really interesting documentary about lonely guys


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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evan12 said:
Whese men are not only looking for sex (at least not all of them ) . they are looking to have normal relationship that can produce a family .they dont want to be lonely guys. it is not all about sex .
I think both characters are that way. The long haired guy wanted a fat 300 lb for life, not just for a hook-up and was prepared to fight and lose limbs for that.

What's weird about the documentary is the reference that one guy is willing to commit suicide, joke around it on camera and wish he never existed in the first place, while he was next to his ex-girlfriend where she mis-interpreted that he rejected a kiss, or some nonsense like that as causing their break-up in the first place. They looked cool together. What is he complaining about?

The other guy that claims to have got rejected by 3000 women, 1000 women online and 2000 women face to that really for real or is that a bit of an exaggeration? How many people on here have actually approached 3000 women and got rejected straight? You are really prepared to lose your limbs so a fat 300 lbs girl would want you?

Then you got this crazy PUA guy that thinks incels will freak out if they see porn because they never saw a real nude woman before. What a load of crock. So, if people are willing to commit suicide, lose their limbs, because they can't find a girl, then that sounds like a serious obsession about getting into a relationship. I can't imagine how they will be if they get their wish, but that relationship doesn't work out.

First of all, just because you have a relationship or marriage with your soul-mate doesn't mean it will last for life. She can walk away and a divorce can happen. I can get having a short-term experience with a girl, but don't get just settling with any girl who will take you on who ends up dumping you or walking out in a marriage.

Secondly, if any of these dudes get into a relationship, the woman is going to have total power over them. The woman can replace these guys if she doesn't get her way (i.e. even if not immediately within a reasonable time-frame), and guys will resent her for this. These guys will be back to square one and have to wait a very long time to find another girl. What quality of relationship can you get unless you deal with another girl that also has problems finding guys and is waiting years to enter into a relationship?


Don Juan
May 26, 2013
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corrector said:
The other guy that claims to have got rejected by 3000 women, 1000 women online and 2000 women face to that really for real or is that a bit of an exaggeration?
One thing about that guy is his body language always gave him away. If you watch micro-expressions, notice his eyes as he says 2000 women face to face. obvious lie. like, he probably wasn't even close to that many.

In the beginning he was talking being a PUA (which i thought involved fvcking women, but i guess not). He kept talking about how confident and masculine he was, but his body language showed an insecure little girl.

Sure, people get nervous on camera, but what I saw was a guy who was taking his message board persona and speaking it in real life for the first time.

The scene towards the end when the guy sees his only ex for the first time in 10 years was just.. i want to say sad, but it was really just typical. "you're a great person, you'll find somebody" haha damn. dissed.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
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I'm still looking
The "PUA" here is anything but. He sounds like he literally internalized some pick-up literature and spreads the word as if he were Jesus. Discontinuing hobbies that people enjoy, no matter how nerdy they may seem, is just further submission. You don't bring up Dungeons and Dragons on a first date because you think a date will find it boring, but odds are she is unfamiliar. And as she in unfamiliar, there is no common ground in which to discuss. This is why being broad is better. Eventually, the topics worth talking about are triangulated and once common ground is can venture on to unfamiliar territory.

The long hair dude needs to take up weed or something to chill him the **** down. And clubs are the WORST place for these guys to goat first. ****ing deer in headlights.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
I agree that Advanced (long haired guy) could actually do good, but it would require a serious mental make over. The PUA guy was just silly, but hopefully he might discover some truth with it. Michael wasn't that bad actually, could get some if he developed a cool style and actually went out there.

Luckily I got looks on my side, I just didn't realize it. I wasn't even halfway through book of pook before I found myself in bed with a girl. I'm not as fvcked as I thought I was.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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when that Asian chick tells that guy 'you have a good life' he looks confused. as if he doesn't want to believe that. as if that negates his whole raison d'etre.

and that kind of sums these guys up. every time they open their mouths they are confirming their reality. that they suck, that nobody wants them. and it's true. and will continue to be true until they decide otherwise. which will be hard seeing as how they cemented those views forever on film. sad.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Upside said:
The "PUA" here is anything but. He sounds like he literally internalized some pick-up literature and spreads the word as if he were Jesus. Discontinuing hobbies that people enjoy, no matter how nerdy they may seem, is just further submission. You don't bring up Dungeons and Dragons on a first date because you think a date will find it boring, but odds are she is unfamiliar.

And clubs are the WORST place for these guys to goat first.
I didn't like the "PUA in training" guy at first, I thought he was over confident and annoying. He was still a virgin but talking as if he was a full fledged PUA. After a while though, you could sense he was just acting that way for the camera, his persona. When you saw him when he wasn't being interviewed he seemed to be more "friendly" and on the same level with the other guys.

You're right about the club thing, last place they should go. It would be like hunting with a bow and arrow while everyone else has machine guns.

And honestly, if you're passion is Dungeons and Dragons, then fvck it, bring it up on a first date. If the chick doesn't know what it's about, then tell her. If you're passionate about it, you'll be able to give her a good run down of it, and she may not pick it up as a hobby, but she may intrigued by your explanation and your story about it. If not, fvck it....NEXT! :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Social_Leper said:
LOL! Try that and let me know how it goes bro.
I don't play dungeons and dragons.

The whole point is not to give a FVCK. Do what you want. Improve but don't change yourself because of a woman. Don't try to be someone you're not. These guys are ashamed of who they are, instead of embracing it.....and then improving on it.

Did you watch the video?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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Peaks&Valleys said:
I don't play dungeons and dragons.

The whole point is not to give a FVCK. Do what you want. Improve but don't change yourself because of a woman. Don't try to be someone you're not. These guys are ashamed of who they are, instead of embracing it.....and then improving on it.

Did you watch the video?
yeah basically, women don't want to love a man for who he is, eventhough that is what they say, they want a man for who he can be, what he is capable of


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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"Women tend to see the man as what he could be or as they wish him to become. So women tend not to see the man as he truly is at the time, but what he might potentially be, and this view of him continues until he either becomes that or not. Since they never accepted the man for his true self but rather for some illusion of him, then they are constantly and continually frustrated and angered when he presents himself as something other than this."

I found that statement somewhere, pretty interesting


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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They're all fvcked in the head.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
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Wow these guys are glorifying girls as if they were some sort of buried treasure worth maintaining the survival of human extinction.

To me they look like normal guys, as a matter of fact they look like they would make good group of friends. The problem I see in them is that they focus too much on their problem and not on the solution. What I would recommend is a hobby and a sign up to the local gym. 2 reasons, they need to look good to gain personal confidence and they need to keep their mind busy on things other than girls.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
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1. penis goes into the vagina.
3. ??????
4. profit

i dont know why but i LOL'd way too much.

that said God help me i become that bad....although i know was on the pathway but thankfully i seemed to have stalled out and am attempting a u-turn


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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954luigi said:
Wow these guys are glorifying girls as if they were some sort of buried treasure worth maintaining the survival of human extinction.

To me they look like normal guys, as a matter of fact they look like they would make good group of friends. The problem I see in them is that they focus too much on their problem and not on the solution. What I would recommend is a hobby and a sign up to the local gym. 2 reasons, they need to look good to gain personal confidence and they need to keep their mind busy on things other than girls.
for girls they just need to work with going to the gym, for guys going to the gym is not enough


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
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JaegerPilot217 said:
for girls they just need to work with going to the gym, for guys going to the gym is not enough
gym gives you an amazing amount of confidence. even if you still look like **** you will feel like a sex symbol. as for girls yea they asses too should hit the gym if a girl feels her self too much and start naggin me i just call her fat ass out or tell her she is getting old.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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954luigi said:
gym gives you an amazing amount of confidence. even if you still look like **** you will feel like a sex symbol. as for girls yea they asses too should hit the gym if a girl feels her self too much and start naggin me i just call her fat ass out or tell her she is getting old.
yup, like 18 months ago I used to be a waist 40 and weighed 215lbs, now I am a waist 34 and now weigh 173lbs!, but yeah, what I meant more is that most girls want and expect guys to be the whole package for them, but most of us guys are okay with just half the package for a girl, as long as she is cute, decent looking or average, the only thing she needs in a personality is just be nice and friendly, or just have similar, common interests, but for us guys that is obviously not enough in terms of personality eventhough people say girls are more into personality than guys are, that personality aspect is not enough for them


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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DonGorgon said:
sad many men live like this but hide behind sorts so they appear normal. this is all a side effect of massive male over population
i'm guessing it has affected mostly western countries