really interesting documentary about lonely guys


Don Juan
May 26, 2013
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Here is a short documentary someone made about a bunch of virgins and guys who can't get any girls.
What's interesting is that it shows both sides of the "frustrated virgin" chart: the man who believes, and waits, for his "one true love" and the disgruntled "red pill" PUA type of guy. Both are virgins. Both admit to being willing to sacrifice their self respect just be able to hook up with a "300lb fat chick"

of course it's trying to be funded through kickstarter for like 10x what it should realistically cost to make, but that's just basic exploitation. it's still pretty interesting.

also be sure to read the comments. they say almost more than the actual video does.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
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Jacksonville, FL
If that long haired guy would just clean himself up, he could pull. He already seems to have a presence, just too much self doubt and negativity along with a stupid hairstyle. Not that some women wouldn't be into it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I wonder if the long haired dude would benefit from having sex with a really hot escort?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
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Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Their limiting beliefs are killing them.

You're right Vekhematu, too much self doubt, a lifetime of getting denied by women.

They're just not comfortable with themselves, or who they are. These guys shouldn't be virgins, seem like good guys, they need some kind of help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Seems like an interesting documentary. I'm only 3 minutes into this video but the guy with the long hair, i think he can pull it off if he changed his style a bit. go get a haircut or have a slick back type of cut. Get rid of that shirt, get some good fitting clothes Etc. I could tell from his tone though that he is massively pissed off at all the rejections lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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WOW !! They all need some serious self improvement lessons. Regardless though - putting all that energy into women is pathetic. The fact they even made a documentary about them is even more pathetic.

My advise to them: Start living your life and stop thinking about women. What are you going to say to yourself when you're lying on your death bed ??? I spent my life chasing after another person as I truly believed she would make me happy ?? Or, I pursued my own life and followed my dreams and never gave a f*ck about anything else ???



Master Don Juan
Dec 13, 2010
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adam225 said:
WOW !! They all need some serious self improvement lessons. Regardless though - putting all that energy into women is pathetic. The fact they even made a documentary about them is even more pathetic.

My advise to them: Start living your life and stop thinking about women. What are you going to say to yourself when you're lying on your death bed ??? I spent my life chasing after another person as I truly believed she would make me happy ?? Or, I pursued my own life and followed my dreams and never gave a f*ck about anything else ???


I would have said the same thing a couple of months ago, but a couple of the guys on this forum made me realize something.

If you are still a virgin at the age of 30, you are probably going to be it for the rest of your life - imagine that kind of living, the frustration within you and the anger that just piles up within you..

Sex and breeding is the most natural thing out there, I could imagine the frustration people have to put up with, is they by the age of 30 still haven't lost their V-cards..

By the way, am I the only one getting very annoyed each time the self proclaimed PUA starts to talk?


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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European-DJ said:
I would have said the same thing a couple of months ago, but a couple of the guys on this forum made me realize something.

If you are still a virgin at the age of 30, you are probably going to be it for the rest of your life - imagine that kind of living, the frustration within you and the anger that just piles up within you..

Sex and breeding is the most natural thing out there, I could imagine the frustration people have to put up with, is they by the age of 30 still haven't lost their V-cards..

By the way, am I the only one getting very annoyed each time the self proclaimed PUA starts to talk?
That's because soooo many people put their entire focus into pu$$y. Who gives a sh1t if you stay your life a virgin ? In reality, it doesn't mean anything. It's just a word used to describe someone who hasn't had sex. The problem is when you focus/dwell on something you really want as it increases your "want" for it. The next thing you know it is the main thing on your mind e.g. - "I must go out and pull a $lut tonight". This is bad as it ends up running your life and taking over you.

Pu$$y is like any other external pleasure (play station, Xbox, drugs, skydiving,ect...) In reality you don't need ANY of them. What you need is to be in control of your own life instead of letting your deluded mind run it for you (that's just constantly chasing something to make it happy).


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late

You are absolutely correct that you don't "need" puss. I think the problem is seeing other couples, noticing other hookups, hearing about other hookups, etc. In my early days, that's what got to me the most. (It was rarely if ever about sex drive pe se.). Anytime I was with other guys, the topic was girls and sex. So these guys sometimes feel like it's thrown in their faces on a daily basis.

EuropeanDJ: Yeah the PUA guy is annoying. While he has some decent ideas, he drank too much of the kool aid. He will waste a few grand on pickup products and crazy peacocking clothes.


I also think that the long haired guy has the most potential. If nothing else, he's a bigger guy.

Also notice how the female didn't offer any advice to any of them? Not at all surprising.

But overall, it was very interesting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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That's exactly what it is. They're all outside influences. I swear to god it's like people can't think for themselves anymore - Just because "so and so" and his "friends" have done it everyone else must do it.

This is why I have soooooo much respect for people who simply don't give a f*ck what others think/do.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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the guy with long hair can get girls , if he just stop looking like one of them .


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Just gave a quick glance. They look like kids, which I always thought to be worse than being ugly, if you have a baby face and look much younger you will be handicaped for a few time.

Acne, and unhealthy look of spending too much time at home, watching porn...


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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adam225 said:
That's because soooo many people put their entire focus into pu$$y. Who gives a sh1t if you stay your life a virgin ? In reality, it doesn't mean anything. It's just a word used to describe someone who hasn't had sex. The problem is when you focus/dwell on something you really want as it increases your "want" for it. The next thing you know it is the main thing on your mind e.g. - "I must go out and pull a $lut tonight". This is bad as it ends up running your life and taking over you.

Pu$$y is like any other external pleasure (play station, Xbox, drugs, skydiving,ect...) In reality you don't need ANY of them. What you need is to be in control of your own life instead of letting your deluded mind run it for you (that's just constantly chasing something to make it happy).
That's exactly what it is. They're all outside influences. I swear to god it's like people can't think for themselves anymore - Just because "so and so" and his "friends" have done it everyone else must do it.

This is why I have soooooo much respect for people who simply don't give a f*ck what others think/do.
Completely disagree. What they're going through isn't because of outside influences, social conditioning etc. They're lacking something that humans are naturally inclined to desire, something that isn't comparable to things like video games or drugs. I agree that forsaking everything else in pursuit of pvssy is unhealthy but you're trivializing their issue. Go as long as they have without satisfying a basic human desire and it's gonna have some undesirable mental effects. In reality there's a ton of things that we don't really "need." Every human being is perfectly capable of surviving while being locked up in an isolated room for the rest of their life with nothing but a feeding tube. What you're arguing is akin to telling a person locked up in this room to not give a fvck about what others do because all of that isn't really necessary to survive. Rollo made an excellent post on his blog describing the human "need" for sex.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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JoeMarron said:
Completely disagree. What they're going through isn't because of outside influences, social conditioning etc. They're lacking something that humans are naturally inclined to desire, something that isn't comparable to things like video games or drugs. I agree that forsaking everything else in pursuit of pvssy is unhealthy but you're trivializing their issue. Go as long as they have without satisfying a basic human desire and it's gonna have some undesirable mental effects. In reality there's a ton of things that we don't really "need." Every human being is perfectly capable of surviving while being locked up in an isolated room for the rest of their life with nothing but a feeding tube. What you're arguing is akin to telling a person locked up in this room to not give a fvck about what others do because all of that isn't really necessary to survive. Rollo made an excellent post on his blog describing the human "need" for sex.
I agree it's a natural desire, but the desire has been turned up 1000x times by outside influences. To the point where it is the main focus in their lives. If you keep telling yourself the same thing over and over again (and other people are as well) you will believe it and it will take over your mind.

I can see what you're getting at, trust me, as I used to think like it. It's only because of how much study I've done on meditation and spirituality that I can see that you don't actually need sex to make you happy. By all means - I'm not saying that you shouldn't have it lol. What I am saying is - don't put all your focus into it. Focus on yourself and becoming happy in who you are. After you've done that and you're in control of your life - then go out and have fun. It starts with you first; then everything else comes after...

That's my outlook anyway... I'm right in my mind; but that's not to say you need to follow it or believe me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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adam225 said:
I agree it's a natural desire, but the desire has been turned up 1000x times by outside influences. To the point where it is the main focus in their lives. If you keep telling yourself the same thing over and over again (and other people are as well) you will believe it and it will take over your mind.

I can see what you're getting at, trust me, as I used to think like it. It's only because of how much study I've done on meditation and spirituality that I can see that you don't actually need sex to make you happy. By all means - I'm not saying that you shouldn't have it lol. What I am saying is - don't put all your focus into it. Focus on yourself and becoming happy in who you are. After you've done that and you're in control of your life - then go out and have fun. It starts with you first; then everything else comes after...

That's my outlook anyway... I'm right in my mind; but that's not to say you need to follow it or believe me.
Whese men are not only looking for sex (at least not all of them ) . they are looking to have normal relationship that can produce a family .they dont want to be lonely guys. it is not all about sex .