Anglo-saxon white boys who think asian females are 'easy' and that they are god's gift to asian women should read this article . I was laughing my a*s off. well funny!!
A brief profile of Asian women afflicted with "white fever"
ORIGINS: A subset of women of Asian ethnicity, usually found residing in major U.S. cities, although they have been known to appear overseas occasionally. Closely related to their cousins, Yellow Cabs (Japan), Gwei-Po's (Hong Kong), Sarong Party Girls (Singapore), Twinkies and Bananas.
NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH: Intelligent, emotionally-secure women who are free of identity problems, self-hate, racial prejudice and chips on their shoulders.
Poorly developed self-identity. Pathetically insecure with themselves and their ethnicity.
Resentment of father's traditional, authoritarian upbringing (whether real or perceived).
Brainwashed into believing that they, as AF's, are more desirable than other women in an exotic lotus blossum kinda way. Willingness to pander to western media sexual stereotypes of AF's, which they perceive as a marketing advantage.
Thoroughly whitewashed. Desperate need to fit into "mainstream" (i.e. white) society and to distance themselves from their Asian heritage. Racial inferiority complex.
Feigned air of superiority when dealing with members of own race and any other minority groups. In need of major attitude adjustments.
Exaggerated, whiny, Encino-esque valley girl accent.
Delusions of grandeur..."I want it all...and that begins with the right (i.e. white) guy...". Asian-American princess complex.
Uncanny ability to determine one's nationality, occupation, earnings capacity and make of auto within three minutes of commencing a conversation.
Exaggerated perception of white males' value in increasing AF's social status.
Ignorant and narrow-minded, eager to adopt and perpetuate fallacious western media stereotypes of Asian men.
A compulsion to trash Asians, particularly Asian men, in order to justify their autoracist tendencies, placate their guilt and bolster their self esteem.
Extremely shallow, self centered, argumentative and boring
Disdains ethnic studies; regards it as a major threat to her carefully constructed, self-deceptive whiggie identity
Despises all Asian men, with the occasional exception of their brothers (after all, they share the same genes)
Believes that racism does not exist because she, as an AF, has never experienced it first hand, or is too dense to realize it. Besides, those asiaphiles are so nice to her (while plotting to get into her pants)
Gets a warm fuzzy feeling when watching The Joy Luck Club, while snuggled up to her geeky asiaphile boyfriend.
Believes that the only reason an Asian person would disrespect her is because they are racist
Has lost count of how many WM's she's done this month
The wet-dream come true for socially-handicapped caucasian nerds who are unable to attract caucasian women
Threatened and insecure in the presence of any culturally-perceptive Asian person or any AM not fitting her stereotype of the quiet, marginalized, "model minority" geek
Fundamentally insecure, utterly confused, lacking in self-respect
Many aging whiggies, after being used and abandoned by WM's in favor of younger, more nubile whiggies and being rejected by AM's who see through their transparency, develop a bitterness towards all men, period.
Denial of all of the above
a) Look of contempt when eyes meet those of any non-white male, converting to beaming grin upon sighting of WM victim/target;
b) terminal pout or
c) bimbo-ish expression that defies
deep thought.
TYPICAL ATTIRE: Anything trendy, mainstream-looking and seductive (especially if it's black and tight). Big hair (perhaps their most valuable asset) tossed with hand every 15 seconds. Wonderbra. Fanatical whiggies have been known to undergo certain procedures such as eyelid
surgery, breast augmentation and vaginal tightening operations in order to increase their marketability to WM's. Blue contact lenses and bleached-blonde hair have even been sported on occasion. Note: attire may vary depending on the specific type of WM being targeted.
I.Q.: Too low to measure.
NATURAL HABITAT: Personal ad columns ("exotic, slim, SAF seeks successful, generous SWM", cheerleading squads, sorority houses (role: token "oriental sisters", T.V. newsdesks,
B-grade Kung-Fu flicks, trendy nightclubs (usually found necking with aging WM's), Chinese restaurants (slumming with the WM and demonstrating that she's "in touch with her heritage", anywhere else frequented by white males.
age 10: "Mom, why do we have to be (Chinese/Japanese/Korean)? Do you have to dress like that? And what's with dad and his accent?
age 12: "Mom, I want an eyelid job for Christmas, okay?
Later on...
"I've always only dated white guys. I don't know why, I just have."
"Race doesn't matter. I just happen to like white guys. It';s just a preference."
"We are the world, we are the children...We....."
"I've gone out with all kinds of guys...Dutch, English, French, German, you name it. Even went out with a Jewish guy once! After all, love is color blind."
"Eeeew, Jennifer, how could you go out with that (insert minority group here) guy!? Totally gross!"
"Ooh, Roger, you're like, soooo strong and intelligent. Did you say you drive a beemer? Kewl! (giggle)"
"I want learn English maybe teach, handsome man? Are you U.S. citizen?" (yes FOB's can be whiggies too!)
"Like why would I want to go out with an Asian guy? They don't own me or anything. Uhh, and besides, they're all male chauvinists..and domineering too...yeah, that's it! Didn't you see The Joy Luck Club?"
Like, I'm dating *out* of my race, so how can I be racist?!! Duh!!
CLOSELY RELATED TO: Racists, bigots, wannabes, ho's, chameleons, white supremecists, a fish out of water
MEDIA REPRESENTATION/ROLE MODELS: Connie Chung, Amy Tan, Lisa Ling, Margaret Cho, Sheryl Wu Dunn, any of The Joy Luck Club protagonists (except the one who married an Asian dude).
NATURAL COUNTERPARTS: Asiaphiles...who else?
Any thoughts at all??