Hey fellow DJs and Wannabe's, once again I need help and once again it's with something ''stupid'':convo.
I cannot think of something to start convos with girls or guys.Its like my mind is empty. Now comes the weird part: I cant start convos but I keep them and make them more interesting. And theres still one last problem: groups. My schoolmates are always in groups. How Im I supposed to even get to know my mates if I cant even start a freakin convo?
Oh and plz dont say something vague like ''look around you theres always something to talk about'' cause when I do that everything seems way to stupid to talk about.
Help appreciated
Over and Out
I cannot think of something to start convos with girls or guys.Its like my mind is empty. Now comes the weird part: I cant start convos but I keep them and make them more interesting. And theres still one last problem: groups. My schoolmates are always in groups. How Im I supposed to even get to know my mates if I cant even start a freakin convo?
Oh and plz dont say something vague like ''look around you theres always something to talk about'' cause when I do that everything seems way to stupid to talk about.
Help appreciated
Over and Out