For your own explicit happiness. Period. When you drain away duties, assuming you have none, the beginning part of your journey STARTS with the fact you actually want the JOURNEY/PATH you're on. If not, get a new one. Take the tao of Fight Club + Office Space, mold it into 1, and just say "aww fvck it." Whatever we're building up, will be burned down anyways at our passing. The redeeming qualities of life will be experiences we have, the relationships we create (or destroy), and the will with which we live. If in your mind you have a place you'd like to be, but are living below that threshhold, go test the waters. In this case, the grass might be greener. If it's not at least you know and you'll return with greater appreciation if it's still there.
Maybe it is the religious aspect that needs to be accounted for, too. People with GOOD faith seem to do well, whether it's a panacea, or a ecstasy or merely delusion, I don't know. I do know they seem to be "ok." And that's the part about self becomes all consuming, a never-ending cycle, and people love it/hate it, because we're so flawed, the process can never end. Our natures inherently drive toward perfection, and the habit of self improvement is a good one to feed that need, a hunger that never dies. To me there isn't a pinnacle of perfection, just the best that there is for this moment. And tomorrow's moment is made better by care of it today.
What you've brought up, Squirrels, is a dual edged debate. If life runs in a circle, where the things we chase are done so because it seems to bring happiness and fill a hole that sinks like quicksand, why aren't people more happy to begin with? Meaning, where is there to GET TO? What is there to HAVE, BE, or DO? Things come and go. Money is earned, spent, invested, and passed on or lost. Can you impact the world? Do you want to? We have to work to keep our heads above water, but our needs to exist aren't entirely as big as we make them. Even by poor standards, they're far better than the poor of previous generations and decades. And by middle class standards, they're living rich with color tvs, video games, automated appliances, heat, water, a variety of foods, transportation, etc. Yet, people further shackle themselves down by EXTRAS. HDTV. Millions of channels. Ps3 and XBOX 360. Big cars with rims. If you want it, get it, but if you're unhappy, consider UPROOTING some of your needs, slimming down, so you can have freedom from the job/career that might not be your passion. LIVING, experiencing, and feeding off emotions and new moments are where life exists, in the laughing over minor jokes, to the passionate kisses of a new or old woman friend. To the enjoyment of a new food, or the comfort of an old food. To the thrill of victory, and the upsets of defeat. They're moments to live through and experience through, like a giant, virtual matrix. I believe the best we exit with are the records we leave behind of WHO WE ARE and the relationships we create or destroy. Living small has no merit, because no one wants to live below who they feel they are.
I feel the encoding of the MAP of our life is in ourselves, but the RADIO tuner on the world is turned up too high for us to hear it. There's always friends, or bills, or TV negative events, or the latest scandles in hollywood, or education...there's always WHAT YOU SHOULD DO BECAUSE SOMEONE/SOMETHING else says so. But never what you should do because you believe it to be true, and to me, that creates pressure and angst. If you don't know, try to find out. Heck, I don't even know. I don't think the answer exists. I think you make the best of what's around, and life is where YOU are. That's it. Nowhere else.
Have I felt like that? Sure. I've had my chips down, been 3 months behind on bills, nearly had the car repo'd by a few days, dumped and had bytchy X-gf's calling other guys right in front of me...and then days later I was banging hot 18 year old girls (not because I had to, but because I wanted to and she wanted to), made good money, had success at the gym. It's a rollercoaster, at least for me, and I don't get delusional about the highs or lo's. I feel grateful for the family I have, no matter how good or bad they are.
So if you're looking for company, the whole human race feels this way, they just don't admit it. And what they're living for? Few people really know. Even the true TOP of the world may committ suicide, adultery, go into bankruptcy, lose their friends, have addictions, or on the opposite side, have the highest highs. I would say I live for myself and my wants. Maybe I can find a slice or a way into some religious vein. I do think there's more to it than meets the eye. There's alot of naysaying either direction. Fortunately the bible Covered Its Arse by suggesting people who spoke out against them were sinners, so you're dammed if you speak against it. Lol. Live for what you can live for. Live for you. Figure you out. That's a lifelong process in itself.
For your own explicit happiness. Period. When you drain away duties, assuming you have none, the beginning part of your journey STARTS with the fact you actually want the JOURNEY/PATH you're on. If not, get a new one. Take the tao of Fight Club + Office Space, mold it into 1, and just say "aww fvck it." Whatever we're building up, will be burned down anyways at our passing. The redeeming qualities of life will be experiences we have, the relationships we create (or destroy), and the will with which we live. If in your mind you have a place you'd like to be, but are living below that threshhold, go test the waters. In this case, the grass might be greener. If it's not at least you know and you'll return with greater appreciation if it's still there.
Maybe it is the religious aspect that needs to be accounted for, too. People with GOOD faith seem to do well, whether it's a panacea, or a ecstasy or merely delusion, I don't know. I do know they seem to be "ok." And that's the part about self becomes all consuming, a never-ending cycle, and people love it/hate it, because we're so flawed, the process can never end. Our natures inherently drive toward perfection, and the habit of self improvement is a good one to feed that need, a hunger that never dies. To me there isn't a pinnacle of perfection, just the best that there is for this moment. And tomorrow's moment is made better by care of it today.
What you've brought up, Squirrels, is a dual edged debate. If life runs in a circle, where the things we chase are done so because it seems to bring happiness and fill a hole that sinks like quicksand, why aren't people more happy to begin with? Meaning, where is there to GET TO? What is there to HAVE, BE, or DO? Things come and go. Money is earned, spent, invested, and passed on or lost. Can you impact the world? Do you want to? We have to work to keep our heads above water, but our needs to exist aren't entirely as big as we make them. Even by poor standards, they're far better than the poor of previous generations and decades. And by middle class standards, they're living rich with color tvs, video games, automated appliances, heat, water, a variety of foods, transportation, etc. Yet, people further shackle themselves down by EXTRAS. HDTV. Millions of channels. Ps3 and XBOX 360. Big cars with rims. If you want it, get it, but if you're unhappy, consider UPROOTING some of your needs, slimming down, so you can have freedom from the job/career that might not be your passion. LIVING, experiencing, and feeding off emotions and new moments are where life exists, in the laughing over minor jokes, to the passionate kisses of a new or old woman friend. To the enjoyment of a new food, or the comfort of an old food. To the thrill of victory, and the upsets of defeat. They're moments to live through and experience through, like a giant, virtual matrix. I believe the best we exit with are the records we leave behind of WHO WE ARE and the relationships we create or destroy. Living small has no merit, because no one wants to live below who they feel they are.
I feel the encoding of the MAP of our life is in ourselves, but the RADIO tuner on the world is turned up too high for us to hear it. There's always friends, or bills, or TV negative events, or the latest scandles in hollywood, or education...there's always WHAT YOU SHOULD DO BECAUSE SOMEONE/SOMETHING else says so. But never what you should do because you believe it to be true, and to me, that creates pressure and angst. If you don't know, try to find out. Heck, I don't even know. I don't think the answer exists. I think you make the best of what's around, and life is where YOU are. That's it. Nowhere else.
Have I felt like that? Sure. I've had my chips down, been 3 months behind on bills, nearly had the car repo'd by a few days, dumped and had bytchy X-gf's calling other guys right in front of me...and then days later I was banging hot 18 year old girls (not because I had to, but because I wanted to and she wanted to), made good money, had success at the gym. It's a rollercoaster, at least for me, and I don't get delusional about the highs or lo's. I feel grateful for the family I have, no matter how good or bad they are.
So if you're looking for company, the whole human race feels this way, they just don't admit it. And what they're living for? Few people really know. Even the true TOP of the world may committ suicide, adultery, go into bankruptcy, lose their friends, have addictions, or on the opposite side, have the highest highs. I would say I live for myself and my wants. Maybe I can find a slice or a way into some religious vein. I do think there's more to it than meets the eye. There's alot of naysaying either direction. Fortunately the bible Covered Its Arse by suggesting people who spoke out against them were sinners, so you're dammed if you speak against it. Lol. Live for what you can live for. Live for you. Figure you out. That's a lifelong process in itself.