girls and grab their butt...
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
jlee said:
Lesson learned, always pay full attention to the girl your with and don't pay attention to other attractive girls and grab their butt...
Haha, thank you for that insight!! :up:

There is no worse action you could have did to upset a girl on a date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
I actually got a chance to finally talk with her. I apologized to her on the phone, she said she didn't care about it. I was like cool. You can't really judge a woman by what she says but by what she does. I tried setting up a date to see her again. I wanted to see her again, it took 2 weeks and i finally got to see her. She was dress up really nice and sexy, it really turn me on.

I tried making out with her and she wouldn't let me kiss her at all. I attempted several times and she avoided. She would always kiss me back before because I know she really like me. When the date was over, I gave her a kiss good bye it felt force, she would only give me a peck in return, before she would tongue me and kiss me really sensually. The date left me feeling weird and confused. She just smiled at me a lot, played it real friggin cool with me. Did I totally screwed up my chances with her? I really miss her and I told her that i miss her. She felt like a complete stranger to me, it seem like we're so distance now, after that incident. Is her attraction for me complete gone or is it my imagination? I actually care about this girl. What to do? Is this situation salvageable at all?
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Just blame it on the alcohol - as hors always say!!

Tell her that with the beer goggles you had on, you thought you were at the supermarket and you surmised that the girl's butt were melons and you were squeezing them for firmness & freshness!


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
How long have you been going out with this girl?
You shouldn't have told her you miss her.

Listen you're playing right into her state. Whatever the cause is for that state, it's irrelevant to you. She has NO reason to still be pissed off at the ass grab. First of all it wasn't a big deal anyway. But on top of that you appologized. That incident is OVER.

Now, why was she off that night:
A) She was still pissed about the ass grab. If that's the case, you don't give a fvck, cus as I said, that's OVER. Nothing you can do about it, don't even think of bringing it up again.
B) You weren't in fun mode, but were in "apologetic" mode, which means you did everything possible to keep things smooth. That shows you care too much and you react to her, rather than bringing a good time out of your own self.
C) A million other reasons that have nothing to do with you. She had a bad day, she was tired, she's stressed, etc... You can't fix that, it's out of your control.

There's no "situation" to salvage. Girl's change their state all the time and they have very little memory for both the good and he bad. My ex once called me a horrible person, a terrible friend and an assh0le. The next night we were fvcking.

Take her to do something fun. If she's still weird, then she either she's weird, she's lost attraction or she's just not in a state to go out with you.
If that's the case just move on.

Oh, of course you "actually care" about her. You should care for all the girls you date, your FBs, your ex's and even your ONS. But trust me, there are oodles and oodles of girls out there that you can have a deep and fun relationships with. You're scared because you don't accept that there are. Seriously man, read posts here and you'll realize how common it is for us guys to get hooked on "that one girl". That comes from one of three things (or a combination):
1) What ppl call the "scarcity mentality". You blind yourself to the fact that there are tons of other women out there who are just as good or better than yours.
2) You haven't dated enough to realize that your woman isn't what you actually want in a woman.
3) You centered your life around her and once she's gone, you have nothing left. Don't ever do that. Keep a full life independent of your girl.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice Benjiprince. I definitely got that scarity mentality going on. Something I need to work on. I've been with this girl for 4 months. I know she is really attracted to me and I know she knows I feel the same way about her. I just want to regain her trust. I sms and told her "I'm really happy today because I get to hang out with the person I really care about." She said "oh thanks :p" Is there a mind game going on? She plays it completely cool but her body reaction is completely different. It seems like there is a mind game going on. Like I said, its not what she says but what she does, and what she does is completely opposite of what she says. The next time I see her should I attempt to make out again? Or should I just play it cool like her, just flirt, be real nice, get real close to her but don't touch her at all?